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LOS ANGELES.–Calling himself the “transition president,” 81-year-old President Joe Biden gave his best excuse why he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race July 21. Biden fought like a tiger to continue leading the Democrat ticket after his disastrous June 27 CNN debate with 78-year-old President Donald Trump. Biden was seen by 70 million Americans looking incoherent for the 90-minute debate, prompting his adviser to say “he had a bad night.” Joe even had former Covid-19 czar Dr. Anthony Fauci conjecture he was on antihistamines for a cold that accounted for his poor performance. Vice President Kamala Harris, 59, insisted the day before Biden dropped out that he was sharp as a tack, detected no memory or cognitive problems. One day later, Biden was hounded off the campaign. Biden told CBS News Robert Costa that he was a “transition president,” never expecting to run for a second term.

One day before Biden called it quits, 82-year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders admonished Democrats to stop “bickering” over Biden’s 2024 presidential campaign because Biden would be the party’s 2024 nominee. Then, 62-year-old former President Barack Obama and 84-year-old former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), pushed him out the door, telling Biden he would hurt Democrat down-the-ballot races. “What happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic,” Biden said. “When I ran the first time, I thought of myself as being a transition president. I can’t even say how old I am, it’s hard for me to get it outta my mouth,” Biden said. Biden of course continues to make excuses because he refuses to admit the truth that he has memory and cognitive issues.

Biden doesn’t want the press second guessing when he started to develop memory and cognitive issues because some Republicans, like 78-year-old President Donald Trump, warned about Biden’s memory and cognitive problems in the 2020 campaign. Democrats and the press covered up Biden unending gaffes, making more excuses but never admitting he had serious memory and cognitive issues that affected his job. When former Special Counsel Robert Hur issued his final report Feb 5 on Biden’s breach of classified documents, he said Biden suffered from age-related memory decline, stating he couldn’t face a trial because of his disabilities. Democrats and the press blamed the GOP for smearing Biden, even though Hur was a nonpartisan Special Counsel. Hur was accused by Democrat of breaching his duty as Special Counsel commenting on Biden’s memory.

What appears like acceptance today, Biden was anything but during the month after the CNN debate. Republicans made the point that Biden should be relieved of his duties as commander-in-chief, believing his decisions endangered U.S. national security. Biden fought off his Democrat colleagues for nearly a month before it was inevitable that he would be forced to withdraw from the 2024 race. Biden refuses to level with the American public because he’s worried about his legacy only months before his term runs out Jan. 20, 2025. “We have got to win Pennsylvania, my original home state. He and I are puttn’ together a campaign tour [with Gov. Josh Shapiro] in Pennsylvania,” Biden said. “And I’m gonna do whatever Kamala thinks I can do to help her most,” Biden said. Biden’s presence on the campaign trail only hurts Kamala by reminding voters how he refused to get out of the race until he was threatened by Democrats concerned about losing the House and Senate.

Biden’s biggest help to Kamala would be to disappear until after the election, not schedule him as a keynote speaker on the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Biden only reminds Democrat voters about his stubborn resistance for nearly a month throwing the Democrat Party in chaos. Speaking at the DNC convention, Biden reminds Democrat voters, but Republicans too, that he was unfit for office, not to mention a second term. Biden’s presence at the DNC or on the campaign trail reminds voters of the Biden campaign’s conspiracy with the press to cover-up his disabilities. Kamala would be far better off to keep Biden off the DNC stage or give him a minor role. Giving him primetime to speak raises more questions about his fitness for duty but also how the media and corrupt U.S. press covered up his memory and cognitive problems for years.

Biden wants to write his own history on why he exited the 2024 presidential race. He wants to deny that he has memory and cognitive problem that embarrassed him, his party and the country at the June 27 CNN debate in Atlanta. Watching Dr. Anthony Fauci vouch for Joe shows just how corrupt he was during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, using his position to attack former President Donald Trump. Kamala was the last Democrat Party official to say Biden was sharp as a tack before he dropped out July 21. Biden can’t set the record straight for why he dropped out. He was forced out of the race when the public saw firsthand at the June 27 CNN debate the severity of his memory and cognitive impairments. Biden wants to rewrite history but let the record show that he was forced out the race when his party saw firsthand he was not fit as commander-in-chief.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.