by drjmcurtis | Aug 19, 2020
Speaking on the second night of the virtual Democrat National Convention, 59-year-old former Department of Justice employee Sally Yates exposed for all to see what it means to be part of the “Deep State,” career partisans that work to undermine presidents of the...
by drjmcurtis | Aug 18, 2020
Democrats and their friends in the press have spawned more fake news, accusing 74-year-old Donald Trump of cutting funding to the U.S. Postal Service to prevents states from delivering-and-returning universal mail-in ballots. While Trump has his own fears based on...
by drjmcurtis | Aug 18, 2020
Preaching to the anti-Trump choir on CBS’ Late night “Stephen Colbert Show,” 55-year-old former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice said four more years of Trump would create an “unsalvageable” situation for U.S. foreign relations. Rice didn’t mention a thing...
by drjmcurtis | Aug 17, 2020
Winning a sixth term August 10 by 80%, 65-year-old Soviet-style Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko rules the former Soviet satellite in a way to make 67-year-old Russian Presisent proud. Both leaders have much in common, except for the fact that Putin’s a primetime...
by drjmcurtis | Aug 17, 2020
When 74-year-old President Donald Trump’s 39-year-old son-in-law White House senior adviser Jarod Kushner announced “normalization” of relations Aug. 13, with the United Arab Emirates, Palestinians called it a “stab in the back.” Palestinians think all Arabs must...