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When the New York Times published “anonymous” op-ed Sept. 5, 2018 saying the “resistance” was alive-and-well inside Trump’s White House, the public was aghast, watching the president besieged by a Special Counsel investigation and active resistance inside the White House. Little did anyone know that the real resistance was not led by 33-year-old low-level Homeland Security bureaucrat Miles Taylor but the New York Times working day-and-night to sabotage the presidency of 74-year-old President Donald Trump. Making a big deal out of “anonymous” is the New York Times way of disguising the role they’ve played from Day 1 of Trump’s administration to fabricate any story to eventually impeach the president. No one published more fake news citing anonymous sources about Trump Russian connection than the New York Times, with “anonymous” sources revealing the Time’s treachery.

Outed yesterday as 33-year-old, un-married, most likely gay, low-level Homeland Security bureaucrat Miles Taylor, his op-ed and his 2019 book, “Warning,” shocked the press. Taylor, led conservative media to talk about a “deep state,” career government employees from the Bush and Obama administrations, disliking everything Trump stood for. After all, Trump ran his 2016 campaign on “draining the swamp,” going after the press and Washington’s bureaucratic class, kind of barnacles clinging to the government but refusing to accept any change. New York Times and Washington Post were part of the so-called “anonymous” conspiracy against Trump that sought quotes from unnamed government sources pretending they held deep secrets of looming corruption in the Trump White House. Truth be told, the systemic corruption was fueled by the deep state leaking to the corrupt media.

Miles Taylor lied to CNN Anderson Coopers face on national TV Aug. 21, denying that he was “anonymous.” Asked by Cooper, “Are you aware of who that is?” Cooper asked Taylor about the book, “Warning.” “I’m not,” Taylor told Cooper without batting an eyelash. “You are not anonymous,” Cooper asked again. “I wear a mask for two things,” Taylor said. “Halloween and pandemics. So no,” Taylor lied again to Cooper. True to form CNN hired Taylor who agreed to be part of the resistance against Trump, Taylor was the perfect hire, the same as infamous former Stormy Daniels Atty.-turned-convicted-felon Michael Avenatti. If Trump somehow loses to Biden Nov. 3, CNN ratings will plummet into oblivion. Without Trump as its straw man enemy, how will Cable New Network survive? Who realistically will prime time hosts Wolf Blitzer, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo rail against?

Once Trump is gone from the public scene, they’ll be no reason to continue watching CNN, MSNBC and other anti-Trump news outlets, no longer having a target for their aggression. Taylor symbolized the “resistance” with his name “anonymous,” essentially letting government bureaucrats like Taylor leak to the New York Times and Washington Post. Former 60-year-old FBI Director James Comey leaked for over a year to the press spreading pernicious propaganda and disinformation about Trump’s ties to the Kremlin, plucked right out of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research AKA “The Steele Dossier.” Hillary’s rubbish was used by Comey to justify a counterintelligence investigation against Trump 2016 campaign and presidency, leading to the $40 million, 22-month Special Counsel investigation, ending March 23, 2019 with no Russian collusion.

Taylor went over the deep-end accusing Trump of a Nazi-like regime, persecuting blacks, gays and other minorities. Just like Comey’s counterintelligence investigation, Tlylor didn’t care whether there was any reality to his “resistance,” only that like the FBI, the Department of Justice and National Security Agency, they worked night-and-day with Congressional Democrats to take down the president. Again, like “anonymous” and the New York Times, everyone against Trump had to be anonymous. All the sources, all the tipsters, all the innuendo, all the evidence against Trump had to be fabricated. It’s no accident that when House Democrats led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif., House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and House Judiciary Chairman Jerold Nadler (D-N.Y.), impeached Trump, it was from an “anonymous” source, completing the treacherous witch hunt.

Hiring “anonymous” Miles Taylor was the perfect person to add to CNN conspiracy against the Trump presidency. If they succeed in beating Trump Nov. 3, the resistance led by CNN and other anti-Trump media outlets, with the help of corrupt bureaucrats like Taylor, will have completed their mission to deny Trump a second term. Accomplishing their mission, the nation’s once respected press turned into agencies of the Democrat Party, crossing the once sacred line between journalism and partisan politics. Trump may be the casualty of death-by-a-thousand cuts from a corrupt media joining forces with the Democrat Party to upend his presidency. If Biden wins on Nov. 3, the “anonymous” media will have succeeded in undermining Trump and his presidency, turning reigns over to a corrupt aged politician, likely to trash what’s left of the U.S. economy and American Dream.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.