Speaking today on Day One at the virtual Charlotte-based Republican National Convention [RNC], 74-year-old President Donald Trump warned about election fraud with Democrats pushing for universal mail-in ballots. Trump contends that millions of ballots will go through the mail and potentially fall into the wrong hands. Whether that happens or not is anyone’s guess. Democrats led by 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have accused Trump and his 63-year-old Postmaster General Louis DeJoy of mucking up the postal system to interfere with mail-in ballots in the fall. Pelosi accuses DeJoy, who started his job June 16, 2020, of ordering neighborhood mailboxes removed off the streets and retiring old mail sorting machines. DeJoy has done nothing other than preside over the Post Office following recommendations already in the works by his predecessor. Yet if you listen to the press, DeJoy’s sabotages the USPS.
Trump worries that if New York’s June 23 primary is any guide, tens-of-thousands of ballots were either lost in the mail or not counted, leaving the state primary contest still in doubt. Amplify that one-thousand-fold on a national basis, Trump worries that the Nov. 3 presidential election may never be known. “This is the greatest scam in the history of politics,” Trump said today, accepting the Republican nomination for president. Trump plans to speak numerous times during this week’s RNC virtual convention, putting his stamp on the contest. Democrats spent last week nominating 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden and 55-year-old Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), hearing a full four days demonizing Trump. Few policy details emerged from the four days other than Biden saying he would mandate a nationwide mask executive order the day he’s inaugurated.
Trump barely began to speak as Democrats refuted everything he says, calling him a danger to American democracy. Trump plans to put street violence backed by Democrats in major American cities as evidence that voters can expect more of same violence and anarchy if Biden’s elected. “I just tell it like it is,” Trump said, warning voters that the chaos witnessed in American cities will continue under Biden. Democrats railed last week about Trump ordering Homeland Security and Immigration Customs Enforcement [ICE] agents to protect a federal building in Portland from being burned down. “Your American Dream will be dead,” referring to Biden’s possible election, talking about liberal judges allowing the street violence and anarchy seen in American cities since the May 25 murder of George Floyd. Democrats call Trump’s assessment “misstatements,” “exaggeration” and “insinuation.”
Democrats spent four days blaming Trump for the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 global pandemic, claiming, without proof, that under a Biden-Harris administration the country would not have 180,946 deaths today, something Joe called, “unforgivable.” Joe offered only one policy suggestion, promising a national mask mandate. Anyone listening to Democrats slam Trump on the coronavirus must ask themselves what would Democrats do differently, if anything? Biden suggested he would have acted more promptly, yet, when Trump instituted his China travel ban Jan. 31, Biden said the president was xenophobic. Trump acted more promptly than Democrats in stopping China from continuing to infect the United States. Trump followed a week later, banning flights from Europe, United Kingdom and Ireland, something Democrats opposed.
When Trump talks about the end of the American Dream, he’s referring to socialist elements now dominating the Democrat Party that want to fund free national health care, free college tuition, slavery reparation for African Americans and other socialist programs. Trump had the unemployment rate down to 3.5% before listening to his infectious disease experts NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci and State Departments Dr. Deborah Birx urged Trump to shut down the economy in April and May. Shutting down the economy to “slow the virus spread” resulted in over 30 million Americans losing their jobs, jumping the unemployment rate to over 11%. Biden said Aug. 21 in a joint interview with Kamal that would shut down the economy if recommended by medical experts. Trump vowed to never inflict the kind of economic damage done following Fauci and Birx’s recommendations to shut down the economy.
Trump said Democrats are using Covid-19 for political purposes. “What they’re doing is using COVID to steal the election. “They’re using COVID to defraud the American people—all of our people—of a fair and free election,” Trump said, resisting Democrats’ push for universal mail-in ballots. “They’re going to mail out 80 million ballots. It’s impossible, they have no idea. Who’s mailing them? Mostly Democrat states and Democrat governors,” Trump said about widespread voter abuse. Democrats counter that Trump and his Postmaster General Louis DeJoy are trying to sabotage the United States Postal Service [USPS]. Democrats have zero evidence but continue to hammer their conspiracy theory, just like they did for four years with the “Russian Hoax.” Trump has no problem with absentee ballots but wants polling places open just like before on Nov. 3.