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Backing 78-year-old President Joe Biden’s inexcusable attacks on 68-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin, the U.S. press eggs the cognitively impaired Biden to commit the U.S. to war with the Russian Federation. When Joe called Putin a “killer” without a soul March 16, it’s clear that Biden lacks the filters needed to be commander-in-chief. Whatever Joe thinks of Putin personally, he shouldn’t be name-calling on the world stage, prompting gasps from foreign leaders around the world. Biden claims he’s leading the “Free World” but no one in the European Union [EU] or any other country wants a confrontation with the Russian Federations. Instead of backing or supporting Biden’s reckless behavior, the media should be calling him out for endangering U.S. national security. If former President Donald Trump called Putin a “soulless killer,” he would have been impeached.

Media backing of Biden’s reckless diplomacy suggests that they’re pushing for a military confrontation with Russia. No one in the EU wants any part of such nonsense, despite Biden threatening Putin March 16 saying he “would pay a price.” Biden’s referring to alleged poisoning of 44-year-old Russian dissident Alexi Navalny, now rotting in a penal colony, once known as a gulag in Soviet days. “President Putin authorized operations during the election to denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society,” said ABC’s flame-throwing left wing TV journalist George Stephanopoulos. Biden took Stephanopoulos bait, hook, like and sinker, thinking, he’s in safe territory for a memory-impaired president. “What price must he pay?” asked Stephanopoulos. “He will pay a price,” Biden responded, not saying what he would do to Putin.

Stephanopoulos’s statements about Putin aren’t supported by facts or real evidence but are a continuation of Democrat talking points used against Trump. Trump was accused for four years without evidence of working closely with the Kremlin. Speaking utter rubbish to Stephanopoulos, Biden rambled on about meeting Putin face-to-face. “I said, ‘I looked into your eyes, and I don’t think you have as soul,’” Biden told George. “He looked back, and he said we understand each other,” Biden said, recounting pure rubbish, pure fantasy that Biden concocted to give Stephaopoulos what he wanted. Stephanopoulos didn’t say to Biden, I think you said the same thing about Trump, making “restoring the soul of our country” your campaign theme. Baiting Biden into making incendiary statements is bound to harm U.S. national security, not criticized by anyone in the liberal press.

What’s Stephanopoulos trying to do, whip Biden up into such utter nonsense, claiming Putin tried to sway the 2020 U.S. election. Well, he did about as good influencing the 2020 election as he did in 2016, where former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton believes her own campaign rubbish, the “Steele Dossier.” U.S. intel agencies are quick to blame Putin for almost anything, going so far to say he influenced the 2016 and 2020 election results. Well, Hillary won 3 million more popular votes than Trump in 2016 and Biden beat Trump by 5 million votes in 2020. So, what’s Stephanopoulos talking about saying Putin influenced the 2020 election. Stephanopoulos asked Biden whether he thought Putin was a killer. “Mmm Hmm,” Biden said. “I do.” With judgment that bad, the media should be screaming about Biden’s incredibly bad judgment, not knowing the consequences.

U.S. foreign policy depends on cooperation with the Russian Federation in hot spots around the world, including Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea and Iran. With U.S. troops getting ready to leave Afghanistan, Putin holds sway with the Taliban that looks poised to topple the U.S.-backed government of Ashraf Ghani. When it comes to Syria, Putin stood up the U.S. and European Union [EU] prosy war to topple the Damascus government of President Bashar al-Assad. Former President Barack Obama and Biden spent billions supporting a Syrian insurgency that caused, over eight years, 500,00 deaths and 12 million Syrians displaced to neighboring countries and Europe. Syrian immigration to Europe drove the U.K. out of the EU with Brexit and practically broke the 28-nation union. Biden has now alienated Putin to the point he’ll provide no cooperation for likely hot spots around the globe.

What’s wrong with the U.S. media backing the insanity of Biden calling Putin a “soulless killer,” something that offended members of NATO and practically every nation on the planet. What’s Stephanopoulos trying to do, cause a military confrontation with Russia? Does George think WW III would be good for ABC’s ratings? Surely, egging Biden on to make whopping gaffes should not make the U.S. press proud. It’s utterly disgraceful and dangerous for the press to manipulate a cognitively challenged president that doesn’t know what he’s done to harm U.S. national security. Sending Secretary of State Tony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to Anchorage to embarrass China was equally irresponsible. Yet Biden’s “proud” of Blinken’s Anchorage summit with China. U.S. press should try to provide a safety check for Biden’s reckless behavior.