If there were any doubts about former FBI Director James Comey bias against President Donald Trump, Comey told 92Y Manahattan radio that Democrats “have to win” the 2020 presidential election. Comey testified under oath before the House Intelligence Committee Dec. 8 that he couldn’t recall, remember or recollect questions asked by Republican members of the committee. Comey insists that the FBI was investigating four member of Trump’s campaign for alleged ties with Russia, pretending he didn’t use former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research against Trump called “dossier” to obtain warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court to wiretap Trump campaign officials. Comey said he couldn’t “recall” 245 times during his Friday interview. Yet he recalls with alarming precision that Trump tried to obstruct justice.
Telling the public that he’s behind any-and-all Democrat efforts to defeat Trump in 2020 clearly shows the mood at the FBI during his tenure. While Comey’s emails or texts haven’t yet confirmed his anti-Trump bias, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe resigned in disgrace for mishandling the FBI’s Hillary email probe. Comey permitted FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was heading Hillary email probe, to exchange disparaging emails with his mistress FBI attorney Lisa Page, both talking about how they’d stop Trump from getting elected. Now that it’s clear that Comey held the same bias against Trump before fired May 8, 2017, it’s time for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to expand his probe into the Obama White House, directing former Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Comey to use the nation’s national security apparatus to sabotage Trump’s campaign.
As Comey—and his former employees Strzok and Page—admitted, Democrats “have to win” in 2020 to rid Trump from the White House, he has zero credibility over anything he says. When he can’t remember 245 times under oath, it tells you all you need to know about Comey: An anti-Trump political hack. Comey turned the FBI into a political hit squad against Trump, now, unable to contain his ire, slamming Trump in publicl. On 245 occasions, former FBI Director James Comey told House Intel Committee he didn’t know, didn’t recall or couldn’t remember things when asked,” Trump tweeted Sunday. “Leakn’ James Comey must have set a record for who lied the most to Congress in one day. His Friday testimony was so untruthful,” tweeted Trump. Comey gave a lesson to anyone asked questions by the FBI or any other law enforcement source, just say “you can’t remember.”
With Congressional Democrats and the media calling for Trump impeachment and prosecution, no legal expert sees either the high-crimes-and-misdemeanors or any other crimes. Calling his former attorney Michael Cohen’s admission that he lied to Congress regarding a Trump Tower discussion with the Russians a smoking gun, incoming House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Trump could indeed go to jail. Schiff also insisted that Cohen’s payout to porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Susan McDougal were clear violations of campaign finance law, despite the fact that prior cases were acquitted, like former Democrat VP candidate John Edwards. Yet Democrats and the media have already tried and convicted Trump for high-crimes-and-misdemeanors. Comey believes that Trump’s guilty or obstruction and witness tampering.
Comey complained about Trump’s tweets, calling them “disturbing,” in the sense that they’re disparaging potential witnesses like himself. “I’m not prepared to judge it,” referring to Trump’s criticism of him. “I’m a witness potentially. I don’t know how the Special Counsel thinks about it but if I were a prosecutor and a public figure started attacking the credibility of one of my witnesses in a pending investigation, that’s something I would look at very closely, “ Comey told radio 92Y in Manhattan. Comey can’t see that he continually slams Trump in public, calling him a dangerous menace. Comey thinks its OK for him to slam Trump but not OK for Trump to return fire. Since getting fired May 9, 2017, Comey said only disparaging things about Trump, often calling him a liar. Yet Comey’s deeply troubled by Trump firing back when he’s attacked routinely in the media.
Trump’s high-crimes-and-misdemeanors started June 15, 2015 when he announced at Manhattan’s Trump Tower he was running for president. Since then, Democrats and the media practically stood on their heads to keep him out of the White House. When their dreams of defeating Trump were foiled, Democrats-and-the-press did the next best thing, accuse him of working for the Kremlin. “I can tell you that all of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lying stops on Jan. 20, 2021,” said Comey. “I understand the Democrats have important debates now over who their candidates should be . . . but they have to win. They have to win,” Comey said, exposing his bias for all to see. With a three-vote cushion in the U.S. Senate, it’s mathematically impossible to convict Trump. So far, no one’s held Comey accountable for abusing his former office to keep Trump out of the White House.