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Giving 74-year-old President Donald Trump some gratuitous advice, 72-year-old former Vice President Al Gorge said it’s time for the president of concede, after the Supreme Court refused Dec. 11 to hear the Texas lawsuit to toss out Electoral Votes in the battleground states. Gore lost the Florida primary in 2000 by a measly 537 popular votes, reaching the magic number of 271 when the Supreme Court ended Democrats’ challenges to the Florida vote. Gore’s the last person who should give Trump any advice, when he knows former Texas Gov. Jeb Bush and his chief election official former Secretary of State Katherine Harris played dirty. When thousand of Palm Beach County ballots for largely elderly Democrat voters ended up in dumpters, Gore’s should bite his tongue about when it’s time to concede. Gore may think he did the right thing but the Supreme Court left him no other choice.

In Trump’s case in 2020, Gore knows that the Supreme Court didn’t give Trump as shot to prove that voter irregularities and possibly fraud turned the Nov. 3 presidential election to 78-year-old President-elect Joe Biden. Trump’s reluctance to concede is not, as Gorge suggests, some phony patriotic duty but related to some degree of integrity with the system. Trump doesn’t trust a system that ordered universal mail-in ballots against the best advice of seasoned election officials because it would be difficult to verify whether votes were cast legally. “Your know, Winston Churchill once said of the American people . . .they generally do the right thing, after firs exhausting every available alternative,” expecting Trump to concede. “And there were no remaining alternatives after the final Supreme Court decision,” Gore said. To Trump, it’s not about options but what’s right.

Bush v. Gore got their day in court, even when the Supreme Court decided Dec. 12, 2000 to end potentially endless recounts. Unlike Bush v. Gore, Trump did not get his day in court, leaving a bad taste in his mouth about the outcome of the Sept. 3 election. Gore said after the Supreme Court ruled against him, “partisan rancor must now be put aside,” not realizing that multiple calamities would follow the Bush presidency. Trump’s been defeated in his attempt to get his day in court but there’s little reason to concede the election to Biden. “MOST CORRUPT ELECTION IN US HISTORY!” Trump tweeted today, something that he’ll always believe. Trump had a hard time fathoming that his three nominees to the Supreme Court, Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett voted to not hear any challenge by Texas Atty. Gen. Ken Paxton and 18 other state attorneys general.

Back in 2000, there’s was ample reason to believe Florida election officials under former Gov. Jeb Bush disposed of thousands of Democrat ballots in West Palm Beach, hading the election to his brother, George. Gore never pursued the fraud angle because he had no proof at the time about missing ballots, eventually found in trash dumpsters. But whatever happened in 2000, Gore’s in no position to lecture anyone about what’s the gracious thing to do. Persecuting Trump for four years with a phony witch-hunt alleging Trump’s ties to Moscow, Democrats and the press say it’s treason for Trump not to concede the election or at least accept the results. Trump has zero trust in the press or in U.S. law enforcement and intel agencies that illegally investigated Trump and his 2016 campaign for four years, eventually finding nothing. But suddenly the press says it’s treasonous not to accept Biden as President-elect.

Gore said he hopes after the Electoral College meets tomorrow to certify Biden’s victory, Trump and his followers will move on. “I’m going to express the hope, Jake, that the Electoral College that votes tomorrow in 50 states, and with President-elect Joe Biden receiving the majority that that will be a point at which some of those who have hung on will give up the ghost,” Gore told CNN’s Jake Tapper. Trump certainly doesn’t care what CNN thinks, after spending four years whipping up baseless conspiracy theories about Trump’s ties to the Kremlin. CNN masquerades as a news organization when it’s a propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. Since Biden won the election, CNN’s daytime and evening lineup has spent time celebrating and gloating about Trump’s defeat. Gore had no problem telling CNN that Trump’s a “demagogue” refusing to concede so his backers could move on.

Unable to find anything to talk about, CNN has been fixated on Trump since the challenged the election results in the federal courts. Trump’s actions are hardly treasonous or against the American way because Trump seeks to redress his grievances in the courts something guaranteed by the Constitution. If Trump sent the Proud Boys or Boogaloo out to protest violently in the streets, CNN would have something to talk about. But when Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other leftist groups burn down cities over the summer, they justified the mayhem in the name of civil rights. No one’s civil rights were preserved when rioters, looters, arsonists and anarchies destroyed American cities. ”It’s not over,” Trump tweeted today about the Supreme Court ruling. “We keep going. And we’re going to continue to go forward,’ not admitting that he’ll be moving out of the White House before Biden’s Jan. 20, 2021 inauguration.