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Liberal former government officials ripped Trump for keeping possible classified documents said to threaten U.S. national security. Former Justice Department officials who worked on former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails, said the documents contained in the locked basement of Mar-a-Lago had far more national security significance than anything tied to Hillary’s missing emails. David Laufman, former chief of the DOJ’s counterintelligence division, told liberal, anti-Trump CNN that Trump committed far more egregious crimes than Hillary. Unlike Trump, the FBI recovered with their search warrant much of the missing documents. Laufman insists Trump threatens U.S. national security. Well, how would Laufman know anything about Hillary’s deleted emails and private server, since she ordered her tech company to erase all her digital documents?

Laufman said Trump was being investigated under the 1917 Espionage Act, having provisions for safe guarding government files. Laufman found nothing unusual about Hillary deleting 33,000 documents that could have shed some light on work as Secretary of State for the Clinton Foundation. Cable networks like CNN have a long way to go to report news objectively, still preaching to the anti-Trump choir. How ironic that the government worries about worthless documents, classified or not, kept under lock-and-key in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago basement. Laufman has no worries about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi whose recent visit to Taiwan practically caused a war with Communist.China. What’s more significant to U.S. national security antagonizing China to the point of breaking off diplomatic relations or even going to war? No, to Laufman, worthless documents kept under lock-and-key are more dangerous.

How ironic that Trump, while president, kept the U.S. out any foreign wars, actually kept U.S.-foreign relations with American’s adversaries workable.. U.S. under Biden’s leadership is now at war wit the Russian Federation, with China threatening to take over Taiwan. Where’s the equivalency when liberals like Laufman slam Trump for holding classified documents while saying nothing about the abysmal state of U.S. foreign relations under Biden. How are old, worthless documents a threat to U.S. national security, when going to war against the Russian Federation or China has no significance to U.S. national security? Laufman says that some of the documents found at Mar-a-Lago were designated as Sensitive Compartmentalized Information [SC1], something considered Top Secret. What’s Top Secret about Biden starting a war with the Russian Federation to defend Ukraine?

Laufman had both barrels blazing charging Trump with egregious breaches of U.S. Espionage Act. “The fact the he has SCI material out in the wild, so to speak, at risk is particularly stunning and particularly egregious,” Laufman said. What’s more dangerous to U.S. national security Biden’s proxy war against the Russian Federation or pushing China into invading Taiwan? There’s no rational perspective when it comes to liberal looking for any indictment of Trump for the purpose of preventing him from running for president in 2024. Laufman told like-minded CNN that Trump had a “consistent flagrant disregard for the protection of classified information and disregard for the Intelligence Committee throughout his presidency,” Laufman said. Laufman knows the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) fabricated Trump’s ties to the Kremlin.

What kind of regard can Trump have for the Intelligence Committee, Department of Justice or FBI, when they spent five years trying to frame him for colluding with Moscow to win the 2016 presidential election? Laufman and his friends at CNN want to make a federal cases against Trump to prevent him from running in 2024, but they won’t look at President Joe Biden’s flagrant disregard of U.S. national security, pushing the country into a proxy war with Russia, now dangerously close to a war with China. Where’s the equivalency to Laufman and CNN, knowing that U.S. national security under Biden has been threatened like never before? Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI] means nothing locked up in Trump’s basement. What means something is Biden’s proxy war against Russia and potential war against Beijing for Taiwan’s independence.

CNN has a long way to go returning to some kind of balance in its reporting, as evidenced by a colossal drop in ratings and advertising revenue. Former CNN News CEO Jeff Zucker, turned the cable network into an appendage of the Democrat Party, mirroring the same talking points as the Democratic National Committee [DNC]. Zucker left CNN under Feb. 2, allegedly because of a long-standing affair witch marketing executive Allison Gollust. But whatever the reason for Zucker’s departure, CNN’s 50-year-old CEO Chris Licht has his work cut out for him changing the Democrat-biased culture that vitiated its news division for many years. Showing that CNN hasn’t yet changed, Laufman told CNN that Trump had “consistent flagrant disregard for the protection of classified information and disregard for the Intelligence Committee throughout his presidency,” Laufman said.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.