With the liberal press on her side, 68-year-old Democratic presumptive nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton continued her narrative about GOP presumptive nominee real estate tycoon Donald Trump. Showing no pause for the dead-and-injured in the June 12 massacre by 29-year-old lone-wolf ISIS follower Omar Mateen, Hillary blasted Trump for his self-serving ways, continuing her theme that Trump is “temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified” for president. “We don’t need conspiracy theories and pathological self-congratulations,” said Hillary, referring to Tweet Trump put out after the incident. Trump actually said it’s no consolation that he was right about another San Bernardino-like terrorist attack, this time killing 50, injuring 53 at Orlando’s Pulse gay nightclub. Hillary continues to hammer away at her narrative that Trump’s mentally unfit for president.
Hillary mentions nothing about any foreign or domestic policy issues when attacking Trump, only that he’s “tempermentally unfit and unqualified” for president. Trump’s security speech at St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, NH talked about the best way to prevent future self-radicalized terror attacks. Hillary distorts Trump’s statement about a Muslim ban, when he called yesterday for preventing Syrian refugees from being resettled on American soil. With that, Hillary raises Trump’s total ban on Muslims, when that wasn’t even mentioned. “Look, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart or he’s go something else in mind,” said Trump, prompting Hillary to accuse Trump of fanning conspiracy theories. Trump criticized President Barack Oama and Hillary for refusing to use the world “radical Islam” to characterize terrorist attacks inspired or orchestrated by known Islamic terror groups.
Obama took to the airwaves today to respond to Trump’s critique over his refusal to use the term “radical Islam” or “radical Islamic terrorists.” Reacting to Trump’s remarks proves that Obama has some quirks about using known terms like “radical Islam” or “Islamic extremists” to describe attacks on civilians inspired-or-orchestrated by renegade criminal gangs that practice extremist forms of Islam. “And the something else in mind—you know, people can’t believe it,” said Trump, referring to the way Obama deliberately avoids the use of “radical Islam” of “Islamic extremists.” Trump’s security message talked about controlling the borders, screening all refugees for possible ties to Islamic extremism. Orlando’s mass-killer swore his allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS], whether or he was deranged or not. Mainstream media looks for either or answers.
While Hillary focused on gun control, Trump questioned whether Mideast immigrants, especially Muslims, shared American values of an open society, gay rights and free practice of other religions. He cited Mateen as an example of immigrant Afghan parents, especially his father, that held sympathies with the Afghan Taliban that harbored Osama bin Laden before Sept. 11. Trump questioned why would the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service wants to grant visas to foreigners that object to American values. “Just one day after the massacre, he [Trump] went on TV and suggested that President Obama is on the side of terrorists,” said Hillary, twisting what Trump actually said. He questioned why the president has such trouble using the words “radical Islam” or “Islamic extremists.” If you look carefully at Obama and Hillary’s Syria policy, it’s on the side of terrorists.
Hillary likes to push her narrative that Trump is tempermentally unfit and unqualified for president. She doesn’t like to explain her Mideast policy of toppling dictators, exposing the region to rampant terrorism. If Trump thinks Obama and Hillary are on the side of ISIS or al-Qaeda terrorists there’s good reason. Obama and Hillary back the Saudi proxy war to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Both back rebel groups that fight along side of ISIS and al-Qaeda to topple al-Assad’s Shiite government. Hillary backed toppling Iraq’s Saddam Hussein April 10, 2003, deposing Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak Feb. 11, 2011, ousting Libya’s Col. Muammar Gaddafi Aug. 24, 2011 and now backs regime change in Damascus. Hillary’s policy of toppling Mideast dictators, according to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), flooded the Mideast with terrorism, destabilized the region and created the biggest humanitarian crisis since WWII.
Mainstream media must look at the facts related to Hillary’s foreign policy, not rip Trump simply because he’s Republican or because he’s critical of the press. Trump calls the press dishonest precisely because they don’t expose the facts over Hillary’s Mideast policy. Toppling dictators has resulted in widespread chaos and anarchy, causing over 250,000 deaths in Syria, displacing 11 million more to neighboring countries and Europe. Hillary’s Syria and Libya policy have given ISIS a green light to seize more sovereign land to run wild with impunity. Mainstream media likes to rip Trump for his Muslim immigration ban but don’t like to mention how much cash Hillary and the Clinton Foundation have taken from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States. It’s no accident 15-of-the-19 Sept. 11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia: The world’s chief sponsor of Wahhabi terrorism.