Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) slammed 73-year-old President Donald Trump for criticizing Fox News, whose network has provided a-fair-and-balanced critiques of the president. With only one news network giving Trump any positive coverage, Trump feels he has to defend himself constantly on Twitter, especially over false accusations. Since swearing in Jan. 20, 2019, Trump’s been under relentless attack accusing him of colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election. Schumer and the Democrat Party have presented a strong case for how Trump engaged in illegal activity to win the 2016 election. Even after the 22-month Special Counsel probe determined that no crimes were committed, Schumer, his Democratic colleagues in the House,Senate and the media have persisted in making the case that Trump committed high-crimes-and-misdemeanors.
Yet Schumer thinks it’s inappropriate for Trump to react to negative broadcasts on Fox News or any other network, typically advancing the Democrat agenda to upend Trump in the 2020 election. Schumer thinks it’s OK for the Democrat Party and the news media to advance any false narrative it wants on Trump but it’s not OK for Trump to criticize the media without being called a tin-pot dictator. “What kind of thin skin does this man have?” asked Schumer in a speech on the Senate Floor. “It shows he really doesn’t believe in freedom of the press. Dictators shut down the press, try to shame the press when they speak truth-to-power, which is what our press has done in the years of this republic,” Schumer said. Schumer spews the Democrat narrative that Trump’s unhinged, “thin-skinned” or “mentally unstable” but doesn’t think the president has a right to dispute the narrative.
Trump’s made no attempt to shut down the press, only respond when Democrats coordinate with the press to attack the president without merit . When you consider Democrats look to cherry-pick the Mueller Report to find high-crimes-and-misdemeanors to impeach the president, it looks like they’re putting him in Double Jeopardy. Appointed Special Counsel May 17, 2017 to investigate Trump alleged ties with Kremlin, Robert Mueller’s 22-month probe found no such ties. Yet Democrats and the media continue to beat a dead horse, hoping to find anything in the Report or Mueller July 17 testimony to impeach Trump. Schumer wants to know what kind of person would criticize the press: It’s a person indignant over false reporting. Schumer thinks the president or any private citizen for that matter has no right to defend themselves by whatever means against false accusations.
Schumer’s comment on the Senate Floor about Trump’s reactions to Fox New anchor Chris Wallace or Howard Kurtz is inappropriate. Trump, like any other American citizen, has a right to his opinion, especially if he feels he’s misrepresented or distorting his views. Schumer’s actions are so egregiously partisan, using Senate time to slam the president shows exactly how toxic today’s politics. To Schumer, it’s OK for the media to promote any false narrative against Trump but it’s not OK for Trump to speak out and correct the record. Schumer talks about Trump “shaming the press” but what else can he do to get the story right. First Amendment guarantees don’t give the press a license to engage in one-sided propaganda for only political purposes. Schumer likes to say Trump has temper-tantrums, every time Trump walks out of useless meetings with he and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
First Amendment guarantees that media has a right to report on news stories they see fit. Freedom of speech doesn’t stop someone falsely accused from speaking out. When Trump called the Special Counsel investigation a witch-hunt, he was referring to the entire media pushing the narrative that Trump colluded with Russia. Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told CBS News Scott Pelley Feb. 17 that Trump was a “Russian asset.” Pelley looked incredulous, questioning whether or not McCabe was in his right mind. One month later, former FBI Director Robert Mueller determined Mach 22 in the Final Special Counsel Report that Trump or anyone in his campaign did not collude with Russia. Yet the media reported McCabe’s interview as if it were factual. Trump wants fair reporting, not a media controlled by the Democrat Party spewing pernicious propaganda.
Schumer talks of speaking “truth-to-power” but only when it serves his political agenda to discredit Trump before the 2020 presidential election. Schumer isn’t concerned about Free Speech or protecting the press, he’s concerned about protecting Democrat narrative to discredit Trump. Calling Trump “unhinged,” “thin-skinned,” “a dictator lover” or “mentally unstable” helps the Democrat and media’s narrative heading into 2020. Democrats don’t like when Trump pushes back on Twitter because they can’t refute or censor the president’s comments. When Trump tweets, Democrats and the media called it “tweet storms” but not when they tweet the anti-Trump agenda. When it comes to the First Amendment, Democrats and their media friends are not the only ones protected. With Fox News now ripping the president, Trump only has Twitter left to tell his side of the story.