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LOS ANGELES.–Dr. Anthony Fauci, 83, was grilled by Republicans in the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic today, facing accusations that he covered up his role in funding “gain-of-function” research at his friend Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, but, more importantly, covered up the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus. Fauci called former President Donald Trump’s April 30, 2020 claim that the virus came from a Wuhan, China bioweapons lab “a conspiracy theory.” House Democrats universally defend Fauci, seeking to shield Fauci’s role in covering up the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus that Fauci insisted occurred naturally, spreading from animals to humans at a Wuhan wet market. Fauci considered any suggestion that the deadly novel coronavirus was lab-created was a reckless conspiracy theory, something he denies he ever did.

Why Republicans and Democrats are on opposite sides of the Fauci controversy displays for all to see the highly partisan nature of the Covid-19 debate. Republicans and Democrats should work feverishly to stop another global pandemic caused by utter negligence and culpability of U.S. and foreign researchers engaged in dangerous “gain-of-function” experiments on otherwise harmless bat-originated coronaviruses. Democrats have been covering for the National Institutes of Health and Fauci for years, since their friends in the liberal press wrote countless articles dismissing the lab-leak theory that turns out the only plausible explanation for the virus. Democrats don’t want to admit before the 2020 election that they worked hand-in-glove with Fauci to cover-up the origin of the deadly virus that killed over 1.1 million U.S. citizens.

Republican House-controlled Select Committee went after Fauci with abandon, something he’s been used to in the past. “Americans were aggressively bullied, shamed and silenced for mere questioning or debating issues such as social distancing, masks, vaccines or the origins of COVID,” said Chairman Bran Wenstrup (R-Ohio) in opening remakrs. Wenstrup would have been more productive pointing to Fauci’s emails with EcoHealth Alliance CEO Peter Daszak, thanking Fauci for supporting the idea that the virus occurred naturally in a Wuhan wet market. Daszak wrote a letter to the British Medial Journal Lancet together with 27 scientists saying that the virus likely occurred naturally, disputing the lab-leak theory. Fauci thanked Daszak because both knew that Fauci funded EcoHealth Alliance millions in grant dollars to study bat coronaviruses.

When President Joe Biden took office Jan. 20, 2021, he ordered his National Security Advisor Avril Haines to take several months to report back on the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus. Haines completed her inquiry June 22, 2021 concluding that the origin may never be known because China was not cooperating with the U.S. But Haines knew that there was a high likelihood that the deadly virus was hatched from the Wuhan bioweapons lab of Shi Zhengli. Zhengli’s lab was visited by Peoples Liberation Army [PLA] virologist Chen Wei on several occasions, especially after the deadly novel coronavirus began killing hordes of Chinese citizens. Chinese President Xi Jinping, 70, spoke to the Chinese Central Committee Feb. 14, 2020, saying he was ordering his Ministry of Technology to tighten up biosecurity at virology labs. Yet knowing all this Fauci insisted, with his friend Peter Daszak, that the origin of virus was natural from a Wuhan wet market.

Fauci has denied for years that he funded “gain-of-function” research, even though Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance gave Zhengli’s lab nearly a million dollars. So, when Fauci says the NIH did not fund dangerous “gain-of-function” research on bat coronviruses he’s only partially correct, since the NIH funded Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. “The accusation being circulated that I influenced the scientists to change their minds by bribing them with millions of dollar in in grant money is absolutely false, and simply preposterous,” Fauci told Wenstrup. Fauci covered his tracks well when it came to the role he played in funding Daszak’s EcoHealth alliance that paid Zhengli to study morphing harmless bat viruses into deadly contagions that eventually leaked in Wuhan and unleashed the deadly novel coronvirus plague to the world, causing nearly 8 mlllion deaths worldwide, over 1.1 million in the U.S.

Republicans wants to know if Fauci used a private email to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act for communications with Peter Daszak and other related to funding dangerous “gain-of-function” research at Zhengli’s bioweapons lab. Democrats and the press made a federal case against Trump’s management of the Covid-19 global pandemic, claiming he didn’t take it seriously when the deadly outbreak occurred in late 2019 or early 2020. Fauci repeadly called Trump’s statement about the virus coming from a Wuhan lab an unfounded conspiracy theory. Was it only Election Year politics or a more organized, concealed conspiracy involving Democrats and Fauci? Fauci tells the Select Committee today he encouraged all theories about the deadly novel coronavirus. Well, at the time he called Turmp’s lab-leak theory and unfounded conspiracy theory.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.