Speaking to G7 ministers in London today, 47-year-old British Foreign Secretary Dominique Raab said the G7 will make a concerted effort of combat Russian and Chinese propaganda. Raab showed he knows next to nothing about propaganda, saying he was “getting the G7 to come together with a rapid rebuttal mechanism,” exposing for all to see the ineptitude in dealing with disinformation. Whatever disinformation exists in Russia and China, there’s far more in the Western press, who pretends all news stories are fact-checked, when, it reality, the fact checkers are all biased trying to advance political agendas. When it comes to the Western alliance, Raab’s kidding himself that they don’t put out equal-or-greater amount of propaganda than Russia or China, despite denying it better. When it comes to the Western press, whether newspapers or wire services, they’re always advancing a political agenda.
Former President Donald Trump, 78, found out what happens when the U.S. propaganda machine directs all their ire at you, demonizing you as the second coming to Adolf Hitler. By the time the Nov. 3 presidential election crashed-and-burned for Trump, his communication director 32-year-old Hope Hicks was badly out-matched by the liberal press, demonizing Trump to the point that he was worse that Darth Vader, the personification of all evil. Trump blames the election failure on fraud, when the real fraud in his campaign was installing an imposter as communication director. Hicks never challenged the media propaganda that Trump was a Russian asset, or, as the campaign, wore on engaged in quid pro quos with 43-year-old Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. So much disinformation flowed from U.S. media against Trump it eclipsed anything done by Russia and China.
Raab talks about the great threat to the West from Russia and Chinese propaganda, but what about the threat from the Western press that likes to demonize Russian and China. When it comes to Russia, the U.S. and foreign press have transformed 44-year-old jailed Russian dissident Alexi Navanly into a pro-democracy hero. Navalny was stripped Feb. 24 of his “prisoner of conscience” status by Amnesty International for calling Chechens “cockroaches,” saying they only understood the barrel of a gun. But to the Western press, Navalny’s been the West’s best opportunity of getting rid of 68-year-old President Vladimir Putin. Raab wants to respond to Russian propaganda but what’s Putin supposed to do with all the disinformation from the West. When it came to Putin’s invasion of Crimea, the Western press blamed Putin for breaching international norms.
No one in the Western press discussed the fact that Putin watched a CIA-backed coup topple the Kremlin-backed government of Viktor Yanukovych Feb. 22, 2014, one week before Putin invaded Crimea. What’s more propaganda, that Russia thought its Sevastopol naval base was threatened by the pro-NATO coup or that Putin invaded Crimea for no good reason other than stealing Ukraine’s sovereign territory. Raab need a rapid propaganda force to counter Putin’s argument that a CIA-backed coup toppled a duly elected government. “So when we see these lies and propaganda or fake news being put out there, we can—can not just individually, but come together to provide a rebuttal and frankly to prove the truth, for the people of this country but also in Russia or China or around the world,” Raab said. Talking openly about countering propaganda neutralizes any benefit to getting out an alternative story.
Raab claims he wants to get out the truth but each country, each political agenda, has its own truth, whether it’s factual or not. When it comes to the novel coronavirus, why hasn’t Raab demanded the truth about the origin of the virus from Chinese President Xi Jinping. Xi insists the virus occurred naturally in Wuhan, China. Yet his Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Linjian said the U.S. military planted the virus in Wuhan. Xi himself said Feb. 14, 2020 in an address to the nation that he’s ordered China’s Ministry of Science and Technology to improve biosecurity at China’s microbiology labs. Does that sound like Xi thinks the deadly coronavirus occurred naturally? Yet the World Health Organization [WHO], all supported by the G7, said that there was no human to human transmission in Wuhan, China Jan. 14, 2020. Where’s the propaganda Raab’s talking about, coming from China or from the U.S. and European press?
Propaganda’s a two-way street, advanced by any country with an ax to grind, including the U.S., EU, U.K., Russia or China. Talking about a response to propaganda neutralizes any benefit of an organized way to combating it. Raab plans to meet with at the G7 with 58-year-old U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken, a known smoke blower who accused China of “genocide,” when there’s zero evidence that China has tried to exterminate the Muslim Uyghur population in Western China’s Xinjiang province. Blinken insists China engages in genocide, when they’ve herded Uyghurs in re-eductiona camps and used them for forced labor, like many multinational corporations Nike Inc, whose had Uyghurs stitch up their sneakers. Raab should work diligently at the G7 to figure out whether or not China worked on a bioweapon in Wuhan before unleashing plague on the rest of the world