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Secretary of State Antony Blinken, 59, waxed poetic describing his version of democracy, as long at it pushed a Democrat agenda, including working day-and-night to disparage the opposition, creating oligarchy in the United States. Blinken thinks that the U.S. contrasts itself from authoritarian regimes by the spread of disinformation and propaganda, something he insists happens in authoritarian regimes. Blinken obviously gives the U.S. press a free pass on spending the last five years joining the Democrat Party to spread massive disinformation and propaganda against former President Donald Trump. Blinken wants to paint the Biden administration as the champion of democracy, when, in fact, it’s done everything possible to extinguish the U.S. free press by infiltrating newsrooms with Democrat Party operatives. To Blinken, propaganda and disinformation only comes from authoritarian regimes.

Blinken doesn’t admit or see what’s become obvious to anyone with a set of eyes that the U.S. press has been corrupted to the core by the Democrat Party. When 99% of news coverage on the airwaves and in newspapers is controlled by the Democrat Party, how is it possible to guarantee the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, the right to free speech? There’s no free speech when one political party controls 99% of the media, promoting the Democrat Party agenda. “This is why President Joe Biden is bringing more than 100 governments together for the Summit for Democracy,” Blinken said, a forum that starts Wednesday, Dec. 15. “Democracy and authoritarianism are global phenomena, The don’t stay within borders. Ideas spread. News travels,” Blinken said. What Blinken doesn’t say is that today’s U.S. press is so controlled by the Democrat Party, there’s no freedom of speech.

News organizations in the U.S. parrot the Democrat Party line, just like Biden and Blinken want the public to believe that democracies have no disinformation and propaganda. When it came to Trump, the U.S. democracy, under orders from former President Barack Obama, spent years investigating Trump, still justifying the FBI counterintelligence investigation alleging Trump was a Russian asset. So when the nation’s most prestigious newspapers, like the New York Times and Washington Post, spent over four years writing un-sourced or anonymously sourced stories largely stemming from former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research AKA the Steele Dossier, what’s the Amrican public supposed to think? Blinken touts the U.S. democracy compared to authoritarian regimes. But how different is the actual disinformation and propaganda?

In authoritarian regimes, the state makes no bones over the fact that the press is controlled by the state. But in Democratic regimes, the assumption is the free press can draw its own conclusions in evidence or fact-based journalism. When the facts come from the Democrat Party, and reporters parrot back the Democrat Party agenda, there’s nothing left but propaganda and disinformation. Today’s free press under Democrat Party control is no different that the state controlled press in authoritarian regimes. Elected officials like to laugh at state-run news agencies like Russia’s Pravda or China’s Xinhua news outlets, admitting that today’s broadcast and print media under Democrat Party control is no different than the most pernicious propaganda coming from state run news outlets. Today’s U.S. democracy has been challenged by a free press controlled by the Democrat Party.

Blinken thinks that when elected officials spew jingo like “human rights,” “civil rights” and “social justice,” it gives them a license to deceive the public. “When there are broad-based commitments in those forums to democratic principles and human rights, those ideals are fortified across countries and communities,” Blinken said. Biden and Blinken think democracy starts-and-ends with one-party rule in the United States. Republicans are routinely denigrated by Democrats as racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic and authoritarian. “Authoritarian governments are actively working to sow division and distrust in democracies. The crisis we face is real. We must be clear-eyed and united in our determination to rise to this moment,” Blinken said. What could be more divisive in American society to say the country is “systemically racist,” stating it as an absolute fact?

Blinken talks about democracies fighting corruption but only as it relates to spreading a Democrat Party agenda. When it comes to disinformation and propaganda, the U.S. press blamed former President Donald Trump for the spread of the deadly novel coronavirus. Former Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward worked with the Democrat Party to demonize Trump, saying he knew everything about the deadly novel coronavirus Jan. 28, 2020. There were only a few cases and no deaths in the U.S. but, to Woodward’s Democrat Party agenda, Trump was to blame. When it came to the Russian hoax, the U.S. media spread endless lies about Trump ties to the Kremlin. Even after the Mueller Report cleared Trump, the Democrat controlled press insisted Trump worked for the Kremlin. Blinken has a lot to learn about democracy, starting with the most basic elements—an independent and free press.