Former Fox News reporter Carl Cameron, 60 has gone over the deep end, telling Fox News most popular host Tucker Carlson to “stop the lying.” Carlson hosts Fox News most watched show, growing an unprecedented audience. If Carlson’s audience thought he was blowing smoke, they wouldn’t watch to him. Like others in the fake news, Cameron doesn’t like Carlson’s message, especially on the Ukraine War. Carlson thinks the U.S. has no business funding a proxy war in Ukraine, giving Kiev a blank check to fight the Russian Federation. Cameron accuses Carlson, without facts, that he’s “screaming fire in a crowded movie house for years.” Cameron sounds mad telling the press that Carlson should be arrested for inciting a riot. What does Carlson do that’s any different than any other opinion host on CNN or MSNBC, often accusing the GOP of racism and white supremacy?
Cameron left Fox News June 24, 2019, saying the popular cable network had become too political for his taste. Telling highly Democrat-biased CNN’s Jim Acosta that Tucker has been “screaming fire in a crowded movie house for years,” CNN lapped up all of Cameron’s vitriol, preaching to the anti-Fox News crowd. When Acosta was a White House correspondent, no one gave former President Donald Trump a harder time. Acosta acted like a petulant teenager refusing to follow White House press decorum, frequently jumping the reporters’ queue, interrupting, refusing to take no for an answer, often disrupting Trump’s press conferences. So Acosta is the perfect person for Cameron to commiserate with since he has nothing but contempt for Trump and Fox News’ conservative bent on reporting. Now on the outs, Cameron, like former Fox News host Shepard Smith, likes to slam Fox News.
CNN builds its programming around contempt for Fox News, especially hosts like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. What really irks CNN is that Fox News has a much more loyal following, commanding much higher Nielsen ratings for its daily and nightly shows. “The fact of the matter is, if you disturb the peace by starting a riot in a movie theatre, cops are going to arrest you and you might end up in jail or you might end up in something worse,” Cameron said, sounding incoherent. CNN and MSNBC routinely accuse Trump of inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, when they have no proof. Yet when it comes to CNN, MSNBC or other liberal outlets hyping the May 25, 2020 George Floyd police murder they say nothing. By Cameron’s logic all liberal talks show hosts incited a riot because they expressed strong opinions about Floyd’s death. Cameron only likes to blame conservatives for rioting.
Cameron’s premise that only Fox News hosts like Tucker Carlson drive conservatives to riot is preposterous. That’s the same twisted logic used by House Democrats to blame Trump for the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. Liberal news outlets like to call the rabble rousers and criminals at the Capitol riots as Trump supporters. What evidence does Cameron have that all the mischief-makers were Trump supporters? But even if it’s true that they support Trump, it doesn’t mean that Trump encouraged anyone to commit violence. “An that kind of stuff absolutely has to stop, whether it’s the antitrust bill to take down and de-platform people who lie and put out falsehoods that cause damage and violence, violent hate—there ought to be something done about it,” Cameron said, vaguely blaming Carlson for inciting violence. Carlson no more incited violence than any other TV talk show host.
Cameron didn’t like Carlson comments about 18-year-old Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron, talking about in his 180-page manifesto “replacement theory.” Replacement theory didn’t originate with Carlson or Gendro but with French author Renaud Camus, who tried to explain the replacement of white Europeans from North Africa and Mideast immigration. Cameron thinks it’s criminal of Carlson to talk about the Buffalo’s shooter’s adherence to “replacement theory,” believing it will start a race riot in the United States. But instead of letting Carlson explain to his audience some of the Buffalo Shooter’s sick motivation, Cameron conflates Carlson’s obligation to his audience to help explain Gendron’s sick motives. Cameron’s blinded by his own hatred toward Fox News for getting rid of him, taking out his anger on Carlson. Cameron acts like former CBS News anchor Dan Rather after he was fired by CBS June 20, 2006.
Cameron spends much of his time ranting about Tucker Carlson because he can only fantasize what life would have been like with a successful primetime show. Cameron was a two-bit Fox News reporter that got more vindictive after his termination. When it comes to Carlson, Cameron’s criticisms are all about sour grapes, not any legitimate ethical breaches. “Democrats have to kick it in,” Cameron said. “The president has to be more forceful and sooner or later the law enforcement and U.S. government is going to have to stop the lying because it’s causing people’s deaths,” Cameron said, conflating accusations against Trump with Carlson. Cameron asks the police to arrest Carlson for what? Because he expresses a different opinion from CNN and MSNBC? When you listen to Cameron it’s clear he’s had some sort of breakdown since leaving Fox News in 2019.