U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein joined the media hysteria warning Trump about firing Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel former FBI Director Robert Mueller for investigating allegations of Russian collusion and obstruction of justice in the FBI’s Russian investigation. Responding to unverified reports circulated in the anti-Trump media that he’s considering more firings, Feinstein showed off her partisan zeal warning Trump about impeding the FBI’s probe. “I’m growing increasingly concerned that the president will attempt to fire not only Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible obstruction of justice, but also Deputy Atty. General Rosenstein who appointed Mueller,” said Feinstein. Feinstein didn’t say where she got her concerns that Trump was considering firing Rosenstein and Mueller, only spreading more wild anti-Trump speculation in the Washington press.

Without naming her sources, Feinstein engages in the same yellow journalism that has relied only on rumor, innuendo and gossip, wildly speculating about the FBI’s probe into Trump’s alleged collusion with Kremlin and now possible obstruction of justice. Nearly a year of FBI investigation has not produced one shred of evidence supporting Trump-Russian collusion or obstruction of justice. Feinstein warned Trump he’s “in for a rude awakening” if he fires either man, though not saying from whom she heard he’s considering those steps. Refusing to name her sources, Feinstein shows off her bitter anti-Trump partisanship. Feinstein’s announcement makes headlines in the press, finding itself repeated in the 24/7-news cycle, whipping up more anti-Trump rhetoric without merit. Feinstein’s baseless statements give the press more sensational headlines to report.

Accusing Trump of “embarking on an effort to undermine anyone with the ability to bring any misdeeds to light,” Feinstein revealed her bias against Trump and his White House staff. Feinstein showed no problem believing everything said by former FBI Director James Comey when he testified June 8 before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey accused Trump of lying when he said the FBI had low morale because of his leadership. Comey’s too busy retaliating against Trump to know the difference between a lie and an opinion. Comey said May 9 the day he was fired that Trump had every right to fire him for whatever reason. Testifying before Congress, Comey ripped Trump for criticizing his leadership. Yet Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein laid out a compelling case how Comey usurped the DOJ in the Hillary email investigation and deserved to be fired.

What Rosenstein didn’t say was that Comey used Hillary’s paid opposition research as “probable cause” to justify seeking warrants to investigate Trump campaign officials. Rosenstein also didn’t say Comey used fake Russian intel to justify his stated lack of trust of former Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch after meeting with former President Bill Clinton June 30, 2016 on the tarmac of Phoenix’s Sky Harbor airport. Comey ended the Hillary email investigation July 5, 2016, to prevent the public—and Congress—from knowing his fake Russian intel sources. Rosenstein never mentioned Comey’s most egregious incompetence, only that he usurped the DOJ in the Hillary email investigation. Feinstein’s press event shows how the Washington rumor mill makes headlines in today’s age of yellow journalism. Facts don’t count anymore only rumors, innuendo and political gossip.

Feinstein and other members of the press don’t like when Trump calls the FBI investigation the biggest witch-hunt in presidential history. Democrats have no problem with the FBI investigating Trump over wild speculation. When Rosenstein appointed Mueller May 17 as Special Counsel it wasn’t to conduct an open-ended investigation, after Comey spent nearly a year without any proof of Trump’s alleged collusion with the Kremlin in the 2016 election. Rumors about Mueller looking into the finances of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner or probing Trump for obstruction of justice can’t go much longer. Unless Mueller can produce evidence, he’s going to have to rap up the Russian investigation. When you consider Comey justified probable cause to investigate Trump based on fake campaign documents, it’s no wonder Trump calls the FBI probe a witch-hunt.

Feinstein showed her true partisan colors staging yet another fake press event without any facts to support her allegations. Suggesting that Trump would fire Rosenstein and Mueller is preposterous. Feinstein didn’t like hearing Trump would testify before Congress about alleged Russian collusion or obstruction of justice. Feinstein doesn’t want to get to the bottom of anything, she wants to fuel the Democratic narrative to discredit Trump. Trump’s tweets about a witch-hunt are purely based on the FBI or Congress finding nothing to connect Trump to the Kremlin. Trump stated he would have never tried to influence Comey or anyone else to stop any investigation. Feinstein’s press event is designed to give the press more red meat, not to get facts on the Russian investigation or obstruction charges. Feinstein has one thing in mind warning Trump: Create more anti-Trump headlines.