Preaching to the anti-Trump choir on MSNBC, 78-year-old Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe showed what’s wrong with today’s media. Instead of qualifying his opinions to mirror the Democrat Party, left-leaning news outlets, like the HuffPost and MSNBC, routinely solicit opinions from only people that agree with them. Presented opinions as facts, MSNBC exploit left-leaning law professors like Tribe to make their arguments. What’s lost in practice is not recognizing how propaganda—not facts—pervert American journalism. Of all the talk about how Russia or other foreign governments use social networks to brainwash U.S. voters, there’s no one better at spewing propaganda that the U.S. media. U.S. citizens hear nothing objective about any news stories today, only predigested talking points usually prepared by political parties advancing an agenda.
Commenting about the upcoming Senate impeachment trial, Tribe told MSNBC that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) strategy could backfire. “No chance that Trump would be removed from office over the Ukraine scandal,” McConnell told Fox News’s Sean Hanniity, vowing “total coordination” with the White House. Tribe insists that prejudging, like McConnell, the outcome of the Senate trial violates an ancient principle of judicial fairness. What Tribe doesn’t say is that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Intelligence and Judiciary Committee’s led by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Rep. Jerold Nadler (N.Y.), have tried and convicted Trump before the fact finding began. Schiff and Nadler violated every principle of due process cherry picking witnesses, offering 73-year-old President Donald Trump zero chance of presenting his case.
Trump refused to participate in the Intel or Judiciary Committee hearings precisely because the deck was stacked against him. Yet Tribe acts as if McConnell’s Republican-led Senate has prejudged the case. There’s no more extreme prejudice against Trump than having the House Speaker and both committee chairs conducting the investigation speak out about Trump’s guilt. Tribe called McConnell “disgusting,” saying McConnell “is going to conduct this trial as though he’s a member of the defense team,” Tribe said. Tribe doesn’t acknowledge that Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler have it in for Trump, as he does. Tribe hides behind his Harvard Law job to conceal, not too well, his extreme left-wing bias. What’s instructive is that academics, like Tribe, use their positions to bolster the already well-known bias against Trump, breaching legal ethics to advance Democrats’ agenda.
Tribe says McConnell’s impeachment trial strategy will backfire because it looks “rigged and fixed,” completely ignoring what’s gone on in the Intel and Judiciary committees. Tribe calls the Senate a “rubber stamp,” not giving Trump a responsible trial. Yet the real fix was in long ago when Trump was investigated by the FBI based on former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research AKA “the dossier.” Tribe knows that Democrats rigged the charges against Trump precisely to help the election in 2020. Tribe finds plenty of incriminating evidence against Trump but doesn’t question the Intel or Judiciary committees. Tribe acts like only the Democrats carry the truth related to Trump’s infamous July 25 phone call with Ukrainan President Volodymyr Zelensky, allegedly he pressured him to dredge up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden.
It doesn’t occur to Tribe to question the Democrats’ case against Trump, readily buying their cherry picked witnesses. Tribe has no reason to question Pelosi, Schiff or Nadler because it fits with his political bias that Trump committed high-crimes-and-misdemeanors, abusing the Article 2 powers and obstructing Congress. Any superficial review of the evidence shows that Democrats committed to impeaching Trump the day he took office Jan. 20, 2017. Fellow Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz thinks the charges against Trump are unconstitutional. Dershowitz doesn’t see that anything Trump said in his July 25 call with Zelensky rises to an impeachable offense, including deciding to delay military aid before getting reassurance about Ukrainian corruption. Tribe accepts uncritically Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler’s case impeachment case against Trump.
Known to carry the left-wing Democrat cause, Tribe can’t be trusted for an objective analysis when it comes to Trump. When you have Dershowitz saying the opposite, it underscores how legal experts, on both sides of the aisle, hazard partisan opinions, not trying to educate the public. Tribe points fingers at McConnell but doesn’t admit that Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler have it in for Trump. If Tribe really thinks about the highly partisan impeachment proceedings, he’d say that Trump couldn’t get fair hearings in the Democrat-controlled Intel and Judiciary committees, making McConnell’s actions entirely justifiable. Whether or not McConnell allows Schiff and Pelosi to present their case or call witnesses is anyone’s guess. What’s known for sure is the needle hasn’t moved one iota for the public and certainly won’t budge when it comes to Democrats and Republicans in the House or Senate.