Taking his frustration out on 65-year-old Hoover Institution public health scholar Dr. Scott Atlas, 64-year-old mega-billionaire Micorsoft founder Bill Gates lashed out, claiming 74-year-old President Donald Trump and Atlas have muzzled the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. Led by 69-year-old CDC Director Robert Redfield, the agency has been exposed for its inconsistency, indecisiveness and lack of leadership during the Covid-19 crisis, leaving the country with unreliable guidance through the crisis. Redfield doesn’t know who to take guidance from, relying at times on the World Health Organization [WHO], who’s also shown gross incompetence managing the coronvirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 crisis. Both WHO and CDC have changed their minds on the best way to handle crisis, settling on some general consensus about face-coverings.
Yet Gates turns his ire of Atlas, who’s become a more prominent member of the White House Coronavirus Task Forces, as 80-year-old National Institutes of Health [NIH] Chief of Allergy and Infectious Disease Anthony Fauci let his politics infect his work on the task force. Gates called Atlas a “pseudoo-expert” who’s “off-the-rails” speaking to Yahoo Finance Editor-in-chief Andy Sewer. Talk about “pseudo-experts” and frauds, Gates holds no college degree or expertise on anything other than computer programming or founding Microsoft. Yet Gates likes to opine on practically every topic because of his unseemly wealth, the first in the mega-billionaire class from Silicon Valley, creating more billionaires than any industry in U.S. history. Because Gates funds the Univ. of Washington Institute for Health Care Metrics and Evaluation, whose Covid-19 forecasts have been all wrong.
Gates of all people can’t contain his mouth one week before the election, exposing for all to see his anti-Trump bias. Gates has been criticizing without merit the White House response to the coronavirus epidemic, saying the country needs more testing and contact tracing. Gates accuses a brilliant Stanford University, highly published fellow Atlas of being a “pseudo-expert,” the equivalent of calling him an imposter. Gates wants Fauci, who should have retired years ago, back as the chief White House coronvirus spokesman, not because of his expertise but because he’s anti-Trump. When Fauci accepted interviews from the anti-Trump TV and radio establishment, it became obvious he was trying to damage Trump’s campaign. Gates wants Fauci back because it hurts Trump’s chances of a second term. Calling Atlas a “pseudo-expert” is outrageous from someone like Gates.
Instead of coming out publicly and backing 77-year-old Vice President Joe Biden and 56-year-old Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Gates likes his stealth news events denouncing Trump in more subtle ways. “We now have a psudo-expert advising the president,” Gates said. Gates likes Fauci because he’s been consistently anti-Trump, despite singing Trump’s praises when he was front-and-center on the Coronavirus Task Force. Why an 80-year-old, near retiree, needs to be in the limelight is anyone’s guess. But it’s clear Fauci doesn’t take criticism well, when Trump pointed out he once advised against wearing masks before he was for them. Gates and the Democrat-dominated media likes to call Fauci “the nation’s leading expert of infectious disease,” a preposterous statement considering Fauci’s age, but, more importantly, he’s a government bureaucrat not a pioneering researcher.
Trump recently antagonized Gates calling Fauci and other so-called experts advising him on Covid-19 “idiots” for advising him to shut down the economy in April and May. Had the economy stayed open, the U.S. would not have lapsed into the recession with an unemployment rate near eight percent. “The most malign thing is where you start to attack your own experts and suggest that maybe politicians know better than disease experts,” Gates said, referring to Trump’s recent public remarks. But like Fauci, Gates wants to be in the limelight, even though he knows little-or-nothing about most topics he likes to opine about, including Covid-19. To Gates, the public should listen to him because he’s a mega-billionaire with a net worth over $105 billion, despite claiming he gives most of his wealth away with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates thinks people should listen to him.
Gates doesn’t like Atlas because he believes the public should get a grip on living in the Covid-19 era, going back to work and opening up schools. “Tony Fauci, great person, his messages are quite clear,” Gates said. “But as he gets attacked, those messages aren’t able to develop the kind of patience and helping each other that would bring the death rate down,” Gates said making zero sense. It’s OK for Gates to like Dr. Fauci, because he’s not going on every radio and TV station calling him a kook. Atlas is the only medical voice on the global coronavirus pandemic that makes any sense. If you listen to Fauci, he tells people to wear masks, socially distance and wash their hands. Does that sound like cutting-age advice? Demonizing Atlas makes Gates look foolish, not realizing that a fresh voice only helps the nation cope with the Covid-19 crisis. Gates needs to stop playing politics.