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Giving some blinding insights into presidential history, 65-year-old Presidential historian Michael Beschloss gave away all the trade secrets, denouncing 74-year-old President Donald Trump to 41-year-old MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, part of the network’s anti-Trump lineup. Beschloss told Hayes that Trump could do nothing to change the record of coronavirus AKA CoV-2 or Covid-19 cases and deaths in the United States. Beschloss sounded no different than 78-year-old former Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward who became an integral part of the 2020 Democrat campaign strategy to blame Trump for the Covid-19 crisis. Woodward asserted in his book, “Rage,” that Trump knew everything about virus Jan. 28, when Trump told Woodward in an interview he didn’t want to panic the public, when there were only a handful of cases and no deaths in the United States.

Yet Woodward took his interview with Trump completely out-of-context, telling the Democrat Party and all that would listen that Trump didn’t act responsibly to stop the budding public health emergency. Woodward and now Beschloos are so full of hot air, so partisan, so twisted in their thinking that they must be exposed. Woodward was not a journalist interviewing Trump last January but a Democrat political operative setting the attention-publicity-seeking president up for a fall. CNN and MSNBC ran with Woodward’s false narrative, doing everything possible to sabotage Trump’s 2020 campaign: Guess what, it worked. Now Beschloss reveals for all to see, presidential history is no different than the kind of tabloid, hyper-partisan reporting seeing in today’s age of corrupt journalism. Beschloss let everyone see that there is nothing venerable or sacrosanct about presidential history.

Beschloss writing history guarantees that the presidential record on Trump reflects the writer’s extreme prejudice, not a factual account of the record. “Donald Trump is not going to change the record. He was largely responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who did not need to die,” Beschloss told the Trump-hating MSNBC journalist Chris Hayes. Where does Beschloss get his epidemiological facts about the 2020 Covid-19 global pandemic? “Millions of others who suffered from covid did not need suffer. This is really Nero’s fiddling while Rome burns,” Beschloss told Hayes, using an old worn-out metaphor. Before Beschloss’s time, no presidential historian blamed the 1918 Spanish flue global pandemic on President Woodrow Wilson. But, no, Beschloss can’t contain his own hatred toward Trump preaching to the choir on the deeply anti-Trump MSNBC.

Can you imagine the coronavirus pandemic originated in China in October, November and December 2019, suppressed by the Chinese Communist Government for months until the World Health Organization [WHO] finally declared a global pandemic March 11. But Woodward and now Beschloss pins all 20,386,101 cases and 353,226 deaths on Trump, defying the wildest, most irresponsible reporting about the global Covid-19 crisis in the United States. If that’s how Beschloss writes history, it’s no wonder that he’s sunk his profession to new lows. So, in Beschloss’s mind, Trump was supposed to wave a magic wand to stop the Chinese government from sending millions of happy Covid-19 infected tourists all over the planet last year. Trump placed a ban on Chinese flights to the U.S. on Jan. 31, prompting President-elect Joe Biden and other Democrats to call Trump xenophobic.

If Beschloss wants to write about history, he should report on WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom who held a press conference Feb. 5 to slam Trump for interfering with China’s commercial affairs. Trump criticized Tedros for being “China centric,” because he held Chinese president Xi Jinping’s dirty secret about the runaway Covid-19 crisis in Wuhan, China. Tedros waited three months before declaring a global pandemic March 11. But if you listen to Woodward and Beschloss, it was all Trump’s fault for spreading the virus in the United States. Trump commissioned 80-year-old National Institute’s of Health [NIH] Chief of Allergy and Infectious Disease Dr. Anthony Fauci to head up his coronavirus task force. Fauci, who initially said it was unnecessary to wear masks, said on repeated occasions that Trump did everything asked of him to deal with the rapidly spreading Covid-19 crisis.

Bescholoss, like Woodward, have their own partisan narrative that suits their political leanings, not reporting on the real facts. Beschloss, who acts above the fray when it comes to partisan politics, exposed for all to see the extreme bias in his presidential history writing. “Donald Trump is a kind of person we have never ever seen before in the presidency, and I hope we never ever see again,” Beschloss said. “When you’ve go a president who has no empathy, who has no compassion, you see a spectacle like what we’ve seen this week,” Beschloss told Hayes, referring to Trump reluctance to sign the $900 billion stimulus bill. Beschloss has expose for all to see the total lack of objectivity and factual reporting in his presidential history. No matter how much presidential historians despise Trump, or any other president, they have a sacred covenant to the truth, not their own biases.