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LOS ANGELES.–After tossing his friend 81-year-old President Joe Biden under the buss, 82-year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called 78-year-old President Donald Trump a fascist, all because he questioned the crowd size reported at 59-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent campaign rallies. Kamala boasted about getting some 15,000 at her Aug. 7 Philadelphia rally with 60-year-old running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. “Donald Trump may be crazy, but he’s not stupid. When he claims that ‘nobody’ showed up at a 10,000 person Harris-Walz rally in Michigan that was live-streamed and widely covered by the media, that it was all AI, and that Democrats cheat all the time, there is a method to his madness,” Sanders said. Sanders likes to insult Trump every chance he gets, accusing him, like other Democrats, of trying to destroy democracy and set up a dictatorship.

Sanders was part of the Democrat cabal that managed to sabotage Biden’s 2024 campaign, telling him that he could not continue because he would harm down-the-ballot candidates, of course, all pure conjecture. When 62-year-old former President Barack Obama and 84-year-old former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif.) pressured Biden to get out, they used the polls as an excuse knowing they wanted to run Vice President Kamala Harris against Trump. Biden withdrew from the 2024 race July 21, then addressed the nation July 23, telling voters he dropped out for the good of the party and country, yet not saying why. Obama and Pelosi convinced Joe that staying in the race would put the House and Senate into Republican hands, an act of pure speculation. Biden has given several interviews but refuses to level with the public on the real reason why he dropped out.

Bernie leaps to all kinds of conclusions about the reasons behind questioning crowd size at Trump rallies. Trump’s detractors in the liberal press minimize the size of his rallies despite knowing he holds the largest rallies in modern history of campaign. His following is loyal to a fault because the find themselves so informed—and entertained—by Tump’s presentation to large crowds. No politician holds a more compelling campaign rallies than Trump, breeding envy and resentment by Democrat politicians. Bernie vouched for Biden one day before Biden dropped out the race July 21, telling Democrats “to stop bickering” because Biden would be the Democrat Party’s 2024 nominee. How did that turn out? Bernie played both sides against the middle, pretending, on the one hand, to be an ally of Biden’s, while at the same time, working with Obama and Pelosi to get him out.

Bernie likes to focus on Trump because it scores points with progressives in the Party, demonizing Trump as the personification of evil. “Clearly, and dangerously, what Trump is doing is laying the groundwork for rejecting the election results if he loses,” Bernie said, in his paranoid state, only considering Trump’s evil intent. “If you can convince your supports that thousands of people who attended an televised rally do not exist, it will not be hard to convince them that the election returns in Pennsylvania, Michigan and elsewhere are ‘fake” and ‘fraudulent,’” Sanders said. Sanders knows that Kamala is no campaigner compared to Trump but can’t admit she’s a boring candidate. Democrats continue the honeymoon with Kamala after tossing Biden under the bus. Only after the DNC convention will it occur to Democrats that they have a weak candidate.

Bernie wants to use Trump comments to prove it undermines democracy, when, in fact, Democrat undermined democracy with Biden. Biden won the Democrat primaries virtually unopposed, then came the disastrous June 27 CNN debate with Trump in Atlanta. Biden looked incoherent, confused like he suffered from age-related cognitive decline. Joe said he had a bad night, something confirmed by Dr. Anthony Fauci who said Joe was probably on antihistamines, making him look bad. Bernie and Kamala also vouched for Joe with Kamala saying one day before he dropped out, that Joe was sharp as a tack. Kamala told voters that Joe did not have any memory or cognitive issues that affect whether he could continue in the 2024 race. Yet Pelosi and Obama hounded Joe out of the race, fearing would drag Democrats down trying to take the House and retain the U.S. Senate.

No one presents more sanctimonious than Bernie, often lecturing the country on the superiority of Democrat Socialism. Bernie talks about Trump undermining democracy when he, Pelosi and Obama conspired with Democrats to have Joe removed from the 2024 race. “This is what undermining democracy is all about,” Bernie said. “This is what fascism is all about,” Bernie said, not admitting how he and other Democrats sabotaged Biden’s 2024 campaign. “This is why we must do everything we can to see that Trump is defeated,” Bernie said, exposing his undeniable hypocrisy when he and fellow Democrats denied Joe the nomination. Bernie has no problem with the corrupt Department of Justice accusing Trump without probable cause of fabricated crimes. When it comes to fascism, Sanders likes to excuse himself, while demonizing Trump for committing multiple fake felonies.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.