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Ukraine’s 44-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky showed his true colors, denouncing NATO for its weakness, not doing enough to defend Ukraine against the Russian Federation. “When you’re working in diplomacy, there are no results. All of this is very bureaucratic,” Zelensky said, in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes.” Zelensky was rejected for NATO membership since taking office May 20, 2019, but actually since 2014 when Ukraine’s 56-year-old former President Petro Petroshenko was also denied NATO membership. “That’s why the way I am talking to them is absolutely justified. I don’t have any more lives to give. I don’t have any more e motions. I’m no longer interested in their diplomacy that leads to the destruction of my country,” Zelensky said, showing he has plenty of emotion, namely, contempt, for NATO for not going to war with the Russian Federation.

Zelensky provoked Russian President Vladimir Putin for years asking for NATO membership, knowing, with NATO membership, NATO must fight Ukraine’s battles with Article 5. “Knowing that new strikes and casualties are inevitable. NATO deliberately decided not to close the sky over Ukraine, “ Zelensky said, knowing a no-fly-zone would start WW III on the European Continent, possibly nuclear war. “All those people will die because of you,” Zelensky told “60 Minutes,” knowing it’s his responsibility to negotiate a ceasefire agreement and eventual peace talks with the Russian Federation. Zelensky acts like there are no options other that war with the Russian Federation. Zelensky vowed to not forfeit no one inch of sovereign territory knowing that he lost Crimea, Donetsk and Luhanask for the last eight years. Yet Zelensky blames NATO for not going to war.

No one in the U.S. or EU calls Zelensky out for such rubbish about NATO, knowing that many NATO countries have delivered lethal weapons to Ukraine to fight the Russian Federation. Slovakia, just yesterday, gave Ukraine its S-300 Soviet-Era missile defense system, something that could shoot down Russian fighter jets and missiles. “Because of your weakness, because of your disunity, all the alliance has managed to do so far is to carry fifty tons of diesel fuel for Ukraine,” Zelensky said. “Is this the alliance you were building?” Zelensky knows he was denied NATO membership precisely because he was actively at war with Moscow in Donbass. Zelensky’s anger toward NATO is completely unwarranted, knowing it’s unfair for any NATO country to commit boots on the ground in Ukraine or set up a no-fly-zone without creating a new world war for the trans-Atlantic Alliance.

NATO and the U.S. has more than covered for Zelensky’s temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. While Zelensky excuses Biden because the $16 billion given to Ukraine, Biden told him under no circumstances would the U.S. commit troops or install a no-fly-zone, risking shooting down Russia fighter jets. Ukraine sits on the border with Russia and knows that it’s unacceptable for the U.S. and NATO to arm Ukraine to the teeth for the inevitable war with the Kremlin. Putin understands that Biden runs the Ukraine War from the White House, realizing that the battle is actually about Russia attacking the United States. Taking $16 billion from the U.S., Ukraine has become a puppet U.S. regime sitting on Russia’s border. Putin told Biden Dec. 24, 2021 that if he didn’t negotiate new security arrangements for Ukraine and Eastern Europe, Russia would have to take “military-technical measures.”

Biden ignored all of Putin’s requests for new security arrangements for months before he invaded Ukraine Feb. 24. U.S. and Western officials insist that Ukraine is winning the war against the Russia Federation, calling Russia out for all its failures, especially not conquering Kiev in 48 hours. Zelensky has been pleading and now lashes out at NATO because Putin has methodically destroyed Ukraine’s infrastucture with a methodical bombing and missile campaign. Yet if you listen to the White House and U.S. press Russia is losing the war. So why has Zelensky denounced NATO for not doing enough, calling the trans-Atlantic Alliance “weak” for not actively joining the war against the Russian Federation? Zelensky knows that his battle against Russia is more that preserving Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity: His mission now, with White House orders, is to topple Putin.

Zelensky’s tirade on “60 Minutess” about NATO shows for all to see that he’s only concerned about NATO or the U.S. doing the heavy lifting in Ukraine. Zelensky was told by Biden the U.S. won’t put boots on the ground or setting up a no-fly-zone. If Ukraine’s is being ground down by the Kremlin, it’s up to Zelensky to take ceasefire and peace talks serious. Putin won’t end the war until Zelensky shows good faith at the bargaining table. Zelensky and his 40-year-old Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleb continue to slam NATO and the EU for not sending enough arms, but, more importantly, not sending troops and setting up a no-fly-zone. Whatever losses Ukraine sustains in its fight against the Russia Federaion, Zelensky and Kuleba blame NATO, only indirectly the U.S. Zelensky admitted on “60 Minutes” the Ukraine is wholly dependent on the U.S. in its fight with the Kremlin.