Battle-lines have been drawn by the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization [WHO] over 78-year-old President Joe Biden’s call for an independent study about the origin of the novel coronavirus. China and WHO have pushed the natural occurrence theory, saying the deadly and highly contagious coronavirus suddenly appeared from nature. Scientists tied to WHO largely back the Chinese Communist Party line that the virus occurred naturally in Wuhan, China, most likely from a seafood of wet market. Since the virus began to spread everywhere like wildfire in Jan 2020, 56-year-old WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom denied Jan. 14, 2020 that there was any “human-to-human” transmission in Wuhan, China. WHO had plenty of personnel on the ground in Wuhan, watching corpses from the mysterious respiratory illness pile up on city streets.
Wuhan’s 14 crematoriums were running 24/7, could not keep pace with spiraling death rates. WHO knew that Wuhan authorities banned in-ground funerals, supplying free cremation to Wuhan residents. Yet Tedros told a Geneva press conference Jan. 14 there was no human-to-human transmission. When former President Donald Trump banned flights to-and-from China Jan. 31, 2020, Tedros held another Geneva press event Feb. 5, criticizing Trump for interfering with China’s business. WHO officials like to act “scientific,” but they’re anything but, accusing the U.S. of playing politics. Whether its politics or outright corruption, Tedros did everything possible to prevent the world from knowing about the deadly SARS-like outbreak in Wuhan. Unlike 2003-2004 SARS outbreak that infected 8,096 and killed 774 worldwide, today’s SARS CoV-2 global pandemic infected 170,109,682, killing 3,536,797.
Tedros wants the world to believe that the massive discrepancy in contagiousness and lethality between SARS and SARS CoV-2 was naturally occurring. WHO scientists pushing the naturally occurring theory have no facts when they say the U.S. is playing politics. Mike Ryan, Executive Director of WHO’s emergencies programs said research into the origin of the virus has been “poisoned by politics.” But the only one playing politics is China and WHO. Tedros owes his Director-General job to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Tedros denied the viral outbreak in Wuhan in Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020, to protect his friend Xi from the fallout from a global pandemic on China’s economy. Yet Tedros waited until March 11, 2020 to declare a global pandemic. China and WHO has spent the past year-and-a-half pushing a baseless theory that the virus occurred naturally.
When you consider the dramatic differences in contagiousness, cases and death between SARS and SARS CoV-2, there’s simply no precedent in infectious disease history to account for how minor genetic variation between the two viruses could account for the massive differences in contagiousness, cases and deaths. China wants to deny the obvious that it was experimenting at the Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV] bio-weapons lab with bat-derived coronaviruses. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, researcher Dr. Ralph Baric and WIV chief virologist Shi Zheng-li injected coronaviruses with Angiotensin II [ACE-2], creating a monster virus capable of easily penetrating the human cell by altering the virus’s spike protein. WHO officials don’t want to admit what was going on in WIV’s bio-weapons lab because it directly pins the creation of the novel coronavirus on China.
China has pulled out all the propaganda stops using WHO to deny its role in violating the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention. Baric and Zheng-li engaged in “gain of function” research on bat coronaviruses, making them far more contagious and lethal. When Baric made this information public, China’s 48-year-old Foreign Minister Spokesman Zhao Lijian started blowing more smoke, demanding that the Pentagon open up Maryland’s Fort Detrick to inspect its bio-weapons labs. Lijian was the first March 13, 2020 two days after Tedros declared a global pandemic, to blame the U.S. military for planting the virus in Wuhan. Lijian’s nonsense came on month after Chinese President Xi Jinping ordered the Ministry of Science and Technology to tighten up bio-security at China’s microbiology labs. Does that sound like Xi thought the virus came for a natural source or the U.S. military?
U.S. intel officials looking into the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus need to look no further than what’s already been widely reported in the news. Lijian’s new nonsense shows that Beijing is worried about the world finding out that SARS CoV-2 was manufactured using “gain of function” research in WIV’s bio-weapons lab. When you listen to WHO’s Tedros or Mike Ryan talking about playing politics, they’ve done everything possible to cover-up what happened in the WIV’s bio-weapons lab. No naturally occurring coronavirus could have the infectious ferocity unless its was altered in the laboratory. Baric and Zheng-li’s “gain of function” research on coronaviruses blew up in their faces, once it infected lab workers and spread to the Wuhan population then the world. WHO continues the cover-up the origin of the virus, caught in an ugly lie protecting China.
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