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Running the state into the ground, plagued with a massive $54 billion budget deficit, 53-year-old Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom finds himself fending off a growing recall movement, the same kind the upended Gov. Gravy Davis Nov. 17, 2003 over the state energy crisis. Newsom has made many enemies with his tough Covid-19 management that’s tossed millions of everyday Californians into unemployment, claiming that he listens to his “scientists.” But Newsom’s scientists told him March 15 that if he didn’t lockdown the state, 25.5 million or 60% of California residents would be infected by May 15, a far cry from today’s 1,605,906 cases and 21,114 deaths today. Newsom listened to “scientists” at mega-billionaire Bill Gates-funded Institute of Health Care Metrics and Evaluation [IHCME] at the Univ. of Washington. Newsom essentially imposed martial law, collapsing the state’s economy.

Newsom is no longer the “rising star” in the Democrat Party in part due to his tremulous, raspy voice that gets worse when he’s under stress, whose proclamations have left small, medium and large businesses in ruins. When 49-year-old Telsa and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced Dec. 8 that he was moving to Austin, it was another blow to Newsom that thinks he can run the state as a dictatorship, imposing restrictions because of Covid-19 based on his science experts, not on any real facts or logic. Newsom shuttered businesses around the state causing the worst budget shortfalls in the state’s history. Claiming that he’s saving lives, there’s zero evidence that banning outdoor dining or other activities does anything to slow the spread of the virus now hitting 1,605.806 cases and 21,114 deaths. Instead of working collaboratively with the business community, Newsom flies by the seat of his pants.

After shutting down most of Calfiornia’s restaurants, Newsome was caught Nov. 16 attending a birthday party at the tony Nappa Valley Michelin3-Star French Laundry restaurant. While Newsom apologized Nov. 16, saying, “ I made a mistake,” it wasn’t a mistake at all, only because he got caught. But it’s real mistake because he doesn’t take the Covid-19 seriously when it comes to himself, only for the hapless public that can no longer put food on the table. Before any elected official takes way the basic Constitutional guarantee of “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness,” there better be a good reason. Insisting that outdoor dining increase risks of Covid-19 hasn’t been show in any scientific study. When unemployed folks found out that French Laundry charges $1,200 a person for white truffle and caviar dinner, it added insult to injury, prompting calls for Newsom’s ouster.

Newsom’s gross insensitivity stems from growing up in a privileged, multigenerational wealthy San Francisco family, whose father was an appeals court judge and attorney for Getty Oil. Growing up with a sliver spoon makes it difficult for Newsom to comprehend the carnage he’s committing, shutting down businesses across the state in the name of public safety. There’s nothing safe about driving California workers in unemployment, poverty and homelessness, all because he’s told what to do by his “science” advisors. One of his “science” advisers was the Bill-Gates-funded Univ. of Washington Institute of Health Care Metrics and Evaluation [IHCME] said California would be swamped with Covid-19 cases by May 15. All of HCME’s predictions have been wrong, triggering overly Newsom’s overreactions. Newsom didn’t have to shutdown California’s restaurant and hospitality industry.

If Newsom can hobnob with his cronies at French Laundry, he didn’t need to shutdown the entire restaurant industry in the state, other that fast-food take out restaurants. Recall organizers have over the half the 1.5 million signature needed to move forward with Newsom’s recall petition. Newsom’s unilateral decision to shut down California’s economy hurts the national economy, making economic recovery more difficult. With 39.51 million people, California is 12% of the U.S. population or 13.5% of the United States GDP, Newsom hit the California economy—and the U.S.—with a wrecking ball, warranting his removal from office. “He’s got a plate of Biblical plagues starring him in the face,” said California political consultant Gary South. South thinks Newsom’s situation is better than former Gov. Gray Davis who was impeached Nov. 17, 2003 for running the economy into the ground.

When Newsom took over from four-term Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown Jan. 7, 2019, voters hoped the 48-year-old governor could handle the awesome responsibility of running the nation’s most populous state. Some had their doubts but were willing to give Gavin the benefit of the doubt. Now that voters have seen Newsom in action, they’ve had buyer’s remorse about leaving him in office and hoping for the best. Recall organizers Orin Hestlie predicted he’d get the nearly 1.5 millions signatures needed to put Newsom’s recall on the ballot. While South is right it’s different today than it was when voters tossed Davis out of office, things are actually worse today. At the time, former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was waiting in the wings when Davis was tossed out of office. Whatever happens with his recall, Newsom faces an uphill battle winning back voters after the French Laundry episode.