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LOS ANGELES.–Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [RFK Jr.] has been through too much in his 70 years, including the assassination of his father, Robert F. Kennedy, in Los Angeles at the Ambassador Hotel June 6, 1968. RFK Jr. took on big Pharma and other corporations for most his career not to promote pseudoscience or conspiracy theories but to protect children against the potentially toxic effect of FDA-approved vaccines. While vaccine makers do everything possible to deny any harmful effects, Kennedy has shown over the years plenty of toxicity to vaccines, eventually getting vaccine makers to remove remove mercury-based preservative thimerosal. So when the corrupt U.S. media, heavily controlled by the Democrat Party, says RFK Jr. is a conspiracy nut, they need to look into the multibillion dollar vaccine court, established in Washington, D.C. to adjudicate vaccine-related injuries.

Endorsing 78-year-old former President Donald Trump Aug. 23 was the coup de grace for the Democrat Party and the press going after RFK Jr. with a vengeance. How dare a Kennedy betray the Democrat Party, or so say the corrupt media? Kennedy explained how the press has branded him a conspiracy nut for representing families in vaccine court claiming injuries from childhood vaccines like DPT [Diphtheria, Pertussis and Whopping Cough] and MMR [Measles, Mumps and Rubella], causing undeniable injuries to some. Yet Democrats, the press and the big drug companies deny any injuries from FDA-approved vaccines. But endowing a Washington court with billions in potential damages, Big Pharma knows that their products are toxic to some folks, something RFK Jr. devoted a considerable amount of his professional career.

RFK Jr. endorsed Trump because he sees the country drifting under Biden-Harris toward WW III and nuclear war. Trump promised to end the Ukraine war as soon as he’s wins the Nov. 5 election. Trump said there’s no time to waste to end the war, knowing how aggressive Ukraine has become recently invading Russian territory. Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky has refused to enter peace talks with 71-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin. Zelensky has gotten a lot more aggressive lately after a blitzkrieg in Russia’s Kursk region controlling some 100 kilometers of Russian territory. Both Trump and RFK Jr. see war as a threat to European and world peace, despite Harris promising to carry on Biden’s policy of funding proxy war in Ukraine with the Kremlin. Biden’s policy has all but wrecked generations of diplomacy, détente and arms control with the Kremlin.

RFK Jr.’s family doesn’t understand the war-and-peace issues in the 2024 race, where Kamala Harris promised to carry on Biden’s warmongering. “We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom economic promises and national pride,” wrote five for RFK’s siblings. They should all know the flack RFK Jr. takes from the press and his own family, saying what his father Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy would have done. Whether admitted or not, Robert Kennedy would have been very concerned about war with the Kremlin and prospects of repeating the mistakes of WW II. Kennedy family members have been gaslighted by Democrat-controlled press to attack their brother, RFK Jr. RFK Jr. showed the kind of principled beliefs followed by patriots in JFK’s Pulitzer-prize winning book, “Profiles in Courage.”

Instead of rubber stamping the Democrat-controlled press, RFK Jr.’s family should be looking a the big picture of war-and-peace. Where’s the Biden-Harris proxy war going to go? Putin already said if the U.S. or NATO threatens Russian national security he won’t hesitate to use nukes to defend Russia. What’s Biden-Harris going to do if Putin decides to nuke Kiev, killing thousands, setting the capital on fire? Are Biden-Harris really going to start global nuclear war because Zelensky refuses to go to peace table? Trump and RFK Jr. see the absolute necessity of Ukraine going to the peace table to settle the conflict with Putin, even if it means negotiation and compromise. How can America have brighter future by warmongering in Ukraine, provoking the Kremlin? There’s no economic promise for struggling Americans if WW III or nuclear war breaks out.

RFK Jr. is truly a profile in courage for prioritizing what’s important in 2024 election. Aside from seeking an immediate end to the Ukraine War, RFK Jr. also wants criminal justice reform at the Department of Justice where Trump has been the victim of malicious prosecution. RFK Jr. knows all about the Russian hoax with the DOJ charging Trump for years with Russian collusion. RFK Jr. complained about how he’s been censored in the press, but, more importantly, falsely accused of spreading conspiracy theories especially on vaccines. “We believe in Harris and Walz,” said RFK Jr.’s siblings. “Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump [Friday] is a betrayal of the values that or father and our family hold most dear.” No, the Kennedy tradition is all about spreading global peace and prosperity and certainly upholding the Constitution and rule of law.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging the Bullet and Operation Charisma.