Rumblings in Democrats circles about reviving the discredited Russian hoax directly relates to the 2020 campaign where 77-year-old Vice President has been accused by the Trump campaign of corruption in Ukraine. Democrats want to discredit Joe’s past dealings in Ukraine where he used his Vice President clout to land his 50-year-old son Hunter an $83,000 a month job. Democrats and the press now accuse Russia of spreading disinformation about Joe, not accepting that, in fact, Joe did land Hunter a lucrative job in Ukraine while he was leading 58-year-old President Barack Obama’s anti-corruption Urkrainian task force. What could be more corrupt than landing your son a high-paying job at a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holding’s board? Democrats and the media have dismissed the charges, saying that Joe and Hunter did nothing wrong, something not supported by the facts.
Hunter admitted on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Oct. 15, 2019 that it was probably a mistake to take the Burisma Holdings board job. Hunter admitted that without his father, he wouldn’t have gotten the high-paying job. Democrats and the press bring up Trump’s firing of former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. “I can affirm that one of my staffers who was aware of the controversy requested that I modify that assessment,” Coats told the New York Times. Coast says he was fired because he didn’t accept the idea that Russia was meddling in the 2020 presidential election, something that gives Biden an out for his past dealings in Ukraine. Coats told the Times he would not modify the intelligence assessment. “But I said, ‘No, we need to stick to what the analysis said,’” Coats said, admitting he was pressured by the White House to dispute the idea of Russian meddling in the 2020 election.
If the public accepts that Russia was meddling in the 2020 presidential election, then any information about Joe Biden could be dismissed as Russian propaganda. Today’s new intelligence assessment says the Russia favors Trump reelection. How Russia’s preference for Trump translates into election meddling is anyone’s guess. Democrats and their friends in the press want to make the argument that any talk about Joe’s corruption in Ukraine stemmed from Russian disinformation. “Russian leaders probably assess that chances to improve relations with the U.S. will diminish under a different U.S. president,” reported the New York Times. Blaming Joe’s corrupt activities in Ukraine on Russian disinformation gives Joe the perfect out when it comes to taking responsibility for landing Hunter an $83,000 a month job on Burisma Holdings board—an egregious conflict-of-interest.
Citing the Democrat partisan National Counterintellgence and Security Center, Director William Evanina insists that Russia’s going after Biden with conflicts-of-interest in Ukraine. “Kremlin linked actors are also seeking to boost President Trump’s candidacy on social media and Russian television” Evanina said without proof. Evanina’s statements are strangely reminiscent to statements made in former Secretary of State Hillary’s Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research AKA “the Steele Dossier,” making baseless claims about Trump being a Kremlin asset. Hillary accused Trump in the last presidential debate Oct. 19, 2016 in Las Vegas of being a “Putin puppet.” Trump didn’t know at the time that former FBI Director James Comey had launched a counterintelligence investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign based exclusively on Hillary’s fake “Steele Dossier.”
After 75-year-old former FBI Director and Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded March 23, 2019, that no one in the 2016 Trump campaign conspired with Russia, Democrats and their friends in the press continued the narrative. Keeping the Russian hoax going protects the FBI from engaging in a criminal conspiracy against Trump’s 2016 campaign and his presidency. Raising the Russian hoax again attempts to blame any corruption charges against Joe and his son Hunter on Russian propaganda. Kremlin operatives use a “range of measures” to “denigrate” and “undermine” Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, said Evanina, offering no proof only more wild speculation. When Trump dismissed Democrat claims of Russian meddling in 2020, he’s accused by Democrats and press of covering up Kremlin interference in the 2020 presidential election, all to protect Joe.
Raising the Russian hoax again continues the unfounded conspiracy theory started by Hillary in 2016. With Biden to be hit with charges of corruption in Ukraine, what better way to dismiss it than to blame it on Russia. Democrats and the press fear what’s coming from 70-year-old Atty. Gen. William Barr and 70-year-old U.S.Atty. John Duraham (R-Conn.) busy preparing indictments of former Obama administration officials who spied the Trump’s 2016 campaign, without any legitimate probable cause. While Democrats trash Barr for political bias, they’ve denied egregious wrongdoing for nearly four years. Democrats and the press spent nearly four years promoting the Russian hoax, even after Mueller said that Russian collusion never occurred. Now they want the Russian hoax back to give Joe and his son Hunter the cover they need to escape political fallout from Ukrainian corruption.