Mounting scandals related to Democratic nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails and new charges about pay-to-play at the State Department have caught up with Hillary. Since FBI Director James Comey reopened Oct. 28 the investigation into Hillary’s emails enough fence-sitting Republicans have finally decided they can’t let Hillary become president. Comey’s new investigation with thousands of emails found on former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop, shared with his former wife Hillary’s top aide Huma Abedin, have given FBI new information in which to investigate Hillary. Comey’s new investigation looks different from the last one when he decided July 3 to not charge Hillary because he couldn’t establish “intent” to violate U.S. laws related to sending-or-receiving classified information on her personal email server.
Since Comey reopened the email investigation, a dark cloud hangs over the Hillary campaign. Unable to keep ripping Comey for notifying Congress and the American public only 11 days before the election, Hillary focuses almost exclusively on GOP nominee real estate mogul Donald Trump’s alleged misogynism. Nowhere does Hillary talk about her domestic or foreign policy, only Trump’s character flaws. Hillary avoids talking about a new FBI investigation other than telling voters, “there is no case here.” When you add a new FBI investigation to Hillary’s problems, it pulled the rug from underneath her campaign. While the liberal press does its part to avoid reporting on Hillary’s FBI problems, there’s enough moderate electronic and print outlets to cover the stories. Recent disclosures by WikiLeaks create additional problems for Hillary.
When WikiLeak’s Julian Assange revealed hacked emails of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile showed she gave Hillary CNN debate questions in advance, it exposed more than liberal media bias. CNN Jeff Zucker put down the hammer on Brazile, a CNN contributor, for handing debate questions to Hillary. While Zucker called Brazile’s actions “disgusting,” Zucker reluctantly admitted that CNN had become too liberal. Zucker knew that Brazile was a Democratic operative working for CNN for months, giving her a free pass to attack Trump. Firing Brazile Oct. 31, Zucker tried to make up for lost time but he knew she was a Democratic operative that infiltrated the CNN newsroom. Zucker gave his primetime news hosts Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon free reign to attack the Trump campaign for months.
CNN’s extreme media bias morphed with Brazile into outright collusion with the Hillary campaign. Firing Brazile doesn’t fix CNN problems, only tells Zucker he’s got a lot of work to do especially cleaning up liberal bias from CNN’s primetime news anchors. What really hurts Hillary’s credibility about the FBI investigation was the White House refusing to attack FBI Director James Comey. Obama told voters that Comey was a man of unquestioned character, not the man the Hillary campaign was attacking. Contradicting Hillary’s narrative that Comey breached protocol or violated the Hatch Act told voters that Hillary was blowing more smoke now that she’s under a new FBI investigation. Trump’s sudden surge in the national and battleground state polls mirrors Comey’s Oct. 28 decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary’s emails.
Hillary had a lock on the election until Comey reminded voters that the Democratic nominee could face charges for sending-and-receiving classified information on her private email server. With Trump beating up conservative in the GOP primaries, the never Trump movement continued to hurt his polls until Comey’s announcement. Even the most diehard Trump-bashers had to come to grip with putting a criminal in the White House. Selling Trump as a racist or women-hating bully now sounds like a desperate strategy to avoid talking about real campaign issues. Going more and more negative, it alerts undecided voters that Hillary has more to hide heading into Election Day. Trump’s been staying on message, especially about Hillary’s criminal behavior. Republican voters have finally rallied around keeping Hillary out of the White House.
Heading into Election Day, it looks like Trump has momentum, with the FBI investigation taking a toll on Hillary’s campaign. Bringing up worn out talking points about Trump’s insults or his bogus ties to Russia hasn’t diverted enough voters to avoid voting for Trump. Trump’s improved polling indicates that Hillary continues to lose ground only five days before the Nov. 8. Whether admitted to or not, enough mainstream voters understand the implications of an FBI investigation. While it turned out rosy for Hillary July 3, the new investigation looks like its heading in the opposite direction. Undecided voters can’t fathom voting for someone on the verge of getting charged with high-crimes-and misdemeanors. If today’s trend continues between now and the election, Trump looks to pull and upset far greater than the Chicago Cubs.