Today’s FBI report that a member of the Proud Boys right wing group called someone in the White House before the Jan. 6 riot is more fake news by the media looking to tie the Jan 6 riot and mob scene to 74-year-old President Donald Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused Trump in her sole impeachment article of “incitement of insurrection,” something so preposterous it almost worked. When you consider Pelosi and her Democrat minions actually believe that Trump tried through his right wing proxies to overthrow the U.S. government, it wouldn’t fly in even the most incredulous Tom Clancy novels. House Democrats led by lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) tried to sell the Senate on a wacko conspiracy theory that the president incited the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and mob scene that Raskin and House Democrats called a violent insurrection.
Selling the public on the idea in the Democrat Party and media was easy to do, with the 24/7 network and cable news stations writing the House Democrats impeachment case. Trump told his Jan. 6 audience, according to Raskin, to “fight like hell,” meaning go down to the Capitol and create mayhem. Raskin conspicuously omitted sections in Trump’s speech that told his audience to go to the Capitol and protest the results of the Nov. 3, 2020 peacefully. Raskin didn’t want anyone to hear that Trump said peacefully. But since Raskin and House Democrats lost their case Feb. 13, they’re now fixated on what everyone knew, that Trump’s words in his speech had nothing to do with the troublemakers that pre-planned the Capitol invasion and ransacking. Since losing their impeachment case, Democrats pretend that the Proud Boys or any other right wing groups are linked to the White House.
FBI officials announced today that some cell phone records indicate that a member of the Proud Boys contacted someone at the White House, pretending they have a new smoking gun. Democrats have moved the goal posts since losing the impeachment trial. Trump’s counsel told the House impeachment mangers that the Jan. 6 melee was planned for months, something that discredited their theory that Trump whipped his crowd into a violent frenzy. Now the FBI and press shifts blame on right wing groups that usually stay in the cracks of society, rearing their heads only sporadically at places like Waco, Texas or Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Trump’s counsel made the point that the profusion of rioting and violence over the last year were staged by left wing anti-government protesters, using civil rights and racial justice to excuse rioting, looting, arson and insurrection.
Most left-leaning publications dismiss race riots as well-justified, where right wing protests are viewed as “insurrection.” FBI and other federal law enforcement officials have been warning about right wing protesters like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Boogaloo, all of whom seldomly ever loudly protest or riot. Publications like the New York Times and Washington Post have no worries about left-wing protests that burned down American cities over summer 2020, only show concern about right wing groups. All condemned Trump for not denouncing the Aug. 11-12, 2017 Charolotteville, N.C. protests, deliberately editing out his statements condemning White Supremacy. So when it comes to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the media narrative is the White House worked with White Supremacist groups to plan storming the Capitol and vandalizing government property.
Fueled by recent reports about intercepted phone calls between a member of Proud Boys and someone at the White House, the media’s spewing the same disinformation as House managers that accused Trump of “incitement of insurrection.” Insurrection was taken out of the Constitution to make a garden variety riot look like a coup d’etat. House managers the media talk about the five deaths from the Capitol riot, venerating the death of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick who died after the riot. New York Times, Washington Post and other media outlets claimed Sicknick had his head bashed in by an angry Trump mob with a fire extinguisher. Sicknick became a media martyr lying in State in the Capitol’s Rotunda under a totally fake narrative. But in the Trump era, the truth is sacrificed for the good of the mob. Sicknick died hours after the riot of a stroke.
Grossly exaggerating the danger of right wing extremist groups fits the left wing narrative that only racial protests by black and brown U.S. citizens are tolerated in America. To the Democrat and media mob insisting that the Nov. 3 election was the most legitimate in history, no one knows the impact of universal mail-in voting the 2020 election results. What we know with 100% certainty is that a forceful Democrat and media campaign led to Trump’s defeat, the same lies that five victims were murdered by Trump’s Jan. 6 violent mob. Only one person died of unnatural causes. Only 35-year-old San Diego resident Ashli E. Babbitt died of Capitol police gun shot wounds. All other deaths were from natural causes, heart attacks and strokes. So when the media proclaims right wing groups are America’s new domestic threats, you know that it’s pure propaganda and disinformation. Only the smallest fraction of the white population participates in extremist groups, posing no real threat.