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LOS ANGELES.–President Joe Biden, 81, called into MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” today with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinski, the most liberal pro-Biden radio talk show in the country, telling the hosts “I’m not going anywhere.” Biden has been responding to calls from many Democrat sources asking him to pass the baton of 58-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris. Joe has many reasons for not stepping aside, insisting he’s the one with the best chance of beating former President Donald Trump in the November 5 presidential election. Joe’s judgment has been clouded by his age-related cognitive decline that left him incoherent when debating Trump June 27 in Atlanta. Nearly 70 million Americans watched Joe incapable to putting his thoughts together in an orderly manner, appearing lost, mumbling, fumbling and bumbling through the 90 minute debate.

Joe embarrassed himself and the nation at CNN’s June 27 debate, leaving Democrats and the liberal press in chaos trying to defend the indefensible. Joe showed in the debate he’s not fit at commander-in-chief and certainly not to ask voters to give him four more years. “The bottom line here is that we’re not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere,” Biden repeated himself, stating emphatically that he will not bow to outside pressure, no matter where it comes, to step aside from the 2024 campaign. “I wouldn’t be running if I didn’t absolutely believe I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024,” Joe told Mika and Scarborough. Mika and Joe didn’t challenge Biden with recent polls showing that Vice President Kamala Harris matches up better with Trump that he does. CNN pundit, former President Barack Obama’s chief strategist David Axelrod, said Biden could lose by a landslide.

Biden said he’s 100% convinced that he’s the best man to beat Trump because he did it in 2020, during the height of the Covid pandemic that frightened voters into picking Joe for president. Joe’s faulty judgment concludes that he beat Trump because of his charismatic personality and long political track record. “We had a democratic nominating process where the voters spoke clearly. I won 14 million of those votes,” Biden told Mika and Scarborough. Joe doesn’t admit that the Democrat Party and media has conspired to present him for the last four years as a cognitively intact person, when, in fact, he suffers from age-related cognitive decline as evidenced clearly in his June 27 debate performance. Joe called it a one-time bad night but those paying attention knows that the same incoherency, gaffes and verbal stumbles are common it Joe’s campaign events and interviews.

Mika asked Joe whether he could assure that he wouldn’t have another bad night like the last debate. “Look at my career. I have no had many of those nights. It was a terrible night and I really regret it happened,” Biden said, not admitting that the White House and Democrat strategy is to keep him away from off-the-cuff interviews where he doesn’t have the value of a teleprompter or prepared notes. Recent reports indicate that Biden’s handlers giving interviewers questions in advance, assuring the Joe has carefully rehearsed answers in advance. Biden keeps saying he beat Trump in 2020 and he would do it again in 2024. But Biden ignores all the polls that give him the lowest approval ratings at 38% of any party nominee in modern history. Biden ignores all the polls that show him, like Axelod said, losing to Trump in November by a landslide, not a close race.

Biden doesn’t admit he has an unfavorable track record in 2024 racked by high inflation and costly foreign wars. “He’s just a liar and he hasn’t done a damn thing since the debate. He’s been riding around in a golf care for 10 days down in Mar-a-Lago talking with his wealthy friends,” Biden told Mika and Scarborough, showing exactly why he’s not fit for president. His insults of Trump were right in line with normal banter on “Moring Joe,” one of the most anti-Trump liberal shows on national radio. But Biden’s analysis if so primitive, so childlike, he can’t even recall his White House talking points that says Trump is a threat to American democracy, seeking a new dictatorship. Even the public has grown weary of White House worn out talking points, knowing they’re so far off the wall. Biden is left asking the public to believe him not their own eyes-and-ears.

Biden has been offended by Republican talking points that he doesn’t enjoy Black support. Remember about all this talk about how I don’t have the Black support. Give me a break. Come with me. Watch!” Biden shouted to Mika and Scarborough. Biden is right about the vast majority of Blacks voting Democrat, regardless of Biden’s actual physical and mental disabilities. “I’m getting frustrated by the elites—not you guys—the elites in the party, oh, they know so much more. Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me. Announce for president, challenge me at the convention,” Biden said. Biden doesn’t like hearing that major Democrat donors that pulled his funding, asking for him to step aside and let Kamala run. Biden’s defiance doesn’t mean that he won’t step down sometime soon. It only means he’s been programmed by his handlers to show defiance.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.