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LOS ANGELES.–Former CIA Director John Brennan, 68, praised former President Joe Biden, 81, for the recent prisoner swap as “remarkable display” of “successful diplomacy,” calling the 24-member exchange an “unprecedented deal.” “It is an unprecedented deal,” Brennan told MSNBC’s Al Velshi,” praising the accomplishment when, in fact, there’s nothing “successful” about Biden’s diplomacy with Russia, given the Ukraine proxy war that has all but wrecked generations of diplomacy, détente and arms control with Russia. “And it is a remarkable display of very effective and successful statecraft and diplomacy by the Biden-Harris administration,” said Brennan, knowing the deteriorated state of U.S.-Russian relations. Brennan was the CIA Director when he launched in 2016 with 63-year-old former FBI Director a James Comey counterintelligence investigation of 78-year-old former President Donald Trump.

CNN and MSNBC are the epitome of fake news, using their media’s platform to attack Republicans to advance a Democrat Party agenda. Calling the Biden administration “successful diplomacy” is an outrage considering that Biden funds proxy war in Ukraine with the Kremlin has all but destroyed U.S.-Russian relations. Brennan calls Biden’s “statecraft” “successful diplomacy” with Russia when he’s brought the European Continent closer to WW III than any other U.S. president. While it’s true that Gershkowich and Whelan got out of Russian jail, it’s also true that a FSB hit-man Vadim Krasnikov serving a life sentence in Germany was also released. “This is a continuation of the ongoing dialogue between the United State and Russia about getting individuals released,” Brennan said. Brennan was one of the most corrupt Obama administration officials using the CIA for political hits.

Brennan was embroiled in the same partisan scandal at the Justice Department and FBI that got Comey fired May 8, 2017. Brennan worked with the late Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) to get Comey former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research about Trump in 2016 AKA “The Steele Dossier,” accusing Trump of Russian collusion. Brennan worked closely to see Trump convicted of Russian collusion, where there wasn’t any. Brennan has no problem using the CIA for political persecution as common practice during the Obama and Biden administrations. Supreme Court’s July 1 immunity decision relates directly to justices watching abuses at the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA and National Security Agency [NSA] for the purpose of political persecution. Only by extending presidential immunity can the Supreme Court guard against government weaponization.

Brennan is a political animal and didn’t hesitate to persecute Trump to help Hillary win the 2016 presidential election. No one from the Obama administration was ever prosecuted for conspiring to sabotage Trump’s 2016 campaign for the purpose helping Hillary get elected. “We remember all those still wrongfully detained or help hostage around the world. And reaffirm our pledge to their families: We see you,” Biden said. “We are with you. And we will never stop working to bring you love ones home where they belong,” Biden said, knowing that his proxy war in Ukraine with the Kremlin prevents normal diplomatic relations. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), 40, said that former President Donald Trump presence in the 2024 race influenced Putin to cut his best deal now before Trump wins the election Nov. 5. Putin thinks the prisoner swap would be less favorable to Russia if Trump wins.

Brennan is the last one to talk about U.S. diplomacy under former under Biden or former President Barack Obama. Brennan helped orchestrate the Feb. 22, 2014 coup that toppled the Kremlin-backed Kiev government of Viktor Yanukovych. Brennan lent CIA support to Ukraine’s Maiden Revolution, where former heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko led a revolt against the Kremlin-backed government. Today’s proxy war in Ukraine directly relates to when Biden was Vice President, allowing Russia to annex the Crimean Peninsula March 1, 2014, only days after Putin hosted the Sochi Winter Olympics. So, Brennan played a role in wrecking U.S.-Russian relations all because Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky wants to kick every Russian soldier out of Ukraine. Three years into his war with the Kremlin, Zelensky destroyed Ukraine’s infrastructure and lost over 20% of Ukraine’s territory.

If Brennan thinks Biden is really such a good statesman, why did he join other Democrats and tossing Joe under the bus, replacing him with 59-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris. Harris promises to continue the Biden policy of perpetual war with the Kremlin. Wall Street Journal Editor-in-Chief Emma Tucker expressed gratitude to Biden. We are “grateful to President Biden and his administration for working with persistence and determination to bring Evan home rather that see him shipped to a Russian work camp for a crime he didn’t commit,” Tucker said, referring to Gershkowich charged with spying. Tucker did nothing other than make it more difficult to get out Gershkowitz calling Putin and his Kremlin cronies corrupt officials. Brennan showed how disingenuous U.S. officials saying Biden has good relations with the Kremlin, when the two sides are close to WW III.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.