On the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Democratic presumptive nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton got more bad news, watching Democratic National Committee [DNC] Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resign in disgrace. After WikiLeak’s founder Julian Assange released 19,000 hacked emails July 21 showing the DNC plotted at the highest levels to sabotage Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). What hasn’t been talked about is the role of Hillary and her campaign manager John D. Podesta played with Wasserman-Schultz. While it’s easy to make Wasserman-Schultz the fall-guy, it’s utter folly to think Hillary wasn’t involved in sabotaging Bernie. “The party now needs new leadership that will open doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people,” said Sanders, calling for Wasserman-Schultz to step down.
Bernie’s so obsessed with defeating GOP nominee real estate mogul Donald Trump, he’s unwilling to call out Hillary for what looks like undeniable corruption at the highest levels of her campaign with the DNC. Sanders repeatedly called the DNC out over favoritism toward Hillary during his $180.6 million year-long campaign. Campaign contributors didn’t know that Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC worked feverishly to defeat Bernie. What’s at stake now is nothing short of the credibility of Hillary and the DNC, both embarrassed by WikiLeaks at the highest levels. “I am going to do everything I can to defeat him, to elect Hillary Clinton and to keep focusing, keep focusing on the real issues facing the American people,” said Sanders, showing he’s more concerned about damage to Hillary than exposing corruption and dealing with the appropriate consequences.
Heading into tomorrow’s convention in Philadelphia, Wasserman-Schultz’s abrupt resignation proves the DNC’s corruptrion, something Bernie called a “rigged” primary process. Bernie can’t have it both ways: Crying egregious corruption and, at the same time, backing Hillary as his Party’s nominee. Sanders’s smart enough to know that Wasserman-Schultz worked closely with Hillary and her top campaign officials to guarantee a Bernie defeat. Bernie shows none of the integrity that captured the imagination of millions of primary voters, winning him 1,894 pledged and super-delegates. Knowing that Wasserman-Schultz colluded at the highest levels of the Hillary campaign to sabotage him, Bernie shouldn’t, in clear conscience, back Hillary, no matter who’s the GOP candidate. Wasserman-Schultz’s resignation points strongly at Hillary orchestrating the sabotage.
Ignoring Hillary’s connection to Wasserman-Schultz shows exactly how Democrats are willing to ignore egregious ethical and legal lapses campaigning for president. Hillary was prompt after Wasserman-Schultz’s resignation to divert public attention away from her clear link to Wasserman-Schultz. Ripping Trump for pushing “fear and the anger and the resentment,” Hillary diverted attention away from the DNC scandal to Trump. “Donald Trump may think America’s in decline, but he’s wrong. America’s best days are still ahead of us, my friends, “ Hillary told a campaign rally in Miami. Today’s suicide bombing by a 27-year-old Syrian near a music festival in Ansbach, Germany, validates Trump’s acceptance speech that President Barack Obama and Hillary have been reckless in allowing unvetted Syrian refugees to immigrate in large numbers to the U.S.
Hillary’s told campaign audience-after-campaign audience that she’s got plan to fix the sluggish U.S. economy. Hillary’s even said she’d put her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in charge fixing today’s broken economy. Hillary can’t have it both ways: Saying, on the one hand, that the economy needs fixing, while, on the other hand, touting the Obama economy. Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen refused to raise interest rates June 15, citing sluggish Gross Domestic Product [GDP] growth. Yellen kept interest rates at nearly record lows because the U.S. economy has become dangerously close to recession. Hillary & Co. has decided to brand Trump’s speech “doom-and-gloom,” rather than face the unhappy reality that the U.S. economy under Obama has stalled out. Running on Obama’s record, Hillary hopes voters are satisfied with the U.S. economy.
Wasserman-Schultz’s resignation gives the DNC a big fat black eye before the convention. Hillary can’t separate herself from the DNC’s shenanigans because it was all aimed to win her the nomination. Believing Hillary had nothing to do with the DNC’s attempt to sabotage Sanders’ campaign is inexcusable denial. WikiLeak’s hacked emails show how devious DNC operatives considered painting Bernie as an atheist to hurt his chances in the South’s bible belt. Going overboard blowing smoke, Hillary’s campaign manage Robby Mook put the blame on Russia. “Russian state actors” hacked DNC computers, “for the purpose of helping Donald Trump,” diverting attention away from his boss, Hillary. Wasserman-Schultz dealt from the bottom of the deck to help Hillary beat Bernie. She resigned to spare Hillary more embarrassment but, more importantly, to shield the campaign from egregious corruption.