Ukraine’s 44-year-old besieged President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to deliver his empty pep talks about the great progress in the Ukraine War about defeating the Russian Federation. Getting all the help he needs from the United States, Zelensky continues the futile fight against the Russian Federation instead of resolving the dispute in Istanbul. Zelensky has asked the U.S. and NATO for everything but the kitchen sink in his war against the Russian Federation. President Joe Biden, 79, continue to make periodic announcements about new infusions of cash-and-arms to the nationa already in ruins after more than eight weeks of war with 69-year-old President Vladimir Putin. Biden continues to run the war from the White House, using what’s left of Ukraine’s military as proxies in a U.S. war against the Russian Federation. But what has this done to Ukraine in the meantime?

Zelensky’s latest trope involves telling the world that if they don’t intervene to save Ukraine, Putin will continue to knock off more European countries once he’s done in Ukraine. Zelensky has given every excuse for why the U.S. and NATO should commit troops to Ukraine and set up a no-fly-zone to “close the skies” over Ukraine, preventing the Russian air force from more devastation to Ukraine’s towns and cities. When that doesn’t change minds in the U.S. and NATO, Zelensky then says Putin’s on the verge of using biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in Ukraine. So whether it’s a land grab or use of weapons of mass destruction, Zelensky has every excuse to get the U.S. and NATO involved in the Ukraine War. Only recently, Zelensky said that Putin’s real aim is “genocide” in Ukraine, to destroy Western democracies, something at stake in battle against he Russian Federation.

Today, Zelensky’s pitches the land-grab theory, that once Putin gets done stealing more Ukrainian land, he will more to Moldova’s Transnistria region, where Russia-speaking residents seek liberation from Moldova’s EU-centric government. But whatever Zelensky’s daily excuse, he shows no interest in resolving the conflict in Istanbul, readily set up to find a end to the Ukraine War. With the U.S. feeding Kiev billions and unlimited arms, Zelensky sees no reason to go to the table in Istanbul. He knows to meet Putin’s conditions for ending the conflict, he’ll look weak, surrendering Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. But before the Feb. 24 war, Ukraine had already surrendered territory to Russia, including Crimea and the people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk near the Russian border. So Zelensky, under orders from the White House, continues to press the war.

Zelensky continues to sell the U.S. and NATO on joining the fight against the Russian Federation. “All the nations that, like us, believe in victory of life over death must fight with us. They must help us, because we are the first in line. And who will come next?” Zelensky appealed to the Western Alliance to join the fight. Zelensky used the Eastern Orthodox Good Friday celebration to appeal to Christian countries to come to save Ukraine. “If anyone who can become next wants to stay neutral today so as not to lose anything, this is the riskiest bet. Because you will lose everything,” Zelensky said, in his hard sales pitch to start WW III. Instead of selling the Western Alliance on joining the Ukraine War, how about Zelensky joining the Istanbul peace talks to end the conflict? Zelensky has watched his country laid to waste, now in ruins, continuing to sell himself and everyone else on defeating the Russian Federation.

Giving every possible reason to join the Ukraine War, Zelensky shows little interest in joining the peace talks in Istanbul to end the war. Had Zelensky agreed that Crimea was a Russian territory and accept Donetsk and Luhansk as independent of Kiev, a ceasefire agreement would have been possible. After two months of war, Zelensky and Biden have only talked about its victory in Kiev over the Russian Federation. Whatever prompted Russia to pivot, at least for now, away from Kiev, it’s hardly time for Biden and Zelensky to declare victory. Depending on his mood, Zelensky is solicitous of the Western Alliance, and, at the same time, disparaging the Alliance for not having the guts to do more to repel the Russian invasion. Today’s appeal, Zelensky warns former Soviet republics that Putin could go after them in the near future, especially the Russian-speaking region of Trans-Dniester in Moldova.

Zelensky’s continuous attempts to pull the U.S. and NATO in the Ukraine War shows the desperation knowing that his nation is in ruins under his leadership. Encouraged by the White House to keep fighting, Zelensky has made horrible decisions for Ukraine, grossly miscalculating the Western response to the conflict. Not one EU or NATO country has taken Zelensky up on his request for troops and a no-fly-zone. Whether Zelensky’s right about Putin’s ambitions is anyone’s guess. Telling the Israeli Knesset [parliament] that Putin committed genocide against Ukrainians, Zelensky showed he’s willing to gaslight anyone into joining his war against Putin. Reports from the White House and U.S. press about Ukraine’s heroic victories are belied by all the devastation and carnage over Ukraine. Zelensky should stop selling the U.S. and NATO on starting WW III and get back to Istanbul.