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Leaking a confidential briefing of Australian Maj. Gen. Adam Findlay to Special Forces in April 2020, Findlay warned about a high likelihood of armed conflict with Beijing over Taiwan. Findlay said that Australia was already competing with Beijing in “Grey Zone,” meaning cyber-warfare, intelligence gathering, disinformation, propaganda and Beijing’s intimidating unwanted patrols in the Taiwan Strait. When Findlay spoke to Special Forces, he knows that there’s nothing Australia can do to protect Taiwan from a Chinese invasion.. Australia already trades about $ 750 million or $1 Billion Australian with the China, making it the largest trading partner. While there’s concern about last year’s secret briefing, there’s nothing imminent about any Australian military action at this time. Secretary of State Tony Blinken, 58, speaking at the G7 in London, included Australia his coalition of the willing.

If there’s any new risk of military confrontation in the Taiwan Strait or South China sea it’s because 78-year-old President Joe Biden has chosen a belligerent path since taking office. Hosting a get-to-know-you summit in Anchorage, Alaska March 18, Blinken and 44-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan accused Beijing of committing genocide on Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang province. Blinken and Sullivan didn’t stop there, accusing Beijing of human rights abuses in Hong Kong and military intimidation in Taiwan. Blinken joined British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announcing they would form a coalition of nations, including the U.S., U.K., France, Australia, Japan and South Korea to, to confront Chinese aggression in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea. Blinken and Raab’s statements push the Pacific Rim closer to the brink with China.

Since the G7 started May 3, Blinken and Raab have encouraged the world’s biggest powers to confront Chinese and Russian aggression, especially propaganda and disinformation campaigns. Sentiment at the G7 has been so negative against China and Russia that it’s made other economic powers uncomfortable hearing the U.S. and British feud with China and Russia. No matter what coalition Blinken or Raab forms against China, there’s no stomach in any of the nations, including the U.S., for armed conflict with China. China’s been flying simulated bombing mission over the Taiwan Strait during what it calls war games or military exercises. Performing amphibious assault exercises and military over-flights ignores Taiwan’s “media-line,” showing how provocative Beijing has been in recent months. China’s daring the U.S. or Taiwan to challenge Beijing’s provocations.

China wants the world to recognize that Taiwan is China’s sovereign territory, despite, like Hong Kong, pretending autonomy from Beijing. Blinken and Raab wants to discourage China from its current aggressive actions toward Taipei, something Beijing sees as part of China. Beijing wants the world to acknowledge that Taiwan is officially part of Communist China, despite the island nation escaping after WW II to the Island of Formosa to preserve democratic government. Since the 1949 Maoist Revolution, the U.S. has offered Taiwan protection against Communist China, something that weakened over the last 70 years as China has grown in its military prowess. While China has not pressed for military conflict with Taiwan, the ongoing propaganda battle has several Pacific Rim countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Japan worried about a Chinese invasion.

Taiwan wants commitments from the U.S., Britain, Australia and Japan to prevent a Chinese invasion. Maj. Gen. Findlay’s report to Special Forces raises old concerns for Australia that’s attached at the hip to the U.S. With Blinken talking tough about China, Australia tries to provide regional military support to the U.S. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Foreign Minister Marise Payne can’t figure out what Biden and Blinker are trying to do with China. For all the press reports, both have pushed the two superpowers to the brink, condemning China for its human rights abuses against Muslim Uyghurs in Western China, pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Blinken and Raab want as stronger Pacific Rim alliances against China to discourage any possible Taiwan invasion. Chinese President Xi Jinping isn’t intimidated by Blinken and Raab’s anti-China coalition.

Blinken and Raab have hijacked the G7 to develop a strategy to resist Chinese and Russia aggression. While tension have subsided near the Ukraine border with Russian President Vladimir Putin pulling back some 50,000 Russian troops, the situation with China continues to escalate. Blinken knows that whatever coalition he develops to protect Taiwan, none of the nations wants any part of war with China. If the G7 wants to get along with China, they should stop treating Beijing as an adversary, preparing to invade Taiwan. U.S. and British officials have heard the same threats against Beijing for the last 70 years. If Biden and Blinken can get off their high horse and stop slamming China for genocide or a pro-democracy crackdown in Hong Kong, it’s possible to get back to normal relations. As long as Biden and Blinken keep ripping China, the world will be an unsafe place.