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Saying he wanted to pick the next Attorney General based only on “integrity,” 78-year-old President-elect Joe Biden now has other considerations, namely, protecting his 50-year-old son Hunter from the Department of Justice [DOJ] investigation into his taxes and foreign business deals. Joe sees the potential now for his name dragged into the mud, primarily because he’s stated for the record publicly that he had nothing to do with Hunter and his 75-year-old brother Jim Biden’s foreign business dealings, netting the Biden clan millions of dollars. After years of Democrats ripping 70-year-old Atty. Gen. William Barr, going as far as calling him Trump’s lapdog, the American public will learn Joe Biden’s true colors when he picks a family loyalist to protect his son and his reputation from a dangerous DOJ investigation. Joe’s gone on record saying he never took “one penny” from any foreign source.

Joe can no longer pick a person of integrity like 68-uyear-old D.C. Circuit Court Judge Merrick Garland because he’s be more inclined to allow the DOJ’s Hunter investigation to go forward. Whatever his baggage including recent sexual harassment allegations, 63-year-old New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under former President Bill Clinton would be a better pick. Cuomo’s far more likely to play hardball with Republicans, including quashing any investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes and foreign deals. Biden’s chief spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Biden will pick an Attorney General with “the highest level of integrity,” yet said, simultaneously, that Biden would not be taking any questions from the press about his son Hunter. Joe will need an AG capable of standing up to Republican demands for more information about Hunter.

Psaki finds herself in the unenviable position of fending off questions about Hunter, and, at the same time, pretending that only integrity will play a part in Joe’s pick for AG. When the New York Post published Oct. 14 its story on Hunter’s business dealings in China, the Biden campaign and U.S. media did everything to suppress the story. By the time Fox News Tucker Carlson interviewed Hunter’s former business partners 48-year-old former Navy Seal Tony Bobulinski Oct. 28, the entire media attributed the story to Russian disinformation. Joe Biden himself said that anything negative about his son Hunter was Russian disinformation. Now that things are heating up at the DOJ, Joe will have to put the kibosh on the investigation, not only to protect Hunter, but as Bobulinski said to protect Joe. Bobulinski admitted to meeting Joe on two occasions over the China-Biden family business deal.

Psaki says that Hunter Biden would not come up in interviews, meaning that no member of the media that wants access to Joe can ask questions about Hunter’s foreign business transactions. Placing Hunter as off-limits proves that Joe has something to hide when it comes to Bobulinski’s revelation that Joe, in fact, participated in Hunter’s foreign business deals. No one can possibly believe that Hunter, by himself, landed an $83,000 a month job on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company. No one in the media was allowed to question Joe about what he called Russian disinformation, questioning him about his son Hunter. “He will not be discussing it with anyone he is considering for the role and he will not be discussing it with a future attorney general,” Psaki said. Psaki didn’t rule out that 75-year-old Valerie Biden, Joe’s sister, would discuss the Hunter issue.

Biden learned well from former President Bill Clinton how to spin with the best of them, letting Psaki assure the media that Joe would not talk to a prospective Attorney General about Hunter Biden’s story. No, Joe won’t talk about Hunter, Valerie Biden will when it’s appropriate. “It will be up to the purview of a future attorney general in his administration to determine how to handle any investigation,” Psaki said. It’s doubtful that Sen. Doug Jones (D-Al.) or Merrick Garland would be savvy enough to handle aggressive media inquiries not just about Hunter but about Joe’s involvement with Hunter’s overseas business deals. Someone as bitterly partisan as Gov. Andrew Cuomo would be a better pick to duke it out with the right wing media, not ready toignore the Hunter Biden story. Where the story gets dicey is where Joe’s implicated in participating with Hunter’s overseas deals.

Joe’s Attorney General pick will tell the real story of where he plans to take the country. After slamming Atty. Gen. Bill Barr for the last year-and-a-half, saying horrible things about him doing Trump’s bidding, it turns out Barr was actually doing his job with the highest integrity. When he urged 73-year-old U.S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan to drop Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s case June 1, the Democrat-friendly media went wild blasting Barr for extreme partisanship. Turns out, Flynn was in fact the victim of an FBI sting operation, not deserving prosecution by 75-tear-old former Special Counsel Robert Muller for lying to FBI agents Jan 24, 2017. Biden’s pick for Attorney General won’t be made for “integrity” but for loyalty in protecting Hunter and Joe from what promises to be relentless GOP investigations. Biden can’t afford to pick anyone for AG that won’t drop Hunter’s case.