Rushed away into her limo today at a Sept. 11 commemoration at Ground Zero, 68-year old Democratic nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had another “medical episode,” this time nearly fainting, before staffers propped her up and whisked her away for treatment. Reports of Hillary nearly blacking out, needing assistance to stand up, coughing fits, memory lapses, mental brain freezes, etc., raise questions about Hillary’s overall health, something hard to ignore less that 60 days before the Nov. 8 election. Hillary reported feeling “overheated” at Ground Zero around 10:00 a.m. with outside temperature of about 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 23.8 degrees Celsius. Hillary’s campaign said the Democratic nominee went to her daughter Chelsea’s Lower Manhattan apartment, recovering quickly. As the day wore on, Hillary’s personal doctor Lisa Bardack changed the story.
When Hillary emerged to a watching press a few hours later, the campaign was quick to reassure voters about her medical condition. Hillary told reporters she was “feeling great.” “It’s a beautiful day in New York,” Hillary screamed to anxious reporters. “Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies,” said Dr. Bardack, referring to her latest coughing fit on Friday, Sept. 9. Bardack later said Hillary was diagnosed with ”walking pneumonia,” causing her to get overheated and dyhydrated, the same excuse used when Hillary Dec. 16, 2012 allegedly got dehydrated, fainted, sustained concussion and subdural hematoma, causing her double vision, missing about 6 months of work as Secretary of State. Today’s “walking pneumonia” doesn’t add up, when the campaign announced she had recovered nicely shortly after visiting Chelsea’s apartment.
If Hillary emerged cheerful from Chelsea’s apartment saying only a few hours later, “It’s a beautiful day,” there’s something miraculous that brought her back from the dead. “I’m glad to learn that Secretary Clinton is already feeling better and I wish her a speedy recovery,” said DNC Chairman Donna Brazile. “I look forward to seeing her back out on the campaign trail and continuing on the path to victory,” said Brazile, going overboard with the spin following Hillary’s latest medical episode. Brazile wants to keep the public in the dark, dismissing the incident as inconsequential. Hillary’s miraculous recovery is consistent with recoveries made by insulin-dependent diabetics receiving life-saving insulin. Walking pneumonia doesn’t go away in instantly, especially treating Hillary with routine course of antibiotics. Hillary’s doctor and campaign can’t have it both ways: A miraculous recovery or slow medical treatment.
While Hillary’s doctor said she was diagnosed with “walking pneumonia” last Friday, she gave no details of which hospital or clinic Hillary gave blood receiving her diagnosis of “walking pneumonia.” Giving Hillary the diagnosis of walking pneumonia quells the speculation that she has a more serious chronic medical condition. Whether admitted to or not by the Hillary campaign, the press has been given no details into Hillary’s diagnosis and treatment for “walking pneumonia” or any other medial condition. Dr. Bardack is quick to diagnosis Hillary with “allergies” when it comes to her coughing fits. Watching Bardack and Brazile react so quickly to quell a growing media feeding frenzy suggests strongly that they’re covering up Hillary’s real medical condition. Hillary has refused to release her medical records, other than taking Bardack at her word that she’s fit for duty.
Based on growing reports of Hillary’s medical problems, it now calls into question the dyhydation-fall-concussion-subdural hematoma theory back in 2012. Like Bardack’s explanation today of “walking pneumonia,” it’s a transient medical condition easily treated with antibiotics. Saying Hillary had a temporary concussion in 2012 also suggests its something that eventually resolves itself. When you consider the many symptoms of peripheral muscle weakness, coughing fits, cognitive lapses, including memory problems, it points to a stroke, not a concussion. Admitting Hillary had a stroke in 2012 would be a deal breaker for a presidential run. Admitting today that Hillary has insulin-dependent diabetes would also be a deal breaker for her campaign. Changing stories from morning to afternoon indicates that the campaign seeks the most benign excuse for today’s “medical episode.”
Today’s “medical episode” prompted Hillary’s rapid response team to jump into action, watching Dr. Bardack and Braziile get out in front of the damage control curve. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump—while silent today—has made a case of Hillary’s lack of fitness for duty as president. Dismissing her medical condition as another GOP conspiracy theory, Hillary’s running out of plausible deniability, especially if she won’t release her medical records. When you consider how many times the story changed today eventually falling on “walking pneurmonia,” it’s clear the campaign seeks to minimize chronic medical conditions like post-stroke recovery, diabetes or a variety of other chronic conditions. Treated for “deep vein thrombosis” with the anticoagulant Coumadin also points to a stroke in 2012, with diabetes playing a major role in Hillary’s current medical condition.