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Nearing completion of his final report, Department of Justice Inspector General [IG] Michael Horowitz is striking fear in FBI Director Christopher Ray who hasn’t done much to address concerns raised by investigating the Trump campaign in 2016. Before 73-year-old President Donald Trump stepped off the escalator at Trump Tower announcing for president June 16, 2015, the FBI was already starting a covert counter-intelligence investigation. By the time Trump debated former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Oct. 19, 2016, the FBI was well into its counter-intelligence probe. At no time in U.S. history, has an incumbent president, in this case former President Barack Obama, authorized the FBI to conduct a counter-intelligence investigation into a GOP rival. Former FBI Director James Comey, fired by Trump May 9, 2017, denied April 11 that his department “spied” on the Trump campaign.

Comey denied he spied on the Trump campaign, saying he had appropriate probable cause to open up a counter-intelligence investigation. Comey denied that he relied exclusively on Hillary’s paid opposition research, AKA “the dossier,” linking Trump to the Kremlin. Hillary said Trump was a “Putin puppet” Oct. 19, 2016 in the last presidential debate in Las Vegas. From that, Trump found his campaign under FBI surveillance, going to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Act [FISA] to obtain a warrant on former Trump foreign policy aid Carter Page. Page was thoroughly investigated but never charged with anything. Horowitz is expected to rule on whether or not the FBI’s counter-intelligence investigation into Trump’s campaign was appropriate Trump called Comey and his upper FBI brass “dirty cops” for investigating his campaign without any probable cause.

No one knows the extent to which Horowitz will implicate FBI officials in a rogue counter-intelligence investigation but, more importantly, finger Obama and his Justice Department for carrying out the illegal investigations. While embroiled today in Democrats’ impeachment proceedings, Horowitz will attempt to determine whether or not the FBI engaged in an illegal counter-intelligence investigation. When Comey was fired by Trump May 9, 2017, it pushed Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein to appoint 75-year-old Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Trump’s alleged ties to Moscow. Democrats agreed that Mueller’s investigation would be the last word on Russian collusion. But once Mueller released his 400-page Final Report March 23, Democrats rejected the findings that essentially cleared Trump of Russian collusion. Democrats spent months cherry picking the report to find other impeachable offenses.

Today’s impeachment hearings directly relate to Democrats’ 2020 campaign strategy to impeach Trump before the Nov. 4, 2020 election. Claiming a “whistleblower” came forward Trump’s phone call with 40-year-old Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Democrats insist Trump breached his oath-of-office, committed high-crimes-and-misdemeanors seeking information on former Vice President Joe Biden and his 50-year-old son, Hunter. Democrata on the House Intelligence, Judiciary and Government Reform and Oversight Committees no longer accuse Trump of obstruction of justice. They now accuse s Trump of “bribery” for withholding Ukraine’s military aid, claiming Trump did it to get dirt on the Bidens. Due in three weeks, Horowitz’s report could upend Democrats impeachment proceedings, exploding a bombshell about government abuse in the Obama administration.

Horowtiz’s report is expected to detail illegal alteration of a document by an FBI lawyer. Already exposing an active conspiracy inside the FBI to sabotage Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, any new finding would undermine the Democrats’ impeachment case against Trump. If Horowitz’s report confirms illegal behavior at the FBI under Comey, it’s going to upend Democrats impeachment case. “This was spying on my campaign—something that has never been done in the history of our country,” Trump told “Fox and Friends,” today. “They tried to overthrow the presidency,” Trump said. Democrats want to keep the focus on Trump’s phone call with Zelensky but if the IG says the FBI illegally investigated Trump, it’s going to throw cold water on Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. Exposing misconduct at the FBI would implicate the Obama White House.

Members of the mainstream press also have a lot to be worried about if Horowitz finds the FBI acted illegally to wiretap Trump’s campaign. Democrats and the media accused Trump of planning to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. They published numerous stories tying Trump to Moscow or trying to impede the Special Counsel’s investigation. Democrats insisted that Mueller’s findings were final when it came to Trump’s alleged Russian ties in the 2016 election. After Mueller’s Final Report, Congress continued investigating Trump, putting the president in double-jeopardy. Asked how far the FBI counter-intelligence investigation went, Trump said “at the highest levels,” blaming Obama. If Horowitz finds illegal activity at the Justice Department and FBI, it’s going to undermine the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, raising questions about how Obama went rogue investigating Trump.