Exposing what really happened in the FBI’s incidental data collection that exposed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Trump’s 36-year old son-in-law and Senior White House Adviser Jarod Kushner, all fingers point to former National Security Adviser Susan Rice. Former CIA Director and National Security Adviser Michael Hayden admitted that Rice most likely unmasked Kushner while reviewing tapped phone calls of Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak. Kusher finds himself caught in the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign, trying to establish a link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Now named a person of interest, it’s likely that Rice unmasked Kushner’s phone conversations with Kislyak in which Kusher asked Kislyak to set up a secure “back-channel” line of communication with the Kremlin.
Kushner was caught in the cookie jar after Rice, or possibly former Secretary of State Loretta Lynch, asked that the second party conversations with Kislyak, unmask Flynn and Kushner. Calling Kushner a traitor, Foreign Policy Magazine goes over the top, suggesting he violated the arcane 1799 Logan Act, prohibiting U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. Kushner didn’t negotiate anything. He attempted to set up a safe line of communication with Russia when former President Obama drove relations to lower levels than the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. When Obama pushed U.S.-Russian relations to the brink, expelling 35 Russian diplomats from Washington for alleged meddling in the 2016 election, Trump’s transition officials, including Kushner and Flynn, tried reverse the damage of pushing the U.S. and Russia to the possible brink of war in Syria.
Kushner and Flynn were guilty of no more than trying to prevent WW III, improving U.S.-Russian relations. Flynn talked to Kislyak several times after Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats Dec. 28, 2016, attempting to defuse retaliatory activity by the Kremlin. Why Flynn didn’t openly and proudly admit he talked to Kislyak to avoid a growing diplomatic crisis is anyone’s guess. Flynn insisted he only talked to Kislyak about future scheduling issues between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Yet Foreign Policy Magazine insists Kushner and Flynn engaged in treason for doing their utmost to reestablish U.S.-Russian relations. Unmasking Kislyak’s conversations with Flynn and Kushner, Rice tried her utmost to help Hillary and harm Trump’s presidential ambitions, looking for any dirt to advance former Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta’s theory that Trump was a “Russian puppet.”
Rice justified unmasking Flynn and Kushner as part of some nefarious plot to undermine U.S. foreign policy. Flynn and Kushner didn’t try to alter U.S. foreign policy that pushed U.S.-Russian relations to the brink, they tried to defuse a potential military confrontation. It was former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton who urged Obama Oct. 20, 2016 to set up a dangerous no-fly zone in Syria. Hillary mirrored the Oct. 20, 2016 views of Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) who said the U.S. should shoot-down Russian or Syrian jets if they breached the no-fly zone. Hillary and McCain prompted former German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeir to warn Oct. 15, 2016 of WW III, if Clinton and McCain prevail on Obama to set up a no-fly zone. Fortunately, Obama didn’t listen but the point is U.S.-Russian relations were headed to an eventual military confrontation.
Hayden told anti-Trump network CNN that Kushner’s attempt to set up a secure back-channel line of communication was “off the map.” “I know of no other experience like this in out history, and certainly not within my life experience,” said Hayden, prompting Rice to unmask tapped phone calls with Flynn and Kushner. “Obviously, a request from the National Security Adviser to unmask an identity would be given great weight,” said Hayden, determining how Flynn and Kushner’s identities were exposed in the 2016 campaign. Hayden said nothing of FBI Director James Comey relying on bogus Russian intel to justify bypassing Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch in the Hillary email probe. Hayden also mentioned nothing of Comey using Hillary paid opposition research by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to justify going to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] court to investigate Trump officials.
Diverting attention away from unjustified surveillance on U.S. citizens, the media looks to excuse Rice for ordering incidental collection or a FISA court warrant on Trump campaign officials. Flynn and Kushner’s attempt to set up a secure line of communication was a desperate attempt to improve U.S.-Russians relations, defusing a possible military confrontation in Syria. Hayden wants to excuse Comey, Rice and Lynch from ordering surveillance on Trump campaign officials. Calling Kusher or Flynn’s behavior treasonous shows how partisan the Russian investigation has become. Agreeing to interview with the FBI or testify before Congress, Kushner threw cold water on conspiracy nuts looking accuse Trump’s campaign team of treason. When you look at the deteriorated state of U.S.-Russian relations, Trump’s transition team acted to safeguard U.S. national security.