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LOS ANGELES.–Just as 78-year-old President Donald Trump accepted the GOP nomination in the most lengthy, entertaining acceptance speech in U.S. history, 81-year-old President Joe Biden finds himself convalescing at his Rehoboth, De. vacation home with his third bout of Covid. Biden knocked himself out of the presidential race June 27 at CNN’s Atlanta debate, showing the public his true state of mind. Trump didn’t have to say much other than look at Biden with incredulity to tell the whole story, watching Biden self-destruct on the national stage. White House strategists have spent weeks in damage control trying to rehab Biden but the public saw enough of the senile president, suffering from obvious age-related cognitive decline. But how long has Biden’s cognitive decline gone on? Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (D-Calif.), 59, says it’s his whole presidency.

Biden’s handlers, mainly his wife Jill, sister Valerie Plame and chief strategist Mike Donilon, have kept him away from the press as much as possible since the 2020 campaign. While Biden occasionally speaks at press events, the questions are usually given in advance to designated journalists, all of whom agree to play by very strict White House rules over Biden’s press exposure. Trump said in the 2020 campaign that Biden suffered from cognitive impairments related to age-related dementia, something the Biden campaign and press denied. But with revelations about Biden’s disabilities, it’s clear that the press conspired with the White House to shied Biden from too much press exposure for years before the rude awakening at the June 27 CNN debate. What was Jill, Valerie and Donilon thinking sending Joe into the Lion’s Den for a debate?

What’s more clear than ever, as Biden’s team contemplates withdrawing Joe from the 2024 campaign, is that he wasn’t fit for debate, no matter how much preparation they gave him. All of Biden’s strategists preparing him for the June 27 debate knew all about his cognitive deficiencies that would leave him embarrassed, humiliated and damaged after the debate. So, why would they have agreed to a debate at the early date of June 27, three months before normal debates were scheduled? Whether admitted to or not, White House strategists set Joe up for failure knowing he’s be replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris. Jill and Valerie Owens should have never agreed to Joe debating on a national stage, knowing Joe’s progressing memory problems and dementia. Everyone working with Joe on debate preparation knew that he shouldn’t go ahead with the debate.

Because the debate was scheduled out-of-sequence for normal debate scheduling, it’s clear that some White House officials wanted to sabotage Joe to turn the Democrat nomination over to Vice President Kamala Harris. Judging by recent involvement by 62-year-old former President Barack Obama, who’s teamed up with 84-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), 73-year-old Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and 53-year-old House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Biden has been sabotaged in a palace coup. Democrats seeking to put Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket did everything possible to undermine Joe and push him out of the 2024 race. Whether he deserves to pushed out or not is anyone’s guess. But one thing has become obvious: Biden was methodically sacrificed with an unusually early debate to make room for Kamala.

Former Biden chief-of-staff Ron Klain, now a personal adviser, thinks Biden should resist attempts to oust him from the 2024 campaign. “I think he’s feeling the pressure,” Klain said, saying, “I want Biden to stay in.” ”There was a much more dignified way to do this if this is what they wanted,” Klain said. “This is no way to treat a public servant who has done a lot for this country,” Klain said, refusing to acknowledge a palace coup has taken place. Since the June 27 debate, Biden’s closest advisers have done everything with damage control to rehab Joe’s wrecked public image. Klain knows that Biden has been protected from the press for years but was fully exposed in the CNN debate as not being fit for the 2024 campaign but also for President of the United States. Biden has duped the public for years, making one bad domestic and foreign policy decision after another.

Trump pointed out in his RNC acceptance speech last night all the damage Joe has done to economy and foreign policy. Getting the U.S. into a proxy war against the Kremlin was a real doozey. Biden ended decades of diplomacy, détente and arms control dating back to President Harry Truman. When it comes to the economy, every voter knows they’ve lived under Biden with one of the worst inflationary cycles in the last 40 years but few recognize the damage to U.S. foreign policy and national security. Whether admitted to or not, the palace coup has taken place with Biden only days from being forced out. “The House is on the brink,” said Brian Wolf, treasurer of the House Majority PAC. “These candidates don’t deserve that,” referring to if Biden stays he’ll drag down all the down-ballot candidates, handing Republicans decisive control of the House and Senate.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.