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LOS ANGELES.–Insulting 71-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin at a 80th D-Day celebration in Omaha Beach, France, 81-year-old President Joe Biden continued to throw gasoline on the fire with the Ukraine War raging out of control. At anytime the Ukraine War could skip borders and spread to other European countries with Biden doing nothing to end the conflict through diplomacy and negotiation. Since taking office three-and-half years ago, Biden can’t engage in global diplomacy, especially with U.S. adversaries Russia and China. Biden is the first president in U.S. history to go to war against the Kremlin, ending decades of diplomacy, détente and arms control, trying to bridge differences with Communist rivals, leaving Europe and the world in the most vulnerable state since WW II. After the widespread destruction of WW II, all civilized nations committed to a lasting peace.

Biden thinks he can fund proxy war against the Kremlin, backing Ukraine war with Moscow over a Feb. 24, 2022 invasion that left Ukraine in a state of war. Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky opted for war with the Kremlin over peace, insisting without the war Putin would take over parts of Europe. Putin denied in an interview with former Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson March 8 that he had any interest in going to war against NATO. When talking about the Ukraine War, Putin said it was about U.S. encroachment in Eastern Europe, with Biden arming Ukraine to the teeth, after the Feb. 22, 2014 CIA-backed coup that toppled the Kremlin-backed government of Viktor Yanukovych. Once Yanukovych was toppled by the so-called Maiden Revolution, Putin annexed Crimea to protect his Sevastopol naval base. Biden was former President Barack Obama’s Vice President during the coup.

Obama and Biden did nothing to stop Russia’s annexation of Crimea, instead began arming Ukraine to defend itself against further Russian intrusion into Ukrainian territory. By the time the Feb. 24, 2022 Russian invasion took place, Putin had spent months asking Biden to renegotiate a Ukrainian security plan, saying the current situation of the U.S. arming Ukraine was unacceptable. Biden rejected all of Putin’s overtures over several months to find a peaceful resolution to what Putin called a threat on the Russian border. When the invasion took place, it was no surprise to anyone, since Russian troops had been amassing on the Ukrainain border for at least six months. Instead of brokering a peace deal, Biden decided to fund Ukraine’s war with the Kremlin, leaving Ukraine in ruins, eventually bankrupting the Kiev government, leaving Ukraine dependent on U.S. government aid.

As the three-year-war progressed, Ukraine continues to lose sovereign territory, no matter how many weapons-and-cash it receives, largely because of Russia’s superior military force. Yet since the war started, the U.S. and Ukraine circulated rumors that Putin had a terminal illness and the Russian military was near collapse, all baseless propaganda designed to demoralize the Kremlin. U.S. and the Western Alliance slapped Russia with punitive economic sanctions, including a global Russian oil embargo hoping to drive Russia out of Ukraine and back within its borders. But all the sanctions promised by Biden backfired, when Biden alienated Communist China by threatening to create a NATO-like coalition against Beijing in Indo-China. Chinese President Xi Jinping, 70, responded by joining an economic, military and strategic alliance with Russia to confront U.S. economic sanctions.

Biden called Putin a “soulless killer” from the day he took office, driving U.S.-Russian relations to a post WW II lows. Biden continues to insult Putin at a D-Day commemoration in France two days ago. “He’s a dictator, and he’s struggling to make sure he hold his country together while still keeping this assault going,” Biden said, saying he had given Kiev permission to hit Russia with U.S. and NATO weapons in Russian border territories. Putin responded in kind to Biden’s hostile remarks, saying he would consider arming U.S. adversaries to strike Western targets. No one’s saying anything to Biden about insulting Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, now in an alliance to confront U.S. foreign policy in Europe and Asia. Biden has made any possible peace in Ukraine unlikely, continuing to supply Kiev with the weapons needed to keep the war going indefinitely.

Biden has all but wrecked U.S. foreign policy and national security with U.S. adversaries, continuing to insult Putin and Xi, driving them into the close economic, military and strategic alliance that shows no signs of changing anytime soon. Calling Putin and Xi dictators doesn’t help the situation, only panders to anti-Russia and Anti-China sentiment on Capitol Hill. But Biden has made the world a dangerous place, assuring that China buys more oil and natural gas from Russia for the foreseeable future. “They’ve changed the situation for the worst,” Putin said a global economic forum in St. Petersburg. “And they will continue to deteriorate this international situation and undermine international security,” Putin said, referring to Biden’s decision to allow Kiev to use U.S. weapons to strike inside Russia. Biden guarantees that he will keep the war in Ukraine going indefinitely.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.