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Democrats slammed 78-year-old Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for waiting five weeks before acknowledging 78-year-old President-elect Joe Biden’s big win Nov. 3. CBS “60 Minutes” correspondent John Dickerson, who wrote a book on the presidency called “The Hardest Job in the World,” said McConnell did “real damage” to the presidency by delaying Biden’s victory. McConnell tried to show deference to 74-year-old President Donald Trump while he pursued his legal challenges, believing the Nov. 3 election was fraudulent, with Democrats changing the rules for collecting-and-counting ballots. With Covid-19 looming, Democrat election officials around the country decided to approve universal mail-in ballots where every registered voter gets a mail-in ballot. Trump warned moths ago that universal mail-in ballots would corrupt the results.

Dickersn puts all the blame on Trump and the GOP for not readily accepting the Nov. 3 results, continuing to challenge the outcome with a variety of legal options. Dickerson knows that it’s well within Trump’s rights to seek injunctive relief in the courts if he felt the results were fraudulent. “Allowing something that is not true to soak in for five weeks has an irrevocable cost. You can’t unwind that,” Dickerson said. Dickerson said nothing about four years that Trump was subjected to FBI investigations for his alleged ties with Kremlin. Talking something that “is not true,’ Dickerson, like most Democrat-biased journalists, don’t care about the truth only advancing the Party agenda which was to get Biden elected. Dickerson and other left wing journalists can’t possibly believe that Trump using the courts is not within his rights as an aggrieved party who felt like he was ripped off.

Dickerson now focuses on McConnell’s Dec. 13 acceptance of the Nov. 3 election’s outcome. “Mitch McConnell saying that Joe Biden is president-elect . . .does not shorten the distance that the horse . . . got out of the barn, using an analogy that doesn’t work. Whether Trump thinks the election was stolen or not is not the point. Trump has a right under the Constitution to habeas corpus, the right to petition a court. Whether Dickerson thinks Trump has a case is not relevant. Dickerson as a broadcast journalist is not in a position to play judge or jury. “It’s just not going to undo the millions of people who now think the election was stolen,” Dickerson said. McConnell isn’t responsible for GOP sentiments about the Nov. 3 election. It would have been inappropriate for McConnell to have thrown Trump under the bus until the Electoral College put Biden over the top in Electoral votes.

Dickerson talks about disputing a controversial election as “undermining democracy,” something hard to figure out. If Trump thought the election were rigged, what’s he supposed to do? Accept the results without a challenge would have been un-American, just rolling over in the face of irregular voting activity. “And that just undermines democracy going forward; it puts a lot of negative and dangerous energy in the political system, and it make Donald Trump a constant player because he will be the wronged party . . It creates and embeds a distraction in the system going forward, and that doesn’t help anybody,” Dickerson says. Dickerson says nothing about Democrats from Day One not accepting Trump’s presidency: Concocting fake news and fraudulent claims about Trump’s ties to the Kremlin. Dickerson dismisses completely anything Democrats did overturn Trump’s term in office.

Trump’s reluctance to accept the results of the Nov. 3 election has to do with the lack of verification of universal mail-in ballots. Not one election official in any state checked the signatures and addresses of mail-ballots, leaving an open question about the legitimacy of the votes. When you consider that Biden got over 81 million popular votes to Trump ‘s 74 million, it was an outrageously high vote count, in many ways exceeding the voter registration rolls in various counties in hotly contested battleground states. Whether there was fraud or not, more people voted in 2020 than any time in U.S. history. “We encourage impulsive, winner-take-all displays of momentary flash to win a job that requires restraint, deliberation and cooperation,” Dickerson writes, stating the obvious about the election’s zero-sum game.

When Dickerson preaches to the anti-Trump choir, he doesn’t get that Trump has every right to contest an election he sees as fraudulent or, at the very least, irregular. There was nothing regular about over 150 million U.S. citizens voting in the Nov. 3 presidential election. What Dickerson calls “un-democratic,” is more of the same fake dialogue that demonized Trump as a dictator. Biden built his campaign against Trump betting that U.S. citizens were fed up with the Covid-19 crisis and economic fallout. Trump did everything possible to deal with the crisis, including push trough Operation Warp Speed to get multiple vaccines in record time. It was Biden and 56-year-old Vice President-elect Kamala Harris that told the public that your couldn’t trust a vaccine developed under Trump’s watch. Now that Biden and Harris claim the vaccines as their own, it continues the fake Democrat narrative.