by drjmcurtis | Jul 11, 2019
When Chinese President Xi Jinping met with 73-year-old President Donald Trump at the G20 June 29 in Osaka, Japan, the Chinese leader promised to start buying U.S. agricultural products, especially soybeans. Trump expressed dismay over China’s lack of follow-through...
by drjmcurtis | Jul 10, 2019
With Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stating he will increase uranium enrichment “to whatever level he wants,” the July 15, 2015 Joint Comprehenisve Plan of Action [JCPOA] is essentially null-and-void. After Trump cancelled form President Barack Obama’s Iranian Nuke...
by drjmcurtis | Jul 9, 2019
Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) slammed 73-year-old President Donald Trump for criticizing Fox News, whose network has provided a-fair-and-balanced critiques of the president. With only one news network giving Trump any positive coverage, Trump feels he...
by drjmcurtis | Jul 8, 2019
Agreeing to testify before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committee July 17, 74-year-old former Special Counsel Robert Mueller was told by 69-year-old Atty. Gen. William Barr that he did not have to go. Barr said Democrats in Congress want to create a “public...
by drjmcurtis | Jul 7, 2019
Tensions between the U.S. and Iran hit the boiling point, as British Royal Marines seized false-flagged Iranian Supertanker Grace 1 July 4 carrying 1.2 million barrels of crude oil near Gilbralter heading to Syria. Iran insists that the United Kingdom is running...