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Pushing back on a Wall Street Journal report from U.S. intel officials that three Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV] lab workers were hospitalized in Nov. 2019 of mysterious illness, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian was back at it his old tricks. Lijian was the Chinese official that blamed the U.S. military March 13, 2020 of planting the virus in Wuhan, China, an outrageous cover-up of what happened in the WIV bio-weapons’ lab where Chinese mad scientists experimented with “gain of function” research on deadly coronaviruses. But Lijian capitalized on the Biden administration’s new love affair with the World Health Organization [WHO], using it as a lingering campaign beef with former President Donald Trump. Trump cancelled funding to WHO when he realized that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom had covered up the Covid-19 pandemic for three months.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH chief of allergy and infectious disease, knew what kind of “gain of function” research China was conducting on deadly coronviruses because he issued a $4 million grant to Peter Daszek’s U.K. research group EcoHealth Alliance. Daszeck gave $500,000 to WIV to continue its avante garde “gain of function” research on coronaviruses. WIV researchers injected coronviruses in Petrie dishes with agiotensin II [ACE2] converting enzyme to watch the viruses become lethally contagious. But to the Chinese Communist Party and WHO this must be denied because it violated the 1975 biological weapons convention, conducting research to make already infectious coronaviruses lethally contagious to humans. China and WHO like to label the lab-leak theory of the origin of the coronavirus a “conspiracy theory,” the media’s way to discredit anything that disagrees with their narrative.

U.S. media’s blind hatred of the Trump administration has blinded them to what happened in Wuhan. To the media, they have to agree with Communist China or WHO because it contradicts the obvious fact that China was performing illegal bio-weapons research. U.S. media has aligned itself with a known Communist bureaucrat liar like Zhao Lijian, who blamed the U.S. military for originating the virus March 13, 2020. Communist Chinese officials couldn’t keep their story straight with Chinese President Xi Jinping telling the Chinese nation Feb. 14, 2020 that he ordered the Ministry of Science and Technology to tighten up bio-security at China’s microbiology labs. Does that sound like the deadly coronavirus came from a seafood or wet market? Yet the Chinese Communist Party insisted that the virus occurred naturally. Lijian said the U.S. military planted the virus in Wuhan.

Biden’s administration and the U.S. media is so committed to discrediting the Trump administration, they’re willing to accept any lie by China or the WHO. Lijian said it was “disrespectful” to WHO to revive the lab-leak theory. WHO’s March 4 report said that the lab-leak theory, though unlikely, could not be ruled out. Lijian cleverly said the lab-leak theory was “undermining of global solidarity to fight the virus,” diverting attention away from a growing body of evidence that indicates the deadly novel coronvirus was created in WIV’s bio-weapons’ lab. “If the U.S. really wants full transparency, then it should like China did, invite WHO experts to visit the U.S. and investigate. “Open up Fort Detrick military base as early as possible, and all the labs the U.S. has around the world,” Lijian said, diverting attention to his March 13, 2020 statement that the U.S. military planted the virus.

If the U.S. press can’t get over its hatred of the Trump administration, there’s no hope to every getting to the bottom of the novel coronavirus origin. Lijian places his trust in Tedros and WHO because they’ve been covering up for China since the beginning of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Tedros admonished Trump Feb. 5, 2020 in a Geneva press conference after Trump banned all air travel Jan. 31, 2020 to-and-from China. Tedros told the press Jan. 14, 2020 there was no “human-to-human” transmission of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan. Tedros knew that corpses were piling up on Wuhan streets, even after running its 14 crematoriums 21/7 to dispose of Covid-19 infected corpses. Tedros didn’t get around to declaring a global pandemic until March 11, 2020 six weeks after Trump banned Chinese flights.

When you look at the U.S. and foreign press complicity with China, despite knowing all the Communist Party’s fabrications about the deadly coronvirus, they’ve aided-and-abetted China’s cover-up of the origin of the virus. Reports of Chinese scientists injecting coronvirus with ACE-2 to increase its infectious lethality tells the real story of where the virus originated. Lijian wants to open up Fort Detrick because China refused to open up WIV for over one year from the deadly outbreak. Hatred of the Trump administration should not blind the press to accept China’s feeble explanations from a known liar like Lijian, who, on March 13, 2020, accused the U.S. military of planting the virus. Because China, WHO and certain apologists in the press call the lab-leak scenario a “conspiracy theory” doesn’t mean that it’s factual. All the best evidence points to China working on a coronavirus bioweapon at WIV.