Back in the news now quoted on the condition of Russian President Valdimir Putin, 57-year-old former MI6 agent Christopher Steele, the author of the fake Steele dossier on former President Donald Trump, is now quoted by the fake news. Can you imagine using Steele for any quote about anything, let alone about the physical or mental health of Putin? Steele dossier, written for former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2016 campaign, made wild unverified allegations about Trump, all of which have been debunked, totally discredited. Steele was named in federal court Friday, May 20, in the trial of former State Department official Michael Sussmann. Sussmann was accused by Special Counsel John Durham of lying to the FBI about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia’s Alfa Bank. Steele was mentioned in the context of the Russian hoax, a fake conspiracy against Trump.

It’s really unfathomable that today’s media still has the audacity of quoting anything from Steele, let alone his fake dossier. Steele admitted under oath March 16, 2019 in a civil law suit that he deleted all his files related to the Steele dossier sources, meaning there was absolutely nothing to verify the dossier’s bogus contents. In all likelihood there were no sources to the wild allegation against Trump, only complete fabrications by Steele. But know this, you’d think that the mainstream press would not be quoting Steele for anything. Yet the mainstream press must maintain their culpability in promoting Steele’s fabrications, since, as was reported in Sussmann’s trial yesterday, that Hillary leaked the Steele dossier’s contents to the press. That was verified by Hillary’s former campaign manager Robby Mooks. Steele is the best media source for lies and fabrications.

How utterly ironic that Bellingcat, a Amsterdam-based journalism fact-checking nonprofit, uses Steele as one of its sources. If that’s not the height of fake news, then what is? Bellingcat’s Russia investigator Christo Grozev says Putin knows that the war in Ukraine is “lost.” “Understand that the war is lost,” Grosev said, citing no sources at all. What could be more preposterous than “understand that the war is lost,” Grosev said, but to whom? Certainly not the Russian Federation. Grosev knows that the Russian Federation has seized nearly all of Ukraine’s strategic Black Sea coast, creating a director military corridor from Russia to the Crimean Peninsula. Meetings of the security council that are show to supposedly last for a whole hour are actually broke up into several sections,” Christopher Steele told LBC Radio. “[Putin] goes out and receives some kind of medical treatment between those sections,” Steele said.

Anyone in the press quoting Steele, including Newsweek, knows that it’s perpetuating the same fraud that Hillary used in the Steele dossier. Hillary’s campaign law firm, Perkins Cole, contracted with opposition research group FusionGPS to concoct the Steele dossier to discredit Trump’s 2016 campaign. Can you imagine former CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Director James Comey used Hillary’s Steele dossier to launch an illegal counterintelligence investigation to Trump? Yet despite Steele being totally discredited, he’s still quoted in the fake news that spent years reporting on Trump’s alleged ties to the Kremlin. Steele must be given credibility to House Democrats and fake news because they used his dossier for years to fabricate salacious allegations of Trump. No one speculates more about Putin that Ukraine’s 44-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Zelensky said today that Ukraine “has broken the backbone of the Russian army,” in another stunning fabrication used to bolster his failing war effort. Zelensky knows that he has lost nearly the entire Black Sea coastline, allowing Russia to partition Ukraine, land-lock the country. Zelensky, true to his prodigious capacity at smoke blowing, said nothing a bout nearly two thousand Ukrainian fighters at Mariupol’s Azovstal Steelworks taking May 19 as prisoners of war, ending the Russian siege that last for over two months. Zelensky compared the heroic Ukrainian fighters to “300,” where s small band of Spartans in 480 BC defeated Xerxers mighty Persian army. That’s the kin of rubbish spewed almost by the hour by Zelensky. Nothing he says has any credibility except to 79-year-old President Joe Biden. Whatever Zelensky says, while lapped up by the fake news, is exactly the opposite.

Quoting Christopher Steele is the fake news saying we’re sticking by our guy because we won’t admit to years of fraudulent reporting. Can you imagine, House Democrats, like Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) still swear by the Steele dossier. In recent years, Brennan and Comey have said they relied on other intel than the Steele dossier to tie Trump to the Kremlin. When asked for the data, Brennan and Comey produce nothing. “Certainly, from what we’re hearing from sources in Russia and elsewhere, is that Putin is, in fact, quite seriously ill,” Steele told Sky News. “It’s not clear exactly what this illness is—whether it’s curable or terminal, or whatever. But certainly part of the equation,” Steele said, spewing more of the same rubbish he did on the Steele dossier. To the fake news, all that matters is pretending that ethical journalism.still exists in the Western press.