Running against 74-year-old President Donald Trump Nov. 3, the anti-Trump media has their battered credibility on the line joining Democrats to hound the president out of office. All indications point to them succeeding with Trump running about 9% behind 77-year-old former Vice President and shell-of-himself Joe Biden. Biden’s been coddled by the press while they’ve gone relentlessly after Trump, no matter what an Ubermensch, Trump’s death by a thousand cuts are starting to take its toll. While fighting to save his presidency, Trump’s an hour-late-and-a-dollar short, looking now like it’s too late to win a second term. But the dishonest, Democrat-friendly press has ruined American journalism maybe forever, allowing politics to leak into the newsrooms, something so obvious especially when Trump faces the media in press conferences or, more recently, in presidential debates.
When the New York Post published its bombshell story about 50-year-old Hunter Biden’s emails Oct. 14, the entire press closed ranks to discredit the story. But New York Post editors were meticulous anticipating the media onslaught, crossing every T and doting every I, presenting the facts for the anti-Trump media to discredit. Sine the Post story, the anti-Trump press led by the New York Times, Washington Post and Associated Press, all focus on the most extraneous aspects that anything presented by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani must be tainted with Russian disinformation. Well, whether Giuliani ever came in contact with Russian intelligence is irrelevant, especially because most people still have a brain. Today’s anti-Trump press asks that it be trusted now after spending the better part of four years pushing the Russian collusion story or, as Trump likes to call it, “the Russian hoax.”
Where’s the credibility in U.S. journalism when they bought lock, stock and barrel former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton fake “Steele Dossier,” accusing Trump of Russian collusion. Apparently, the FBI, who engaged in a conspiracy to sabotage Trump’s 2016 campaign, coordinated with former President Barack Obama’s White House, using the Steele Dossier to justify spying on Trump campaign and presidency. That’s the same media that wholeheartedly backed the Russian hoax story, publishing untold numbers of anonymously sourced stories for four years tying Trump to the Kremlin. When former FBI Director-turned-Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller ended his 22-month, $40 million investigation March 23, 2019, he concluded there was no Trump or campaign collusion with Moscow. It didn’t matter to the U.S. press, only finding new ways to get rid of Trump.
Since the New York Post article exposed Hunter, but more importantly Joe Biden’s, corruption in Ukraine, the U.S. press went back to work to save Joe. God forbid, there’s anything that could turn voters away from the media’s pick for president. Without the New York Post story, prompting 24/7 articles discrediting the story, there’s still corruption. But any cursory look at Hunter Biden’s $83,000 a month job with his convicted felon business partner Devon Archer on corrupt Burisma Holdings board should alert a responsible press to the obvious corruption. But no, the press wants Trump out and Biden in, so they wouldn’t do their jobs to report the obvious facts. Joe, while Obama’s Vice President and head of his Ukraine anti-corruption task force, did everything possible to enrich his family, landing Hunter the sinecure. No, the anti-Trump press can’t report the obvious facts related to Joe and Hunter.
Biden, of course, either doesn’t know what’s going on for obvious reasons, or plays his cards close to the vest. Biden, who’s almost asked nothing of substance, was asked yesterday> “Mr. Biden, what is your response to the New York Post story about your son Hunter,” asked CBS reporter Bo Erickson. “I have no response,” Biden said. “I know you’d ask it. I have no response. It’s another smear, right up your alley. Those are the questions you always ask,” Biden said, showing why no reporter dares to ask him anything of substance. Erickson did nothing wrong other that violating his oath to the liberal press to see Trump denied a second term. But if you’re assessing the facts, Biden has good reason to not answer because he’s guilty as charged of egregious corruption while serving as Vice President. Biden’s campaign likes to say, “Hunter did nothing wrong.” But it was Joe that engaged in undeniable corruption.
Wasting headlines and front-paged stories trying to discredit Giuliani, the anti-Trump media closes ranks to prevent the hapless public from knowing the truth about the man who wants to be president. Forget the New York Post story, just look at the Jan. 21, 2018 video of Joe boasting to the Council on Foreign Relations that he got former Ukrainian President Petro Porosehenko to fire chief corruption prosecutor Viktor Shokin for daring to investigate Joe’s son Hunter at Burisma Holdings. What does it tell you when Hunter’s partner-in-crime, business partner, Devon Archers was convicted of defrauding the Sioux tribe in a phony development bond scheme. When you look at the New York Post’s article, it barely scratches the surface of Joe and Hunter’s shenanigans, collecting big bucks from Russia and China. All the U.S. media has lined up against Trump to prevent his second term.