Proving that he’s against 74-year-old President Donald Trump’s reelection, 80-year-old National Institutes of Health [NIH] Chief of Allergy and Infections Disease Dr. Anthony Fauci likes giving interviews to the anti-Trump press. While it all seems so innocent, Fauci knows what he’s doing letting anti-Trump news networks make Trump look bad when it comes to managing the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 crisis. Fauci’s constantly making himself available for the anti-Trump press, answering clearly biased questions designed to make Trump look bad, only a short time before the Nov. 3 election. Using Fauci in a campaign ad, directly using his own words of Fox News, Fauci complained that he wasn’t consulted before the Republican National Committee [RNC] made the pro-Trump ad. “They did this without my permission and my comments were taken out of context,” Fauci told NBC and CNN.
Fauci knows that anyone that speaks in public is recorded and can be used in whole or in part for any purpose without his permission. If Fauci wants to copyright his statements to the press, he shouldn’t be speaking on the public airwaves. Fauci said many things during the long course of the Covid-19 crisis that he regrets, including telling the public not to wear masks. “Right now in the United States people should not be walking around wearing masks,” Fauci said May 10. Fauci always says he’s taken out of context when his words embarrass him, then having to spin his way, saying, “what I really meant was.” Whatever Fauci said or didn’t say, he’s a public figure that can be quoted in context or out of context. If he’s so worried about being taken “out context,” he needs to make statements that are more precise. Anti-Trump media wants to highlight that Fauci was taken “out-of-context,” as it’s a crime.
Fauci’s referred to by the media as the “leading U.S. expert on infection disease,” when he’s near retirement, not at all in his prime, no matter what the media says. There are plenty of other infectious disease experts far more up to date on state-of-the-art research, but, no, the media brands him as the “leading expert.” Then the media interviews Fauci asking him questions that impeach Trump’s the credibility. So when Trump’s campaign uses Dr. Fauci’s own words to praise Trump, they have to get Fauci to denounce Trump. “In my nearly five decades of public service, I have never publicly endorsed any political candidate . . ,” Fauci said, forgetting that Trump’s ad mentioned nothing about his endorsement for president. What the ad said was that Fauci said the White House did everything possible to deal with the Covid-19, running contrary with the Democrat and media narrative.
Biden’s campaign is built on Trump’s complete incompetence dealing with the Covid-19 crisis. Democrats endorsed 78-year-old former Washington Post turned-political-hack Bob Woodward’s book, “Rage,” that says that Trump “downplayed” the virus Jan. 28 in a recorded interview, completely taking Trump’s words out of context. But Woodward and the Democrat Party insist that Trump knew everything about the virus Jan. 28 when there were only a few cases and no deaths in the U.S. Yet Woodward said he was dumbfounded, astonished, shocked that Trump didn’t warn the public of the impending doom. Woodward is either demented or the smoothest con artists on the planet. He single-handedly gave 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden and his 55-year-old running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) the talking points used in both the presidential and vice presidential debates.
How much more of a lie can you tell that Trump knew “everything” on Jan. 28, two months before the World Health Organization [WHO] declared a global pandemic March 11. Woodward knew that WHO Director-General told the world in a Jan. 14 Geneva press conference that there was no “human-to-human” transmission in Wuhan, China, the origin of the virus. Yet Woodward made sure in his book and on his media book tour that Trump lied to the public. “The comments attributed to me without my permission in the GOP campaign ad were take out of context from the broad statment I made about the efforts of federal public health officials,” Fauci said. Fauci exposes for all to see that he’s a Democrat political hack, not the grandfatherly government bureaucrat. Fauci know that any of his numerous public remarks can be used by anyone without his permission.
Fauci’s public complaints about being taken out of context, proves what Trump figured out, that the 80-year-old doctor is no fan of the White House. “I can’t imagine that . . . anybody could be doing more,” Fauci said in the RNC ad. “President Trump tackled the virus head-on, as leaders should,” Fauci said. Democrats and Trump’s critics want everything possible to sell their false narrative that Trump botched the coronavirus crisis, offering Biden and Harris as having a better plan, despite not saying what they’d do differently. Democrats adopted Fauci as a campaign mascot because he give numerous press interviews, allowing the anti-Trump media to take him out of context but only if it reflects unfavorably on Trump. Fauci knows that his public recorded comments are fair game for any media ad, whether they’re for or against Trump. Democrats don’t like when Fauci’s words run counter to their fake narrative.