Stepping down in disgrace over emails released by Wikileaks July 21 showing the Democratic National Committee actively worked to sabotage the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz still wants to stick around the convention. Booed off the stage by Bernie supporters at a breakfast meeting today, Wasserman-Schultz’s slow on the uptake, believing so long she’s-all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips at the DNC. Even convention deputy chair longtime Democratic operative Donna Brazile still thinks Wasserman-Schultz should gavel in the convention. Officials for the DNC and campaign officials of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton haven’t caught up with the damage control. If today’s polls say anything to the DNC and Hillary, it shows voters have caught up with Wasserman-Schultz’s shenanigans, sabotaging Bernie’s election bid.
With Hillary’s credibility problems hurting her campaign, the latest debacle threatens to torpedo her chances on Nov. 8. Uncovering Wasserman-Schultz dirty tricks against Bernie doesn’t stop there, it carries over the distinct risk of tracing the tactics back to executive Hillary operatives. “I can see there is a little bit of interest in my being here,” said Wasserman-Schultz after getting booed out the breakfast meeting. “I thanked President Obama for the honor of serving,” said Wasserman-Schultz, “and for being able to watch his back and bring him across the finish line in 2012. While Wasserman-Schultz harks back to the past, the Clinton campaign can only see her as radioactive today. “You will see me everyday between now and Nov. 8 on the campaign trail,” showing unfathomable denseness over what she’s done to sabotage Hillary’s chances in November.
When the dust settles over the Wikileaks scandal, it’s doubtful you’ll see Wasserman-Shultz stumping for Hillary or any other Democratic candidate. Her presence is a rude reminder of the link between Hillary and Debbie, pointing to direct involvement by the Hillary campaign in Wasserman-Schultz’s actions against Bernie. Without knowing it, Waserman-Schultz has become a pariah in Democratic circles, hardly the kind of surrogate Hillary needs to pull off what looked like a sure thing a month ago but now looks more doubtful. Wasserman-Schultz won’t gavel in the convention today or preside over any more convention events. Her presence is a lightening rod for DNC corruption, discrediting Hillary’s campaign for voters watching the convention. It’s beyond denial to think she’s going to play any role as Hillary surrogate going forward.
Democrats did a masterful job of ripping the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week, prompting Hillary to claim the only things that unites Republicans is criticism of her. Whether that’s true or not, the chants of “lock-her-up” coming from convention delegates speak volumes about a Hillary presidency. Claiming she’s got some magic potion to succeed with Republicans where President Barack Obama failed, voters are beginning to see the real picture in 2016. If Hillary were elected, voters can expect at least four more years of partisan gridlock. With the Congress not expected to change hands in November, Hillary would face a Republican House and Senate. She made her feelings known Oct. 14, 2015 at a CNN debate, calling Republicans her “enemies.” If Republicans are Hillary’s enemies, how’s she going to get anything done on Capitol Hill?
Wasserman-Schultx fell on her sword for Hillary, diverting attention away from her election campaign to the DNC. Common sense tells you that Wasserman-Schultz got her marching orders to sabotage Bernie from the highest levels of the Hillary campaign. It’s pure fantasy to think that Wasserman-Schultz operated on her own without instructions from Hillary. “I have decided that in the interest of making sure that we can start the Democratic convention on a high note that I am not going to give in the convention,” said Wasserman-Schultz, bowing out of her expected duties. Wasserman-Schultz is about to go into the DNC witness protection program, never to be heard from again. No matter how much the mainstream press wants to ignore the DNC’s scandal, it’s not going to be easy with Wasserman-Schultz in the cameras. She’s about to perform a disappearing act.
Now the poster-child of DNC corruption, Wasserman-Schultz won’t be heard of for sometime to come. Her presence in any campaign capacity would give the Hillary campaign a big fat black eye. Stepping down doesn’t assure that Wasserman-Schultz won’t be the talk of the town in Philadelphia. If Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus gets his way, Wasserman-Schultz will remain front-and-center through the four-day convention. Rigging the primaries reinforces Bernie’s old complaints that the Party’s stacked against him. Trump also staked much of his campaign on a dishonest press and Democratic political apparatus. Watching the DNC conduct business-as-usual and make excuses for Hillary won’t stop voters from questioning Hillary’s trustworthiness, the Achilles Heel in her polls. If the link’s made between Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz, it could spell trouble ahead.