Post-election protests spread across major cities in the U.S. organized by professional anarchists, the same folks that demonstrated in Ferguson, Mo., Baltimore, Md, Chicago, Il., Los Angeles, Calif., Staten Island, N.Y., Baton Rouge, La., and other urban hot-spots around the country. Nothing could be more un-American than vitiating the First Amendment with professional organizers responsible for protests and riots connected with officer-involved-shootings. Democratic nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton ripped GOP nominee real estate mogul Donald Trump Oct. 19 when he said he didn’t know whether he’d accept the results of the election. Hillary went so far as to call Trump a threat to American democracy. Since winning the presidency Nov. 8, protests spread across the country with neither Hillary nor President Barack Obama saying a word.
Whatever Trump said in the campaign, it paled into insignificance to the propaganda from Trump’s GOP rivals and Hillary, branding him as a racist, misogynist, sexist, fraud and huckster. Hillary spent most her billion-dollar campaign on attack ads promoting Trump as temperamentally unfit for the presidency because of racist, misogynist and sexist ways. Today’s mainstream media, with the exception of Fox News, used disparaging Hillary campaign talking points to fashion news stores and broadcast reports all validating Hillary’s narrative. Now protesters parrot back the pernicious propaganda as if it were true. “This is not a game—this man is our president and he is going to be sworn into office,” Cal Brooks, co-founder of Anti Police-Terror Project, told protesters in Oakland, Calif. “We need to be more than angry, we need to organize and funnel our anger into action.
Professional agitators like Anti Police-Terror Project are spin offs of the Oakland-based Black Panthers, telling protesters that police are racists. Obama’s been telling the American public, specifically black groups, that the U.S. has a “broken criminal justice system,” essentially accusing police departments of racism. Obama knows that most officer-involved shootings don’t involve racism but unfortunate circumstances or, more specifically, bad police practices. Groups like Showing Up for Racial Justice, National Action Network or New York-base Answer Coalition, have professional organizers soliciting college-aged folks to stage demonstrations. When groups get together, anything’s possible, including riots and looting. “This is an absolute rejection of the Trump program and is not going to stop,” said Ben Becker, an organizer with the Answer Coalition, promising more demonstrations.
Trump responded to the nationwide protests, reverting back to Twitter. “Just had a very open and successful presidential election,” Tweeted Trump. “Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair.” Trump finds himself caught between a rock-and-hard place with the mainstream media, continuing to broadcast and print stories legitimizing protesters. Instead of admonishing protesters to accept the election, the media continues to whip up protests. “It’s not just saying that we’re against Trump, we have to defend ourselves against the policies he’s promising to create,” said Ron Gochez, an activist and organizer with Union del Barrio in Los Angeles. Backed by black civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton, Gochez hopes to back legislation protecting Obamacare and reforming the criminal justice system, something not on Turmp’s agenda.
When you consider that the media conspired with Hillary’s campaign to paint Trump as a racist, misogynist and racist, it’s up to Hillary and Obama to speak to the protesters, correcting the record about President-Elect Trump. Voters around the country that didn’t vote for Trump need to hear the stereotypes, caricatures and pernicious propaganda corrected by the ones who pushed the lies. It’s clear from Hillary and Obama’s lack of a response, they continue to incite the protests and riots. Trump made clear in his acceptance speech that he’ll be a president for all the people, including minorities trapped in America’s crumbling inner cities. Law enforcement agencies can’t show tolerance for rioting and looting, no matter what the pretence. If speaking publicly could help settle down the mass hysteria over Trump’s lection, then Hillary and Obama should speak out.
Protesters and professional agitators should be given a civics lesson about American Democracy. When the vote’s over, as Obama said, the peaceful, orderly transition of power begins. Hillary made her best case to voters, focusing too much on Trump’s flaws, not enough on how she’d govern. For whatever reason, voters rejected Hillary’s sales pitch. While Hillary and Obama touted the great economic progress, enough voters felt left out of the current economic recovery. Trump offered a better vision of the future than Hillary, who offered more of the status quo. Voters opted for change over more of the same. Obama never really understood that his presidency was more than lifting up minorities. Trump spoke to the forgotten silent majority that finally woke up on Election Day, realizing, as Trump pointed out at campaign rallies, that it was their last chance.