Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) passed today with bipartisan bill that declassified all intel related to the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus, something strange because why should it take an act of Congress to get basic facts from the intel community? Why would the intel community classify information related to the origin of Covid-19, when the whole world has waited patiently to find out what happened? If you listened to Communist China, the case is open-and-shut: SARS CoV-2 originated naturally in a Wuhan, China seafood or wet market. World Health Organization [WHO], whiich denied an infectious disease outbreak in Wuhan for three months, insists the virus occurred naturally but has no data to support the theory. China, from the outset of the novel coronavirus global pandemic, denied that it had an infectious disease crisis, only reluctantly admitting the event.
When 78-year-old President Joe Biden said Wednesday, May 26, that he wanted an independent investigation into the origin of the novel coronavirus over the next 90 days, it threw the U.S. and foreign press for a loop. Since WHO announced a global pandemic March 11, 2020, China, WHO and the domestic and foreign press all insisted the virus occurred naturally Octobers 2020 in Wuhan, China. Then two days after WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom announced a global pandemic March 11, China’s 48-year-old Foreign Minister threw facts to the wind claiming the U.S. military planted the virus in Wuhan Oct. 2020. Going from the natural theory to now the U.S. military planted the virus was hardly noticed by anyone in the domestic or foreign press. U.S. and foreign press regurgitated the Chinese Communist Party line that the virus occurred naturally in Wuhan, China.
Lijian’s preposterous allegation about the U.S. military indicated something far more nefarious about the origin of the virus. Two weeks after former President Donald Trump banned all flights to-and-from China Jan. 31, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke to the nation about the deadly outbreak Feb. 14. Xi told the Chinese nation that he ordered the Ministry of Science and Technology to tighten up bio-security at China’s microbiology labs. Does that sound like Xi thought the deadly coronavirus hitting Wuhan came from natural sources? Today tirade by Lijian, demanding that the U.S. open up Fort Detrick, home of the Pentagon’s bio-weapons’ research program, to U.N. inspectors shows China’s cover-up of the lab-leak theory, no longer discredited by a corrupt media as a “conspiracy theory.” Lijian’s wild statements today show that the world is one step closer to finding out what happened.
What most disturbing is how the U.S. and foreign media rubber-stamped China’s feeble explanations about the origin of the virus. Everyone knows the first outbreak of the deadly coronavirus was walking distance to the Wuhan Instituted of Virology [WIV], not Fort Detrick. Yet Lijian thinks that all media consumers in the U.S., Europe or Asia take hook, line and sinker Chinese Communist propaganda. But does Lijian know what he ‘s saying when he tells the world today the U.S. bio-weapons lab was the source of the highly contagious virus? Lijian has gone mad covering up what happened in WIV’s bio-weapons lab. Lijian didn’t like hearing what Dr. Ralph Baric had to say about his collaborative research with WIV’s chief scientist Shi Zhang-li. Baric admitted to injecting bat coronaviruses that were not contagious to humans with Agiotensin II [ACE-2] to increase human contagiousness.
Injecting the bat coronaviuses with ACE-2 changed the spike protein that infects human sells, making the otherwise innocuous virus lethally congtagious. Baric and Zhang-li created a super-spreader, highly infectious virus by changing the conranvirus’s spike protein to infect human cells. No, Lijian won’t talk about that, only pointing fingers at the U.S. bio-weapons’ program at Ft. Detrick. But why Hawley had to pass a bill to declassify more information about the origin of the coronavius is anyone’s guess. When it comes to outright disinformation and propaganda, it’s not coming from Russia, it’s coming from the New York Times, Washington Post and liberal broadcast outlets like CNN and MSNBC. Democrats and their friends in the media used the coronavirus pandemic to demonize former President Donald Trump, repeating China’s rubbish about the origin of the virus.
Why the truth matters when it comes to the deadly novel coronavirus is that “novel” coronavirus was created in a WIV bio-weapons lab by injecting ordinary bat coronaviruses with ACE-2, creating a deadly spike protein to infect humans with a ferocity not seen in nature. “The American people deserve the truth about the origins of Covid. Tonight the Senate unanimously adopted by bill w/ @SenatorBraun to declassify what the U.S. government knows,” Hawley tweeted. There’s plenty of declassified information on the deadly coronavirus that proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the novel coronavirus was manufactured in Wuhan’s bio-weapons lab. What China intended to do with the virus is anyone’s guess. Judging by the 169,976,058 cases and 3,532.908 deaths worldwide, China could use the next deadly pathogen to blackmail the civilized world, dominate the planet.