In a strangely reminiscent statement in last night’s Nashville, Tenn. debate, 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden insisted he’s never taken one penny from any foreign source. Biden reacted to 74-year-old President Donald Trump saying that the Biden family has raked oodles of cash from China, Russia Ukraine like a “vacuum cleaner.” “I have not taken a penny from any foreign source in my life,” Biden replied, reminding voters of former President Bill Clinton. “I did not have sexual relations with that women, Ms. Lewinsky,” Clinton told the nation Jan. 26, 1998. Biden’s statement may come back, like Clinton’s, to bite him because, the New York Post story said that his son Hunter, his brother Jim and several business partners made millions from foreign sources. So when Joe says he never took a penny from a foreign source, it’s eerily similar to Clinton saying he did not have “sexual relations” with Monica
Biden of course has cleverly hidden his involvements in Hunter and his brother Jim’s overseas business deals. But when an email emerged off a computer owned by Hunter talking about commissions going to the Biden clan for a multimillion dollar China energy deal, saying 10% goes to the “Big guy,” he’s referring to Joe. So whatever cash comes to the Biden family, they make sure that not “one.penny” goes directly to Joe’s pocket but somehow the cash gets to him from Hunter or Jim. So, if asked again, if he ever took “a penny” from Hunter or his brother Jim, Joe might say something else. Clinton, after all, was disbarred for lying in deposition about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, prompting the Republican-controlled House Judiciary Committee to impeach him for lying under oath. While the Senate did the right thing acquitting Clinton, he nonetheless lied under oath.
While the Department of Justice and FBI look into Hunter’s hard drive, Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski had enough of Joe’s lies, denying he’s ever been involved in Hunter’s overseas business deals. “I have heard Joe Biden say he has never discussed his dealings with Hunter. That is false. I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden,” Bobulinski said hours before last night’s debate. Bobulinski said he met the Bidens May 2, 2017 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel at a Milken Global Conference. Bobulinski confirmed that emails obtained by the New York Post were not Russian disinformation as insisted by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who also claimed he had proof Trump colluded with Moscow to win the 2016 election. Schiff never provided proof of anything. Now he insists the Post Story is Russian disinformation to protect Joe.
One of the Post’s emails talked about the shares the Biden family would get in a China energy deal. Bobulinski said each of the four partners, including himself, would get 20% shares in the China business, with Hunter getting 10% and the remaining 10% held by Hunter for “the Big guy,” referring to Joe. Bobulinski said he was approached in 2015 James Gillar, one of Hunter’s business partners he had known “for many years.” Gillar asked Bobulinski to join the deal with China’s CEFC-state owned energy company with one of the nation’s “most prominent families,” namely, the Bidens. In an email message to Bobulinki from Gillar, he told Boblulinski not mention anything about Joe Biden. “Don’t mention Joe being involved. It’s only when u [sic] are face to face, I know u know that but they [Bidens] are paranoid,” said the Gillar, confirming that Joe’s involvement was concealed.
Gillar and his other partner Rob Walker were “paranoid about keeping Joe Biden’s involvement secret,” attesting to how Joe could say on national TV “he never took one penny from a foreign source.” His brother Jim and son Hunter were the receptacles of Joe’s foreign cash. Bobulinski said he cancelled his business relationship with Hunter when he insisted on pocketing $5 million from China’s initial $10 million investment in SinoHawk, Boublinski’s company. “He [Hunter] said, referring to “the chairman,” his father, that CEFC was really investing in the Biden family, that he held the trump card and that he was the one putting his family legacy in the line,” Bobulinski said regarding the falling out with the Bidens. SinoHawk never received the funds from CEFC which apparently transferred $5 million to another entity owned by Jim and Hunter in Augusts 2017.
Meeting today with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Bobulinksi has nothing to hide or, more importantly, no ax to grind with the Bidens. Listening to Joe tell the public that he knew nothing about Hunter’s business deals prompted Bobulinski to go public. “The evidence sits on these three phones. I don’t want to go into anything any further. This will all be discussed with Senator Johnson and his committee and the American people can decide what’s fact,” Bobulinski said. Biden’s campaign responded with another sleight-of-hand. “Joe Biden has never even considered being involved in business with his family, nor in any overseas arrangement nor has any family member or any other person ever held stock for him,” said Bidens spokesman Andrew Bates. None of Hunter or Jim Biden’s ventures involved stock, another red herring from the campaign.