In a new revelation about the Steele Dossier, former British MI6 agent Christopher Steele admitted to a second dossier produced exclusively for 60-year-old former FBI Director James Comey. Fearing that using former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research AKA the “Steele Dossier,” Comey apparently ordered his own 35-page dossier getting unverified dirt on 74-year-old former President Donald Trump. For years, no one mentioned anything about a second dossier used to get warrants to wiretap former Trump campaign officials from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] Court. Whether the first or second dossier, it’s pure rubbish in both versions, all fabricated for a price by Steele to help Hillary get elected in 2016. Finding a second dossier shows the extent of Comey’s criminal activity, trying to cover his tracks investigating Trump.
Launching a counterintelligence investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign, Comey tried to show he had real probable cause when he went to the FISA court for warrants to wiretap Trump campaign officials. Whether the first or the second dossier, the same wild allegations were made about Trump’s sexual exploits with a prostitute in Moscow while hosting the Miss. Universe Beauty Pageant. Steele’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence, provided Comey with the goods early on in the investigation. Comey didn’t really care whether the dossier was fabricated, he only cared about digging up dirt on Trump to help Hillary get elected. When Steele testified April 24, 2020 he admitted he has nothing to back up any of the claims made in the dossier, namely, that they don’t exist because he fabricated the contents. That didn’t stop Comey from using it to get wiretaps from the FISA court.
When Special Counsel Robert Mueller started his investigation May 17, 2017, he knew Steele’s dossier, whether Hillary or Comey’s, was utter rubbish but proceeded anyway to investigate Trump for 22-months, spending $40 million, all to conclude March 23, 2919 that there were no ties between Trump or his campaign to Russia. Now that it’s been discovered that two Steele dossiers exist, it’s even more damning to Comey and the FBI because he actually paid Steele to develop a second dossier. Whatever “raw intelligence” Steele used in his first dossier, it was all lost according to Steele under oath Apri.l 24, 2020. Reporting on the second dossier, news sources suggest it legitimizes Comey’s counterintelligence investigation. What it shows is that Comey was in on the scandal, paying Steele for more rubbish to justify the probe to seek warrants to wiretap from the FISA Court.
Comey was fired by Trump May 8, 2017 for leaking continuously to the New York Times and Washington Post salacious details about Steele’s rubbish. Former Deputy Atty. Gen, Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller Special Counsel May 17, 2017, despite knowing that the probable cause in either Steele dossier was unverified nonsense. U.S. Atty. John Durham (R-Conn.), now Special Counsel, was supposed to report on the origins of Comey’s counterintelligence investigation Trump’s detractors in the press like to talk about Mueller’s convictions with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone, all of whom got presidential pardons. What the press refuses to talk about is the firing of FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Agents Peter Strzok and Joe Joe Pientko and FBI Atty. Lisa Page.
What the media refuses to print or discuss is that the orders to launch a counterintelligence investigation into Trump’s campaign came from former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden. Both quietly, off the record, invited former CIA Director John Brennan and Comey to conduct the investigation, using Steele’s bogus dossiers. Comey never admitted that he contracted with Steele to dredge up all the dirt on Trump and his 2016 campaign, knowing the there was no verification of underlying intel sources to Steele’s allegations. Former National Security Director Susan Rice, former Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch, and Deputy Atty. Gen. Sally Yates were all involved in sabotaging Trump’s 2016 campaign. When he beat Hillary Nov. 8, 2018, they continued the phony investigations to discredit his presidency, accusing him of colluding with the Kremlin.
Comey’s hiring of Steele in 2016 to continue investigating Trump was his way of justifying the probable cause to his investigation. Steele fed Comey more garbage through the 2016 campaign, knowing that no underlying intel was valid. All of the co-conspirators met in the Oval Office Jan. 5, 2017, only two weeks before Trump’s inauguration where they all committed themselves to entrapping Trump’s 62-year-old former National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Flynn did nothing wrong other than talk to former U.S. Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak about nothing special during the transition period. Yet the government witch-hunt against Trump and his campaign was well underway and not about to stop. No one in the mainstream press every corrected the record or admitted that Comey’s investigation against Trump was highly illegal and based on utter rubbish.