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Fox News veteran Sunday news host 74-year-old Chris Wallace did the unthinkable jumping to CNN-plus, a new venture that allows Wallace creative control of interviews of celebrities and politicians. Wallace was one of the lone wolfs at Fox News that vehemently opposed the 2020 re-election of 75-year-old President Donald Trump. Fox News is denigrated by the U.S., Democrat-controlled media establishment for taking an alternative voice supporting Republican causes and candidates. Wallace took a lot of heat for letting a Sept. 29 presidential debate between Trump and now President Joe Biden get completely out of hand. Biden was so frustrated in the debate he called Trump a “clown.” But watching Wallace in the 2020 campaign declare his clear allegiance to the election of Biden frustrated Fox New viewers. Whether admitted or not, Fox News audience deserves a different voice.

Wallace has had a vendetta with Trump for comparing him unfavorably to his late CBS “60 Minutes” newsman father Mike Wallace, an icon in broadcast journalism. While a competent broadcast journalist, Chris inherited only a booming voice from his father, without the charisma and flash in the elder CBS journalist. Trump reminded Chris on too many occasions that didn’t hold a candle to his father, often referring to Chris as a “lightweight.” Wallace gladly jumped ship to CNN after 18 years with Fox News, an extraordinary long run in any new outlet today. CNN’s 56-year-old CEO Jeff Zucker needed a shot in the arm for the ailing cable network, after firing Dec. 4 primetime host Chris Cuomo. Zucker took the nation’s first 24/7cable news network and turned it into an appendage of the Democrat Party. CNN day and nighttime hosts hue closely to the Democrat Party line.

Wallace will make a seamless transition to CNN-Plus, a new pay-for-view outlet, something that may work or not in the news business. Subscription services from Disney and CBS Viacom under Paramount-Plus have done well getting viewers to pay for largely dramatic content. Experimenting with the same format with cable news, CNN hopes to generate special content with Wallace involving a series of special interviews with celebrities and elected officials. “It is not often that a news organization gets the opportunity to bring someone of Chris Wallace’s caliber on board,” Zucker said in a statement, insulting his long-time primetime hosts. Zucker doesn’t admit that Wallace fits right in with the Democrat Party-controlled CNN, pushing back against Republican causes and candidates. Wallace did a good job working with other Democrat hacks, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, to defeat Trump in 2020.

Zucker has turned CNN into a propaganda wing to the Democrat Party, often interviewing Biden, a place at town halls and interviews where he knows he’ll never be asked tough questions. Wallace leaves Fox News much like daytime host and managing news director Shepard Smith left Fox News Oct. 11, 2019 abruptly, saying he couldn’t in clear conscience tolerate the opinion side of the house, a veiled swipe at primetime hosts Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. Like Wallace, Smith left Fox News because he was a Democrat operative who couldn’t, as an ethical journalist, control his bias against the sole, lonely Republican-backed news network owned by Rupert Murdoch. Wallace was even more disguised than Smith in pretending he was nonpartisan, when, in fact, he despised Trump and would do practically anything to see him out of office. Wallace got his wish when Biden beat Trump Nov. 3, 2020.

Fox News operates in a vacuum with the oxygen sucked out of the national audience by the preponderance of liberal news and cable outlets. Yet despite offering the one GOP voice in the news business, the rest of the industry has worked feverishly to destroy the more conservative network started by Roger Ailes in 1996. With so much intolerance in the U.S. press for conservative voices Fox News still has a loyal audience, often times winning the cable news wars with the highest Nielsen Ratings. When you consider that 99% of the broadcast and print journalism industry is controlled by the Democrat Party, it shows in today’s journalism the intolerance for anything other than carbon-copy liberal perspectives, using news outlets to advance only a Democrat Party agenda. Wallace crossed the line at Fox News doing everything possible to discredit Trump in the 2020 campaign.

Wallace likes to pretend he lived true to the Fox News creed of “fair-and-balanced” journalism. “People come up to me, and the thing they saw most often is, I love how fair your are. I love that you’re equally tough on both sides,” Wallace told Deadline in an interview. Deadline, a liberal outlet, saw nothing wrong with working as a covert Democrat operative to upend Trump’s 2020 re-election bid. Wallace pretends he was a neutral journalists, when it reality he worked like Dr. Anthony Fauci as a Democrat operative in the 2020 campaign. Wallace fits right into CNN’s format of advancing the Democrat Party agenda. No longer does Wallace have to fend off critics that he’s a biased journalist. He fits right in to CNN, the perfect fit for a journalist originally for NBC and ABC News. Wallace came back to the roost where he can fit in to CNNA as a proud liberal/