When President Joe Biden ordered Sept. 9 some 100 million Americans to take Covid-19 vaccines or lose their federal employment or be forced to take weekly Covid-19 tests, he didn’t know it violated the 1991 Self-Determination Act. Self-Determination Act gave all patients the right to refuse medical treatment. Forcing millions of patients for public health reasons to take Covid-19 vaccines violates patients right to decide what kind of medicines or treatment they wish to put into their bodies. Biden thinks that without increasing vaccinations in the population, the Covid-19 crisis will continue indefinitely, hampering the U.S. economy. But beyond a drag on the economy, the U.S. death toll continues to rise now near 680,000 and climbing. But there’s no guarantee that with more vaccines the country will achieve the herd immunity necessary to ending the Covid-19 crisis.
Novant Health CEO Carlos Amato announced that the hospital system would fire 175 employees refusing to take Covid-19 vaccines. Amato says it only represents 1% of the total Novant workforce but feels it’s important to send a message that he backs Biden’s mandates, he’s exposing Novant Health Care of legal challenges. Whether vaccines are good for public health or not, forcing citizens to get vaccines violates the 1991 Self-Determination Act, giving patients the right to refuse any medicine or treatment at their discretion. Biden’s decision to impose vaccines mandates forces citizens to lose their lose their medical decision-making. Democrats support 1973 Roe v. Wade giving women, regardless of age or ethnicity the right to choose abortion as a birth control option. Recent laws passed in Texas takes medical-decision making out of women’s hands.
Biden has done the same thing on a federal level imposing vaccines on millions of citizens without respecting their right, under the Self-Determination Act, to decide what to put in their bodies. Biden and the scientific community cannot answer any questions about what Covid vaccines do the long-term health, not to mention adverse side effects of Covid vaccines. Recent breakthrough infections among double-or-even-triple vaccinated patients raise questions. Some anti-vaxxers question whether the vaccines are effective, especially against the Delta variant. Public health officials insist vaccines prevent severe Covid symptom, hospitalizations and even deaths. But there’s no data that validates the benefits of vaccines. Biden calls the current Covid crisis an “epidemic of the unvaccinated.” Health officials know that they have no data proving that vaccines prevent the disease or hospitalization.
Vice President Kamala Harris said yesterday that she wanted to create a global fund to prevent future pandemics. Harris knows that there’s a very real possibility that the deadly novel corona virus was created in a Chinese bioweapons’ lab, then spread to Wuhan, China and all over the planet. How’s creating a billion-dollar pandemic fund going a to stop a future pandemic when the current outbreak came from lab-leak. Biden asked Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines May 26 to get to the bottom of the origin of the novel coronavirus. Five months later, Haines won’t reveal which scientists she asked their opinion about the origin of the virus. Haines has refused to reveal her underlying sources, despite reports that she’s relied on scientists tied to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, someone known to oppose the lab-leak theory.
Mandating vaccines violates the 1991 Self-Determination Act giving patients the right to refuse medical treatments. It’s not a public health issue when the virus originated in a Wuhan Institute of Virology lab, did not occur naturally as Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has said since the beginning of the pandemic. Fauci knows the SARS CoV-2 is nothing like 2003 SARS CoV-1 that only infected 8,000 worldwide, with only 700 deaths. Only “gain-of-function research, where scientists enhance the lethality of the virus, could account for differences between SARS CoV-1 and SARS CoV-2, where 219 million and 4.55 million deaths have occurred. Until the Biden administration levels with the public about the origin of the virus, he should not mandate Covid vaccines, knowing that the global pandemic was entirely preventable by containing China’s deadly experiments.
Biden’s vaccine mandates violate the 1991 Self-Determination Act, giving every patient the right to refuse medical treatment. No one at the FDA or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] can say with certainty that current Covid vaccines prevent the disease or prevent severe symptoms and hospitalizations. As long a DNI Haines cannot come clean about the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus, no citizen can have confidence with U.S. public health authorities. Companies like Novant will wind up in court firing employees who refuse Covid-19 vaccines. Biden breached his Article I authority mandating vaccines, when the Self-Determination Act gives all patients the right to refuse medical treatment. Whatever problems convincing citizens to take vaccines, Biden has no right under his presidential authority to force citizens to take vaccines.